Well the time for me to head off to so. cal is getting closer and closer and I am getting more and more excited. I can't wait to see my family, it seems like it has been such a long time. I actually think it has been a while, I have not seen them since January. I also can't wait to go to the Grand Canyon, I have always wanted to see it. I am still having problems though, but they have lessened... well not really lessened, they have just grown on me and I have become numb. I took my truck to the mechanic today for him to fiddle with while I am away. He is hoping to take his time with it. And he is still not charging me for any of this. I offered to give him a couple hours of labor (@ $80 an hour I figure that it was quite generous), but he kept telling me no. He did not want any drinks or anything. He just keeps saying that he should have found the problem in the first place. I still feel bad though, he has done a lot for me.
Moving on I am trying to get in some work so I can actually buy some things when I am at the Grand Canyon, and when I am at home. Also, I am pretty sure that my laptop is overheating...which is why it is shutting down for no reason, so I am going to have to look into getting some sort of cooling device for it. Something that is powered by USB and also has a hub because I can't afford to lose anymore USB ports on this baby. In fact I am positive that this laptop is overheating, because it shut down randomly a few minutes ago, and when I picked it up it was burning up. Aaaanyways I am trying to finish loading pictures and movies onto my external hard drvie so that I have pics of my fish to show my family. Okay, imma head off...leights. posted by Congofeet at 10:49 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
My life right now is a continuous nightmare from which I cannot wake up... if somebody were to shoot and kill me right now I would probably thank them. My fucking truck is acting like a big fat piece of shit. I am fucking being driven insane by this stupid shit. I am fucking broke because of it... I can't even afford to eat any more either. This is probably the worst 6 months of my life... First it was I can't wait for this week to be over it was horrible...then it was I can't wait for this month to be over it was terrible... now it's I can't wait for this fucking year to be over it is dammed horrific. posted by Congofeet at 12:47 PM
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Why the hell is it still 81 degrees outside... it is supposed to be at least 100 degrees for the next 7 days... bleh. I think it might get to the point where tamo and I have to turn on the A/C or the "air con" as my mom calls it...she's so weird. posted by Congofeet at 11:09 PM
Okay, so I got this huge bug bite on the back of my leg, and the worst part is that it is located right where my leg bends behind the knee. So when I sit and move sometimes it presses up against it and it hurts like a mother. I am thinking it is a spider bite because the skin around the bite is very tender. On a separate note, I have lots of fish pics that I would like to post, but I don't have enough space online. I was thinking of getting another site and devote it solely to pictures. So I guess you can keep a look out for that. I had something else I wanted to talk about, but I have forgotten what I wanted to say...which has been happening a lot lately... I think it is actually from a lack of sleep oddly enough. I have only been getting about 5 hours of sleep a day and it is not even good sleep. I think something is bothering me so I am going to bed with a crowded mind. Okay, I am going to cause some trouble... leights. posted by Congofeet at 12:36 AM
Monday, July 11, 2005
so a weird thing happened to tamo and I, we opened a 12 pack of coke, and there was a perfectly sealed empty can of coke in the box. So tamo kept it and showed it to me... I thought it was interesting, but felt ripped off because it was coke...and it was expensive... and it was a whole can... so I called the number on the can, half kinda joking around, half curious as to how an empty can got into our box, and what I discovered was that coke has amazingly nice customer support. I also found out that 1 empty can of coke = I free 12 pack, because after taking some information off the can that is what they are going to send us a coupon for. Okay, it's time for work... leights. posted by Congofeet at 8:49 AM
Friday, July 08, 2005
George has been with me for over a year now, and today is the fattiest I have seen him in a long time... he's a fatty... with his lil' pooch belly.... such a fatty. posted by Congofeet at 1:36 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
So my project for the past 2 days has been putting in my ceiling fan, and it was a pain in the ass to say the least. Initially the job did not seem like it would be that difficult. After yesterday though, I can say that it was a pain in the ass. There were several problems that arose that needed to be fixed. But it is in and working well so far, let's just hope that it does not fall. I am fairly sure that it will not fall because of how tight I tightened it. Oh, also I got a mini job for 3 days that is going to pay $100 for about 4-6 hours of work, not too shabby if I say so myself. And all I have to do is do what I have been doing for over a year now, take care of fish... so yeah. I also was going to buy myself a new tv, but there have been several things that came up to prevent this. And the tv I want is on sale at priceclub too. Its the 20 inch dvd/vcr combo... it's a really nice tv that costs over $300 in the real world but would only cost $250 at priceclub. Okay, so I am going to bask in the glory that is my new fan... leights. posted by Congofeet at 11:02 PM
Saturday, July 02, 2005
So, I went to stockton today, its about a 45 min - 1 hour drive from here to go to a fish store with Naoki and Norm. They are big fish people also... coincidently they are a bad influence on me. It turns out that Norm has been going to this particular fish store since he was a kid so the owner knows him personally. Furthermore we got some great deals on fish. Naoki got a new 95 gallon tank with lid, 2 discus, an albino bichir, and a fancy plecostomus for $300. That is a freaken steal, the tank alone could cost over $300. The two discus (they are sissy fish) sell for about $20 each at least and the fancy pleco costs over $30. So, here is where the bad influence comes in. I just wanted to look for some essential things for my fish. First, backing for george's tank (which I purchased for $15, damn cheap!) and some parts for a filter. Then I saw a fish that I have been wanting for a long time...an ornate bichir. Usually this particular fish goes for $35 - $45, I got it for $25... and then I got it tax free! haha! I'll post pictures later of the backing and the new fish later, now it is time for sleepy time. g'night. leights. posted by Congofeet at 1:51 AM