The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
So Alex talked me into going broom balling on friday, so I asked steph if she wanted to go and she was all for friday night we went to Vacaville to the ice rink and went at it. Mind you this was with a large group (it was with an on campus club, JASS. Alex is vice president...or so he says). It was going well...well until about 5 minutes in when I managed to misplace my feet and I flipped upward and landed on my tail bone. It hurt so much, but I played through the pain. When we were done though...oh boy, it was very painful. It hurt when I sat down, it hurt when I stood up, it hurt when I is a better now for the most part, it just hurts now when I bend over, but the thing is that when you hurt your back the rest of your body compensates so my knees are really sore and my legs in general. Moving on, I am getting frustrated with myself because I am not getting the things I want to get done...done. I am not too sure why though, but I need to get my ass in gear. I am getting quite angry and I do not feel very accomplished at the end of the day. The following is a list of things that I need to get done: -Clean my fish tanks -Call Bodega about payment forms -Graduation -Call Western Digital about my non functional hard drive -Mail in my taxes which my mom sent to me (thanks mommy) I am sure there are more things, but they are not coming to mind. I have to go to bed though so I can go to class in the morning. Finally: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMMY!!!! Friday, February 24, 2006
I have this funny here it goes...George is still growing. He has grown about an inch in the past 3 months...which is drastically slower than before of course...but if by this time next year he is 4 inches bigger I think I will have problems. Oh, he is 23.5 inches now. Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Happy Burfday my love! Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I have not posted in a while, and I am not too sure why exactly. A lot has happened since I last posted, namely steph and I getting back together and making the decision to move in together. My dad was very negative on the matter, and my mom is a little more level minded though, to my surprise. I appreciate their opinion of things, but I have never disagreed with them more, especially my dad. My dad in short said that this was going to end all of my dreams...this and that, but I disagree to say the least. They also think, well mainly my dad, that hounding me about health insurance is helping them reinforce the fact that it is good. Honestly I don't care how much you are paying in comparison to how much was spent; I know insurance is good, I am not stupid. I am getting quite frustrated in fact about it being brought up, and though I know what their intentions are I do not really want to hear it any more. What it...what if... what if... this is what I have been basing most of my life on; and I have had enough. What if steph and I work out perfectly? What if both her and I find careers up here and move on to get our Ph.D.'s? Why are "what if's" so fucking negative. I am tired of it. If eveyone lived life based on these damn negative "what if's" nothing would get done, and nobody would take risks and nobody would be successful or happy. Some would say that what if's represent reality; well if that is reality then count me out. I dont feel like I live in a fantasy world, but common now, postive what if's do happen. I remember a what if I don't get into college... and a what if I dont graduate... what if this what if that; what if's are driving me insane. I love my parents (who also endured several what if's in their life) but I need to take this "risk", even though I feel that there is no risk involved. Oh, and this is for my dad: -2 chirstmas' spent with our family/ 2 christmas eve's -1 new years -Caring and helping grandma -Helping ahma with MM -I am sure there are more, but we only remember the negatives right? Steph has made me feel complete for over four years now. I remember freshman year when all I wanted was for her to be happy with her now ex boyfriend. It made me happy to see they were happy, and I was saddened when they broke up, because I felt defeated. From that, however, arose our love for one another. I slept better when she was around, I feel happy when she is around, and most of all I feel complete when she is around. Too lazy to go find someone else? Hardly. Steph is one of the only women I know that can make me laugh. She is there for me when I need her shoulder to cry on, she is there for me to console me when I screw up on a test, she is there to hold me and tell me things are going to be alright when things have gone to shit, but most of all she makes me feel whole. Okay, changing topics now I have been doing fairly well in my classes. I am hoping that this quarter will turn out well. I am starting to get excited about going to Bodega, and one of the best thing is that my quarter does not start until April 3rd while school normally starts on the 29th of march. Oh, by the way this post is spanning two days of typing, I went to the career and internship fair today. And I found out something very intereting...something that I have never thought about as a career, but it fits me almost perfectly. And this profession is ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING. I get to do all the things that I want to do...field work, research, and thats right advance myself educationaly. This one consulting firm Jones and Stokes seemed to be very promising. In fact I am hoping that I will be getting a job with them. They are based in Sacramento, and are employee owned (the firm has been around for more than 20 years). Their website is here if you want to see it. They have lots of opportunities for for my area of expertise and seem to be very promising to me. I gave them one of my resumes and the person there said that I had very good experience and seemed qualified for the job!!! HAHA, maybe this year will be a whole lot better than last year. Okay and finally, the other day I missed my grandma... I almost cried. Friday, February 03, 2006
Okay, one quick thing before I need to head off to class...there was a mistake on the midterm for nutrition, and my grade is now 100. okay, a couple more things...I had two midterms this week and I am not too sure how I did on either one of them. One was all multiple choice, but it was not really multiple choice. All questions could have either 0 answers right or up to 5, I thought it was really stupid to do this, but I have to admit it adds a new level of depth to the multiple choice...but common there could be 0 answers, that is rediculous. Okay, I need to get going, but leaves in a few. |