How safe or unsafe is your city? Check out this list. The closer to 1 your city is the safer...the closer your city is to 371...well, let's just say you should stock up on bullet proof vests...
For instance Irvine is pretty damn safe...while Compton...not safe at all. Keep in mind that this is in the nation so every city will not be on this list. St Louis is the worst city in the nation...Yes Moreno Valley and Riverside made the list...and Downey is safer?
So my life after graduation continues to slip into craptacularness, and I guess I am not the only one in my family either. Andy got into a car accident, luckily he was okay, but the car not so much. I guess he is also in a post graduation slump. However, since he got into the accident, and my parents insurance will be going up, and they need to get the car fixed or get a new car I feel obligated to step up and stop getting help from them...I think they have more important home obligations, so I need to get a job...yesterday...
I have now expanded my job search to include things outside of what I would like to do. If my fish tagging job does not pan out soon, and my giant garter snake catching as well, I am going to apply to Enterprise...yes the car rental company. Alex and I were talking and he mentioned that they have pretty good pay as well as quick promotions. I went to thier website, and the only position that I am qualified for (consequently the only position available) is a management training position. As it turns out all employees of enterprise started out at this position, since for the most part they only promote within the company and do not hire outsiders for management. The only requirement is a collge diploma...of any kind... so I guess I'll apply if I do not hear back from the other two jobs by friday...maybe sooner if I get jumpy.
On a separate note, steph and I got a cat...contrary to what my family has thought I do enjoy cats for the most part...I only hate getting scratched. I am very much enjoying River Cat (aka River, river kitty, and R.C.). She is very playful and she likes to nap with you...and boy do I like to nap. Steph has walked in a few times on us just napping away. She also enjoys hopping up on your lap when you are on the computer. I just have to get used to her mewing at night and I think I will be fine. She is doing it less and less. However, she really enjoys looking out the window right next to my bed. This wakes me up, but it only did once last night, which is an improvement. Okay, imma get going, I have to get to work...leights. Oh see stephs blog for pictures of River... posted by Congofeet at 4:37 PM
I'll miss you greg :*( posted by Congofeet at 4:26 PM
I woke up this morning to find greg (my green terror) flipped upside down...he is not dead, but he is having swim bladder issues... it is not looking so good... posted by Congofeet at 10:03 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006 least the Yankees are not in it...
here's to next season Dodgers. posted by Congofeet at 9:06 PM
Friday, October 06, 2006
I paid some bills earlier today, and it made me feel frustrated and depressed. posted by Congofeet at 4:58 PM
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I have not posted on this thing in a while, so I figure that I'd give it a go right now...steph and I were playing scrabble, and I was getting my ass handed to me, luckily her friend called as a reprieve for me...
So I got new tires, they cost a chunk of money, it seemed as if bob (the previous owner of the car) had never gotten an alignment, so the tires wore very badly on the inside. The guy at goodyear said that I need to get one about every couple years. Which kind of frustrates me, bob seemed to baby his car sooo much, but it was all external, and even that was messeed up a bit too. Don't get me wrong the car is great, but for a guy that prides himself on his car care he sure sucked at some of the maintenece. For instance, a couple weeks after I got my car I had to replace the air filter...that thing was BLACK! I could have planted a carrot garden in there...and I say carrot not rose garden because that thing had so much dirt. Then this tire thing comes along, they guy said that the tires were very bad...I mean common now, my tire blew out on the inside, when the outside tread of the tire was just fine. Okay...moving on...
I got a parking ticket a while back when I was helping alex move out of his apartment. I am not too sure if I ever wrote about this, but the guy who wrote me the ticket was an ass. I was running down the stairs to move my car and I even yelled at the guy to not write it, but he quickly finished it and printed it out and said "well now you bought it". It was pretty funny afterwards because this one girl who lived where alex did let that guy have it. She called him an asshole and he told her "do not call me an asshole" and she said "well I'll stop calling you an asshole when you stop acting like one". The guy got pissed and drove off. Anyway, back on topic, I submitted an appeal to get the ticket removed and a couple days ago I got the appeal. I was quite pleased, it saved me $30.
That good luck, however, has not translated to finding a job. I am still very much looking for a job, and I am pretty bummed out about it. I send out a couple resumes and applications a day, but nothing yet. There was this one job on campus, it's a fish tagging job (no I don't spray paint on them). Steph told me about it and I sent them a resume, and the guy said that they will be going through resumes in a week or that is the extent of my job search when it comes to getting responses. It makes me feel better when I get a response, even if it is no.
The apartment is about 98.3141592654% done. Steph and I have put up most of the posters, and discovered to our surprise that we have more wall space. My office area is pretty nice, even though I am in the dining room I am still pretty removed from everybody because of the placement of my desk. Oh, on a related...distantly related note, I was talking to steph about flying Andy back up here because I feel bad about not taking him out and cooking for him like I said I would. He busted his ass helping me out, and I never really got to repay him. All he got was that japanese dinner (which I think he enjoyed). But I dont know if I could get him up here again, since he has school.
Sometimes I sit back and think...I am glad that I don't have to go to school any more, I think it has something to do with the lack of having to do something when I get know, like homework or studying, not that I ever did much of the later, but you know..thinking about studying is almost as hard as studying. I think staying out of school for a little while before returning to get my masters was a good idea. I want to miss school so that when I go back I dont do it half assed; I was beginning to get complacent I think, and that is not good...although my last year of college was so much fun, especially with bodega.
Well that is all for now...I guess, though steph is still talking, I guess I'll play some internet spades until she is finished...leights. posted by Congofeet at 10:01 PM