The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Okay, I have to study right now so a very quick summary of what is happening: Mikey is fine, he is healing very well. He now has to catch up in school after being out for two weeks, and my dad finally has to go back to work after being off giving mikey his meds. School is going fine so far, but tiring nonetheless. I got a 98 on my nutrition midterm, but this is my easy class so this is nothing really big. My first big midterm is tomorrow, so I gotta get crackin. doh, I keep forgetting to call and thank people for my new years money, I have been up to my ears with gahbage. I always remember late at night when I am relaxing though, how irritating. Okay, me go now, leights. Thursday, January 26, 2006
Here Mikey. Just click download and save. Then run it. Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Okay, so I have not published a blog in a while, and the truth is that I am not really in the mood to put one on. But since I am up past my bed time I might as well update this sucka. I have kind of been in a mostly blah mood for some time now. It has carried on from my grandmothers passing and has kept going. Even though I try to put up a normal face I still have uneasy sleep at night. It is not just my grandmother either, it is mikey in the hospital with a staph infection, my future, and other family health problems. I am hoping that these clear up so that maybe I could have a clear mind when I go to sleep at night. I drove all the way home this past weekend to see mikey. He was supposed to be in the hospital when I drove down, but he decided to get a baby for a roommate and he left early. They trained my parents to give him his medicine every 6 hours. This brings me onto a topic that I just want to say a little about. My parents have been a mess from mikey being in the hospital. They both have taken time off of work, and this has been a very trying time for my dad especially. His mother passed away, then his son in the hospital. He has been very strong in this time of extreme difficulty. Then he is giving mikey his medication at 5am, 11am, 5pm, and 11pm every day...taking time off of work to do so. I'd like to say that my parents are the world to me and I'd be lucky if I could be half as good at parenting as they are. Moving on school has been kind of boring. I am looking forward to working, but I know that when I start to work I will be wishing I could go back to school. I think I am ready for a change of pace for a while. I am very worried about what I am going to be doing after I graduate. I have this issue that has me torn inside. I love living up here and I would not mind finding a place to live around here if I can find a job. I would also not have to move my fish very far, which is a plus. The other issue is that I love southern california. The weather is nice, beaches, mountains, and best of all my family. I think the final decision is going to be made when and where I find work. I am not really too sure what else I have to say right now. In summary I guess I should say that mikey is getting better, but my dad has to give him his medicine for another week because he is not healing properly. The first wave of midterms is coming and I have to start getting busy. Right now I kind of want to curl into a ball and just fade away from the world for a while. Not have to worry about anything, not having to do anything. I'd comeback though, because I dont want to live that way I just want to be alone for a bit I think. Maybe sleep will soothe what ails me...sleep sounds good about now. G'night. Thursday, January 05, 2006
So in order to type a blog you have to be in the mood to start one, and truth be told I have not been in the mood as of late. I have been wanting to type a year end summary of last year, but alas I have not gotten around to it...obviously. However, I will just say that last year was one bitch of a year. I hope to be getting around to typing a summary. I am at school right now sitting in the silo, and using my laptop. I am thinking I need to give this thing that once a quarter reformat because I have a lot of crap on it that I dont need. So, probably later today I will be giving this sucka the old fashioned reformatting. Probably while I am playing some video game of some sort. Oh, so one final quick snippet, I am planning on consolidating some fish tanks. I am planning on combining a 30 gallon, a 20 gallon, and a 10 gallon into the 55 that I have sitting around. This should make my weekly cleaning more manageable. I am getting to old to clean all these tanks every week. Before you get smart with me I know that 30 + 20 + 10 = 60, but I am not talking about the tank gallange I am talking about the fish inside, smart ass. Okay, I am going to cause some trouble else where now, leights. |