The Life Of Me: |
Monday, February 28, 2005
Sorry mommy, no time for fancy stuff, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!
This is what earth will look like 100 million years from now. Try and find Los Angeles, if you need a hint check up near Alaska. And Austrailia seems to have some sort of infatuation with Japan, because they have apparently made friends. Friday, February 25, 2005
The following is mindless drivel... I have breaking news to report... I have big feet... most people don't know this about me, but I am pretty self conscious about my feet. I dont like buying shoes that make them look freakishly huge (even though they are). I guess I never realize how big my feet are until I hold the shoe up at eye level and take in how big it is... oh I also know I have big feet when I ask a shoe clerk for help with a size 13 or 14 and they get that stunned look in their eyes. This week was a pain and a half, I am so tired. midterm, term paper, midterm, grant proposal... I am glad I made it through alive for the most part. So I am watching george (my clown knife) and I think he needs a bigger tank, he is pushing up over 16 inches now and that 55 gallon tank is not cutting it any more, but alas I have no money. I have a friend that is willing to buy the 55 off of me which helps with the burden of money, but I would still need to find about another $400 for the new tank. I am tired of stepping up slowly so I am thinking about just jumping up to a huge massive tank, I dont know what I am going to do when I graduate though. Tamo and I are staying at greystone for another year so I guess that solves any problems for another year. The rent will not be going up, so that was great news to tamo and I. On a related note I have to fill out my fafsa this weekend, I hate this time of year. I also can't belive this quarter is almost over... I feel tired of everything right now, I am bored of school...I am bored of work... I am bored of everything and yet I have no money to change anything... I need a change of pace, a new fish tank would make me really happy, but I cant afford it. I love fish too much I think. I went over to a friends apartment and he had a 300 gallon tank...I wish I had one that huge, I dont know if steph and tamo would approve... oh something funny... sharks use urea (its kind of like pee) to make their bodies saltier so that they have to worry less about salts getting into their body, but anyway, in order to do this sharks need another organic compound thats called TMAO... I thought it was funny because at first I thought my professor wrote TAMO helps control urea...yeah anyway, I am off to cause trouble...leights. Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Saturday, February 19, 2005
This is for anybody who owns a dryer, or even uses one for that matter. Friday, February 18, 2005
So, I got my taxes from my mommy which I will be mailing out tomorrow to get my monies...oh I also got my midterm back from my oceans class...I got a 94. So I guess this quarter has been going well so far...hope I can keep it up...okay, sleepy time. Wednesday, February 16, 2005
well I haven't updated this sucka in a while so I guess I better give everyone the lowdown on what's up. School is going by really really quickly...and I mean that in a bad way. I am going to be really busy this three day weekend with school related stuff. I have a proposal to write on suction feeding and I have a term paper to write. They are not due for a while, but I want to get a jump on things before life gets even more hectic. I am going to write a rough draft of my proposal and hopefull have some doctors read it to see what they think. I am going to give one to Dr. Wainwright so he can look it over since that is his field of expertise...and maybe if he likes it I might acutally be able to run the experiment which would be bitchin. So I have figured out that I dont want to minor in Econ. because I need to have 3 quarters of a foreign language and I dont have the units for that crap. So I am going to minor in Oceanography and Econ. Both of those are about 20 units each so I should have no problem hopefully. However I am probably going to take summer school this year, but I'll take enough units to get finacial aid so I wont go broke, which is always important. So now that I have figured everything out I can get the ball rolling in terms of becoming an independent and (since my mom finished taxes this weekend, THANK YOU MOMMY!) I can fill out the FAFSA so my mom and dad dont have to deal with that crap any more. Moving on, my dad has been telling me of the wonderful exploits of Mikey and wrestling. He is going to be in the CIF championship from what I understand, its kind of complicated how he got there, but that does not take away from the fact that he is there. If he did not wrestle as well as he did he would not even be in the position that he is in, so he should not be dissappointed with how he got to the championship. So in summation: Good job Mikey and good luck in the championship. And finally, yesterday was Valentines Day, but steph and I didn't do anything because we were waiting for today to beat the crowds. I took steph to Cattlemens for Valentines day/Birthday today and it was DEEEElish. And thats all for now...time for sleepy time...leights Friday, February 11, 2005
