This might sound mean, but all the deaths from the hurricane were very preventable and I honestly do not feel sorry for those that died. The only way that I could feel sorry for a person is if they met the following criteria:
-They do not watch tv -They do not listen to the radio -They do not have family that listens to the radio or watches tv -They do not own a phone for family to contact them -They cannot go outside and see this is coming
One has to meet all of these requirements for me to even think about feeling sorry for them. It is ridiculous to die in a hurricane in this day and age. They had 3 days to board up and get the hell out, and if you did not the only way to explain why you stayed is because you are a damn idiot. "Oh I went through a hurricane before, so I figured that this one would be okay" is what I heard on the tv. Hello, imbecile, the hurricane you went through was not a category 4 hurricane. The people that stayed in the hardest hit areas near the shore and what not that survived should be strangled. Even a stupid person would have said to themselves "lets at least board up the windows", but a lot of people did not even do that. Even if you waited until the last minute, there were shelters and what not that are a million times safer and stronger than that POS shack, house, or apartment that you live in.
Furthermore I do not feel too sorry for those that lost their homes in the hurricane, and I will tell you why. These people live in an area with the risk of hurricanes. We live in an area with a risk of earthquakes, but the difference is that we dont have an "earthquake season" like they have a "hurricane season". If you have a season named after the thing that destroys your house I don't feel sorry for you. That is the risk you take when you live where you do. I think when it comes to pity for people and natural disasters I feel the least pity for those in hurricanes. In a close second has to be those people who build around an active volcano. Those people are also really stupid...then those that die in a volcano eruption are also almost equally as stupid as those that die in a hurricane. Those whose homes are destroyed by tornados I feel more sorry for simply because the predictions of them are really broad. I feel the most pity for those who die in earthquakes, not because I live in an area with earthquakes, but because there is no way to predict them. If you could give 3 days notice before an earthquake you would be pretty stupid to die from one.
Now you might be asking yourself why I posted something like this, and I will answer. Today and in subsequent days people will be rescued from rooftops and so on, and they will tell their "heroic tale of survival" or some other bs like that and people will think they are great survivors. In reality though, these people are actually the biggest idiots that are on the face of the earth. The people that survived will also probably feel proud of themselves, however they are just being proud that they are stupid. I think we should congratulate these people on being lucky morons. Congrats ya'll! posted by Congofeet at 2:31 PM
Monday, August 29, 2005
David Blaine is a freaking insane magician. posted by Congofeet at 1:36 AM
Okay, so this week has been good and was just as good as I was expecting, but it was also a lot worse than I had expected. The cable is great, despite the crappy wiring in our apartment (I had to get a splitter because the line that runs through my room supplies the living room). My new tv is great also. It may be smaller than my old one, but it has way better clarity. I am thinking about converting it into a fish tank...maybe...okay maybe not, but I have put some thought into it acutally. It would definitely be made of plexi though. Okay, so now that we have gone through the good, now the bad.
My grandma is not doing so well and I think it is bothering me more than I previously thought. I have not cried about it or anything, but I have found myself reminiscing about her more and more. I thought about making some crock pot chicken (I did make some pot roast) and I also thought about those Celeste pizza's she used to buy for me all the time.
Also another thing that has been bothering me is my loan for school. I applied for it and I got denied because I do not have a job....yeah, what the hell is that bs. I have been working for about 2 and half years...straight. I am going to have to make a phone call tomorrow and tell them...well actually it is later today.
Moving on to other crappiness. It actually has to deal with my apartment. We have had new management for a while now and it totally sucks. First, they chose to water blast our entry, which would be fine, except they did not notify us that they were going to do it...and my window was open...although they did not spray directly into the fan you cannot stop water from dripping from above and into and on the fan. This pissed me off. Then the next day they thought it would be a good idea to trim the trees behind our apartment...unfortunately my plants sit on the back porch wall and were obliterated. My big leafy plant was crushed by falling branches and one of my cacti was knocked off the wall and fell. This really pissed me off, I nurtured the leafy plant back to health from near death, and it was doing really well until crushed. And the cacti was doing really well...and now it is all wobbly. I hope the roots will take hold again, I had to replant it. And finally the thing that absolutly pisses me off is that the management chose to paint numbers on 90% of the open spots and then assign them to all of the apartments. I thought that this would be a great idea since parking sucked. However, what they did is give us this new parking contract that requires us to pay $10 a month for our new crappy uncovered spot. I know that $10 does not seem like much, but we are being blackmailed into paying it. They give us this contract on friday and want it turned in by thursday. Since tamo and I have two cars we have no choice but to pay for this spot that is small and forces me to parallel park my long ass truck into some small spot. I am sooo pissed about this, and thus I get to go to the office and yell at the management. I am kind of looking forward to it...and I don't think I am going to let this slide. If they brush me off I am thinking about causing some shit.
okay, that's all for now...I think...okay I am going to enjoy my cable. leights. posted by Congofeet at 1:28 AM
Monday, August 22, 2005
so my burfday is in about half an hour, but I was looking forward to this week anyway. I am going to get a double paycheck (since my time sheet did not get turned in on time when I was on vacation), I will also get a cool $100 for watching fish for a grad student. I also get paid back for all the fish food I had purchased for lab ($50). Then to top it all off I will hopefully be getting so more rebates. I finally got the $50 rebate for my camera after fighting for it.
