I have a few minutes before my anemone lights turn on so I thought that I'd update this sucka. I have not really been doing much. I have been working on my experiment, but things are not going as swimmingly as I had hoped. The anemones are not really growing at all, in fact they are shrinking. This is an interesting result, but not one that I had anticipated. I have evidence (in previous studies) that show that my experiment can go either way, just to cover my bases. However one aspect of my experiment is going the way that I planned, however I need to do further research just to make sure what I am doing is okay. My allergies are killing me right now too, and it is driving me crazy. I went to target and I bought some targetin (claritin) for them. It was 1/3 the price of the claritin so I figured why not. I just seems to lessen my allergies not get rid of them, but I guess that will have to do...or maybe I can double the dose...we'll see. Well I have nothing else to really talk about, it is quite boring here, there is not much to do. Okay, we'll I guess I should go and do some work...leights.
posted by Congofeet at 8:46 AM
So I have this funny story... I was shittin bricks because for some reason or another I was extremely low on money. Like, I only had $250 left in my account... for the rest of the quarter. I could not figure out what was going on...I was spending less money in Bodega, and even though I was not working my expenditures dropped by soooo much it should have balanced out... so I was looking through my email and the school sent me an email saying that I have a direct deposit... of $1800 apparently the school had shorted me that money when they made the direct deposit at the beginning of the quarter... oh thank god! I thought I was going to die... one last thing, I just really wanted to thank my mom and dad for paying for my gas, it is a tremendous help and I cant thank them enough.
posted by Congofeet at 11:58 AM
sorry about the pictures, I have been busy...
on a separate note, my laptop took a huge fat dump on me and I am now paying for it with my sanity...that is all.
posted by Congofeet at 1:01 AM