If it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.
So not only do I not have a job, but things that require that I have money keep popping up...for example I was driving down 113 and my tire goes flat... it is going to cost between $130 - $160 per tire...and you can't replace just one, so I am screwed. posted by Congofeet at 6:58 PM
Thursday, September 21, 2006
"Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them." - Samuel Butler
Thought this was a funny quote.
Still get goose bumps watching the dodgers win that one against the padres. I know they have lost two in a row now, but they'll make it to the post season. posted by Congofeet at 12:45 AM
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Oh, did you know there was a coup (pronounced coo) in Thailand. Apparently the military is taking over the government or something...
Oh, and one last thing, how come tamo is the only person on earth who can get my commenter to work. I can see his comments on my computer, but if I were to check it on stephs it would not work...what the hell is going on. posted by Congofeet at 3:33 PM
So I have been feeling depressed again, who would have thought that it would take so long to get a job. I am not too sure if I am more frustrated or disappointed. I send out applications and resumes everyday to different places in hopes of getting someone to bite, but everyday I check my email, and sit by the phone and nothing.
I have lots of stuff at home to do, to keep my mind off of being sad and depressed, but they are not really cutting it. Most of the time when I am not searching for a job I am just kind of sleepy; and I don't think it is from lack of sleep. I was looking at the clinical signs of depression, and being sleepy is one of them...or not sleepy, but I think I am suffering from the former. I have many of the signs of depression, except thinking about suicide; I don't ever think that way, who would drive my parents insane, feed steph, and take care of my fish? I could not leave it up to other people...especially the driving my parents insane thing, I mean I know andy, mikey and kevin do a decent job, but I just have that over the top edge that is required.
Oh well, back to looking for jobs and doing nothing... posted by Congofeet at 3:23 PM
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Dodgers win yesterday...greatest ever!
Somebody hire me please. posted by Congofeet at 1:21 PM
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I was just looking at the weather in Yellowstone, because I have the link still on my favorites list, and it has snow showers and rain...what a difference a few weeks make.
I'll try and update this thing later, but right now I have to continue the unpacking..how did I ever get so much crap... posted by Congofeet at 7:33 PM
I have internet now for the first time in a long while...so...yeah... posted by Congofeet at 7:25 PM