Moving on... my dad got a well deserved promotion... I am super happy for him, he works really he gets to work hard for a bit more money...and he also gets more pow-wa.
Oh also, I am treat Greg, Yin and Yang for hole in the head disease. They are in the old 55 on my floor. I have to keep them their for at least 2 weeks. I hope they get better.
Oh, oh another reason why I am looking forward to this week is because tamo and I are getting cable!! Free installation and then $20 a month for 3 months.
Okay, enough of this quick blurb blog, leights. posted by Congofeet at 11:42 PM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
So I got my first birthday card today in the mail, and you'll ne'er guess who it is from... go on...guess... you guess yet? need a couple more seconds? Common, guess already...okay so the card was from Best Buy! Is that who you guessed..oh, too bad. The best part of the card was the gift...that's right the gift. Now you are probably thinking.."what kind of gift would he get from there, like a $5 off coupon". Oh no, it's much better than that, it's a coupon for $20 off a $20 game...that's right I get a free game!! I also have a coupon for double points on any one item, and I have that $10 gift certificate from Best buy...oh they also renewed my reward zone card for free...they say that I am one of their best customers...yeah, go me. So I am going to be taking a trip to best buy before the end of the month because that is when all this stuff expires.
Steph and I also took the baby bettas in. We kept 4 of em though, since mine died while I was gone. I chose 2 to put in the tank that he was in. I also took one for my planted tank that I plan on setting up in the near future. Steph kept one that was really gimpy, but pretty adorable nonetheless. The rest, about 40, we split into two bags and took one to Petcetera and the other half to Ace. Doug (at Ace) gave us 15 bunches of anachris which totals about $25, then at Petcetera I got 50 feeders for George (who is currently enjoying their company...wait nevermind, he just said good bye to the last one). So I guess I saved, well steph and I saved about $40. So that's not too shabby. We are getting ready to breed Jessie again, so the fun never stops I guess.
Other than that my life this year continues to be sucky, but I know that it will get better eventually...everything happens for a reason, right? At least that's what I hope... posted by Congofeet at 12:49 AM
Monday, August 08, 2005
well, I have not really been in the mood to type a lengthy blog, and I don't really anticipate being in the mood any time in the near future. What I would like to say though is that I had a great time in so. cal with my family. We went to the Hoover Dam which was quite massive. I knew it was huge, and I have to admit that it was as big as I thought it would be. I am really glad I got a chance to see it though, too bad I could not go on the same tour as my parents who got to go way into the dam. Stupid terrorists changed that though, damn those idiots (no pun intended). After the Hoover Dam we were on our way to the Grand Canyon. I have to mention that the Grand Canyon was waaaaaaaaaaaaay more massive than I could ever imagine. I always knew that it was a freaken huge canyon, but I could not even fathom how huge it was. I think anybody who thinks they know how large this canyon should go and see it, it will totally blow your mind. I took some beautiful pictures with my new camera my love bought for me. I have put together the panorama pictures that I took and they are quite beautiful. The stitch option worked wonderfully and the panorama picture that was made of 5 separate pictures is amazing. I would post it online but the picture is too large. Well...we'll just see, maybe I can post it if people are willing to download it. Also on the trip to the Grand Canyon I ate the worst food in the history of Krause family vacations. I could not wait to get a real dinner in me after the trip. Also the gift shop totally sucked... my family had some difficultly spending the free money that we got. It was really rediculous. I ended up getting a Joshua Tree growing kit in addition to my glass. My mom got a cactus in a pot...that's a is pretty sweet. It's a real cactus, and to water it you just soak it in water once a week and it is happy. So anyway, after the trip we headed back home and saw a bitchin' thunderstorm. We made a quick stop to the Salton Sea, I have wanted to go there for some time and it was great...though my parents might disagree. I have to admit that it was a wee bit hot and humid, but it was worth it. The beach was made of some sort of barnacle exoskeleton which was weird. I also got to see some dead tilapia. After that we finished up our trip and headed home.
My mom also gave me some money to take my bro's bowling. I was forced to school them even though it was probably some of the worst bowling that I have done in a while. I could not get used to the shoes that had rubber on the soles. The ones here at school do not have the rubber and allow sliding on a flat foot instead of only sliding on the toes. After that we went to Yoshinoya, for the second time in about a week or so. It was great, I had not had Yoshinoya in a long while. Oh, my mom also bought me some Soy milk, that was great too. I finished 2 bottles in about 3 days...I could go for some more right now actually...too bad they don't sell it any where around here.
Hrm, I guess this is a pretty lengthy blog after all...meh...oh all my fish are well, George appeared to be huge when I got home, but I think I just was not used to his size. He is so adorable...eating all those feeders...too bad Yin and Yang are eating them too, this means that I am going to have to increase my feeder purchasing. This is going to get expensive so I am thinking of trying to find a cheaper alternative...maybe heading to another city to get some cheap ones...okay I am really sleepy now...leights. posted by Congofeet at 2:03 AM
Friday, August 05, 2005
This is not a "real" post which will probably happen later today, but I just wanted to tell Andy and Mikey (also who ever likes S.O.A.D) that they will be preforming on SNL this saturday. So tune in to see em. Johnny Knoxville is hosting so it should be a pretty decent show anyway. Okay, I am getting sleepy now...leights. posted by Congofeet at 1:15 AM