pissed off, this was the worst ending to a day in recent memory. In fact the whole day was pretty shitty...the morning sucked, the afternoon sucked, and the evening sucked. Allow me to recap: morning suckage: So I go to econ, which was really boring, at 8 am. I sit drinking my chocolate milk, I endure the longest 50 minutes of my life. Nothing out of the ordinary yet. So I go to my fish class, I get my outline for my proposal back...hooray, I got a 9 out of 10. This brightened my day so far. I sit down and drink so more milk and listen to the guest lecturer...kinda boring...okay really boring. Oh good, he has gone over the lecture time by 4 minutes...and what, they are passing back lab reports...oh and I need to catch the bus in 6 minutes. So I grab my sub par lab report, and take off running to catch the bus...did I mention I had just finished drinking a crap load of milk? I make it to the bus and up comes a vurp. The bus goes along...another vurp. I get home and lay down in bed hoping to calm my stomach. I pop like 4 tums and hope for the best...about 5 minutes later I yack up all that lovely curdled milk. I feel a little better, but I call steph to tell her that I cannot make it to our previously scheduled date to go to the ARC to workout. After the phone call I proceed to barf again. afternoon suckage: after the second barfing I feel a lot better and get ready to head back to school. I get my workout clothes and put them on, then I put on top my street clothes. I look at the clock, oh gee, only 2 minutes to get to the I am off again...running to the bus...I sit down and vurp I am thinking "what the hell, I thought I yacked up all this already?" It turns out that I was just a last rumbling. But that is not where the afternoon stops being crappy. I want to take the bus to the stop near the ARC, so once the bus almost gets to the area I pull the stop cord...I see the stop coming up...oh look...there goes the stop...and what the hell we are not even in the correct I get dropped off in the boonies. I was sure to let the bus driver know this time I really wanted the stop, so I pulled the cord like 5 times. I get off and go meet my love at the ARC. So we shoot some basketball for a bit, I of course missed all the time, it was just one of those days. So onto the evening... Evening suckage: So I decide to work till late today because I am going to need some money for this month. I work till 6:30 and head out. I call steph and ask her to pick me up and as we are trying to figure out where to meet my phone goes dead. So I head off to try and catch the bus only to see it driving off...yeah for me. So I found a pay phone and dialed stephs number to see how much it would cost... $.50! what the hell, when did this happen...oh look I have only a $1 and a $5 in my wallet...oh hey, the silo is closed so I cant get change there...I find a vending machine...I gaze inside...NOTHING IS FIFTY DAMN CENTS IN THE VENDING MACHINE!! A DAMN PACK OF GUM COSTS $.65!! I look around, and all there is a soda machine (which costs $1.25) and other vending machines. So I try and put my dollar in to see if it would give me change...nope! So now I have $1.00 bag of cookies and no way home...hooray for me. I try to call my apartment collect...nobody answers the phone...oh goodie...and since I dont know how much it costs to make a collect call I did not want to call stephs place and have her roommates bitch and complain about it so I just sit and wait for the next bus...I get home and now I am here...grumpy, hungry, and pissed off, what a shitty day. Thursday, February 03, 2005
okay I am about to go to bed, but I'd like to say that I got a 91% on my econ midterm and 70 on my fish midterm. Not to bad says I. I am taking the fish class pass/no pass which means that I dont get a letter grade for the class. So this quarter so far so good I guess. sleepy time now. Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Okay, so I am really pissed off. UPS freaking sucks, I hate them so much. UPS ranks up there now on my list of shit companies as number 2 only to SBC. And they are really challenging the number one spot. This is not the only time that they have not delivered a package on time. So I was expecting my RAM to come today, so I came home early to make sure that I get it. So I check online and it says that it has been reschuduled until tomorrow. This is bull, so I call up UPS and they tell me that they tried to deliver the package but I was not home. This is a flagrant lie. They said the delivery guy came at 5:09 pm and tried to make the drop. I know for a fact this is bull because I called mikey to wish him a happy birthday at 5:05 pm, and I talked to him untill about 5:21 pm...and I was outside my front door. I did not even see a UPS truck try and drive up to the office at that time. God, I freaken hate UPS.
On a lighter note I should be getting back my midterms back tomorrow. I hope I did well on my fish midterm, and I feel like I did do well on my economics we will see. I also got my lab write up back yesterday. The TA came in and basically said that he was dissappointed with the outcome. So I got really freaked out. The average was 15 out of 24. I got a 19, so I was happy. Okay, thats all for now. |