Top 10 Signs Your Obsessed With Dragon Ball Z 10) You wear so much weighted clothing you cant move 9) You waste all your money and time looking for the Dragon Balls 8) You eat a pinto bean in hopes that it has the same effect of a Sehnsu bean. 7) You stare at the full moon for hours in hopes that you will transform into a giant ape. 6) You inflict injuries upon yourself in hopes that your power level will go up when you heal. 5) You have someone swing a sword at you as you try to block it with your hand. 4) You put a plastic bag over your head to see if you would be able to breathe in space, only to awaken on the floor. 3) You light yourself on fire and yell "Kao Ken attack" 2) You rip off your arm and try and regenerate it. 1) You try and power up so hard your rip a huge fart and then take a dump in your pants. The top 10 living things that need to be eliminated: 10) wasps, yellow jackets, hornets (they are all about the same kill two off, the one left and bees will make up for the lost area) 9) Yankee fans (sorry, I don't like the Yankees) 8) Old people that brag about their sex life (nobody wants to hear that crap) 7) people lazier than me (if you are lazier than me, you are probably clincally dead anyways) 6) Lice (do they serve any purpose whatsoever, besides keeping Nix in business) 5) Grumpy old people that live accross the street, that throw away the your wiffle balls when you accidently hit them in thier backyard. (needless to say I have experienced this before) 4) People who ask the same question more than 5 times. 3) People who are serious all the time 2) Chinese/Japanese Beatles (these stupid blind green beatles really piss me off, do they have any redeeming qualities or are they just like lice, useless) 1) People that say this is cute, that is cute, those are cute, and just cute in general. |
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Top 10 Signs Yor're a Gameboy Advance Addict: (Brought to you by the wonderful magazine of EGM) 10) You swipe much-needed AA bateries from TV remote and little sisters Barbie Car Wash. 9) You endure severe beating at school after wearing self-engineered GBA chest mount bracket 8) You buy power amp and subwoofer to trick out stock GBA sound system. 7) After dying in Mario Bros., you scream profanely at GBA with outstretched hands about how you were "totally ducking just then". 6) You have head surgically removed to eliminate pesky light obstructions. 5) You show up at prom date's house with GBA and link cable instead of corsage. 4) You modify cart slot to accept WonderSwan Color games and Turbo Express TV Tuner 3) You look up from GBA and find yourself at end of train line next to sleeping hobo for third consecutive day. 2) You trade in entire collection of Army Men console games to purchase Army Men Advance 1) You change name to George Bernard Apesmith to share initials with favorite system |
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The top 10 Words that need to be used more: 10) elsewhere (I usually say some where else, this way is more efficient) 9) cinch (something done easily; when I was a kid I added a 'y' and the end, you know 'that was cinchy') Pronounced like this: sin-chi 8) Stanky (used to describe a funky stink) 7) fugly (shortened from F**KEN UGLY) 6) shim (this word used in action: person 1-thats a woman; person 2- w/ the mustache?; person 1-my mistake it's a man...no wait a woman, dammit!; person 2-that thing is a shim) 5) Bunghole (actually the hole on the top of a barrel of oil, but it sounds dirty) 4) Shiznit (what I say when I can't say S**T) 3) zany, wacky, funky (crazy is over used, these words can be used interchangeably) 2)masticate (always a fun word, people think you are saying something disgusting) 1) fart (I know you say it at home and in front of friends, but how come no one asks a stranger 'Man, who farted?' |  |
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