The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
This is for everyone who owns a cell phone. Wednesday, May 25, 2005
me = +1 well working truck - $200
I am very happy with the work that was done on the truck. It is running very very quietly now. The AAP went out as well as a fuse for my carburetor. The mechanic said that the AAP had been going out for a while and then the fuse just totally killed it. Okay, that's all for now... leights. Tuesday, May 24, 2005
So I guess I have not updated everyone in a while so here goes... okay, so I took the truck to the mechanic that I researched here. He is supposed to be a great mechanic, all of his reviews were positive. So I went in and he asked a bunch of things about the truck and said he will take a look at it, and that it would take about an hour which would cost $80. So I called him back today and he told me what was wrong with the truck. Apparently my truck has this part (I forget the name of it) that gives the engine extra gas when it is cool so that it can run. Once the truck is warm, however, it is supposed to stop giving the engine extra gas. But my broken part was giving extra gas no matter what causing the engine to be flooded and stall. This is the cause of my engine stalling and the black smoke. It is going to cost $40 for the replacement part (an actual toyota part) and about $120 for labor, so I am going to be out about $160 bucks. He said it might be fixed by tomorrow, so I am very hopeful. Okay, so I have a paper to type so I guess I should get to work on it... leights. Friday, May 20, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
so I replaced the fuel filter, and the truck is still stalling. here are my truck symptoms if anybody wants to help: -It is running rich (black smoke out the exhaust pipe) -When in idle rpm seems to fluctuate -It runs when it is cool, but as soon as I put it in gear when it is warm the engine stalls. However it does stay running when in idle. -The truck seems to be burning its oil, the oil turns black pretty quickly after an oil change I have talked to a car guy, and he says that it is most likely the carburetor. I found an honest mechanic in davis after doing some research, so I am going to call him up tomorrow. The reviews of this particular mechanic were really good. Okay, sleepy time now. Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Sooooooo my truck has stopped working again. I was on the way to pick up a pizza for dinner and about 1/4 of the way there my truck just stopped running. I managed to drive it home as long as I did not take my foot off of the gas. So when I got home I called my dad, and he said it was probably the fuel now I have to go to kragen and get a new fuel filter...which might even take care of my poor gas mileage...I have already found the filter, and it looks like it is going to take about 5 minutes to replace. Oh, and my baby oscars are able to down baby gold fish now... anyway...thats all for now, alex should be here soon to pick me up so we can go. I have seen the same exact filter online, and it costs 6 bucks, but I would have to get it delivered here, which would take 1 week and cost 7 bucks. So I am hoping they have one in stock in davis or one that can subsititute for it for around the same price. I kind of enjoy doing this stuff with my truck, it is giving me new knowledge of my vehicle that I never had. Maybe I'll change the oil on the truck myself... we'll see...okay leights. Sunday, May 15, 2005
So I did not get the summer research thing that I was aiming to get, which does not surprise me any...however everyone else seems surprised. I guess I will be working all summer then... I am going to try and work for something, maybe a new stereo for my truck, but I dont know. I really would like a new vehicle. The truck is running, but it is spitting out black smoke. Looking online I found that the black smoke indicates that not all of my fuel is burning correctly so something is wrong with my fuel tract. I would like to fix it because it is giving me bad gas mileage. I do not know if I want to put any more money into the truck because it could go to the down payment on a new car, but this truck has to last me until next year, so I might not have a choice. Okay, thats about all for now, the next wave of midterms is coming up so I probably should get cracking on that...I also have a term paper due soon...which I forgot about until right now. Okay, I better get going...leights. Sunday, May 08, 2005