Okay, so I guess I have not posted in a while, mainly because nothing much has been going on. I am quite busy still even though I am taking less units. This week I have 2 midterms and a lab report, next week its a presentation, then the week after its another midterm...I think, I dont quite remember. I can't really type too much today though, I have a midterm tomorrow and a lab report. Today when I got home I saw George out...during the day which is out of the ordinary...then I noticed that one of his plants had been moved into the place where he sticks his face during the day. So I moved the plant back to the normal place...his tail flickered and he slowly moved back into his normal spot...I couldn't help but smile..I know he was saying thanks...okay, better get to work...leights. posted by Congofeet at 5:27 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Well...I renewed my vehicle registration...$58 for the thing. I am glad though that it was lowered back to normal, because I could not afford 4 times this, or however much it would have cost when the government hiked up the prices. Still though, the registratoin fee is only $40, and then the other fees hike the thing up $18...what a gip. Well at least I don't have to do a smog check because I can't afford a tune up. Okay, back to cleaning up my room...leights. posted by Congofeet at 5:10 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
So I had my surgery yesterday and it was interesting to say the least. I laid down, and the doctor basically grabbed a marker and drew a target on my forehead. Then he injected some anesthetic into my forehead...a lot of anesthetic...I guess the more the better. After a couple of minutes of them (the doctor and the nurse) setting up the doctor made a small incision in my forehead then began snipping with scissors. After a few snips he said he could not see anything...then he took a couple more and was like "OH, there it is, its way down there". I thought this was kind of weird because how deep can a forehead be. He pulled it out and said that he could not tell tell if it was a cyst or a lipoma now, so he said pathology will have to take a look at it to be sure. I got to see the thing, it was pretty nasty looking. It was bigger than a pea. During the operation I was talking to the doctor and nurse and the nurse exclaimed "oh, good, he's a talker." I guess they like the patient talking so they don't have to ask if I was okay every couple minutes. I also asked the doctor how long he has been a dermatologist. He said "well...let me think...I started today. I took he weekend course in Mexico, and here I am today". I laughed, and then he said "acutally I have been doing it for about 7 years now". I told him I was convinced of his certifications after the Mexican weekend course. Then the doctor and nurse laughed at me...oh, near the end of the surgery when they were stitching me up I started laughing. The doctor and the nurse seemed puzzled, and they asked why I was laughing. Then I told them "this is probably what shoes feel like when they are being tied"...then the nurse and the doctor laughed at me.
So, now I have to keep his bandage on for 48 hours...so that means I can't take a shower until friday...luckily I took a shower right before my surgery so I wont stink that much. Also I can't do any physical work until the stitches come out...which is good to hear. They also told me that I can't use Neosporin on the cut because I take the risk of getting it infected...the nurse told me that 20% of the time neosporin can lead to wounds getting infect because of a certain component in it. So I had to go out and buy (or my parents had to buy rather) Polysporin. It said right on the box that it is dermatologist reccommended.
Okay, thats all for now...leights posted by Congofeet at 7:17 PM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Stupid Blonde Girl Quote of the...whenever:
"Sometimes I can be, like, hella repetitive. Like, like sometimes I'll say something repetitively over and over again."
The sad part about this quote is that she wasn't kidding.
So, onto an update. So I have a hitch in my giddy up for double majoring. In order to get my B.A. I need to take 3 quarters of any foreign language. While I still have time to do this I really dont want to. But I might just tough it out, I am going to see an econ advisor sometime this week or next to make sure that I can pull this off. There are many restrictions that I have to go by in order to do the double major. My prime worry is going over the units cap. I have about 90 units to work with right now. But after this quarter I'll have 75 units...but I still need my units for Bodega (15 units) and one more upper division class in plant biology. Actually I might have more units left over, but I still am worried about the unit cap.
Okay, so onto more updates...I have to write a term paper for my Oceanography class...but it can deal with anything envolving the ocean...so I am thinking about writting a paper on coral reefs and fish life cycles. Also, for my fish physiology class I have to write a pseudo proposal for a research project. My topic is feeding in fish. This is great because I just happen to know a doctor that does research on fish suction feeding... Dr. Wainwright does extensive research with suction feeding, so I am going to talk to Dr. Wainwright to see if I can pick his brain for research ideas, and then maybe if he likes my proposal maybe I might be able to actually pull it off...I dunno.
Oh, also...In my fish class we disected an over anesthetized sturgeon...it was very interesting. We cut it open and the heart was still beating...the fish was dead, but eveything was still pumping. We cut out the heart and put it into a saline/glucose solution and it kept beating for a long while. The reason why the heart still beats is because it is composed of smooth muscle. Smooth muscle moves and does its own thing without being told by the brain. The human heart is also composed of smooth muscle, this is why you can rip out someones heart and show it to them beating. Now you know!
Okay, I gotta go cause some trouble...leights. posted by Congofeet at 4:54 PM
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
So...first day of class and I already have quite the quandry. I am going to be thinking things over a bit and will keep you updated on everything that goes through this lil' brain of mine. I might be dropping certain classes of mine and take others. I have to do some emailing right now to try and help with everything, but my unexpected grades from last quarter have contributed my mess. I'll keep this thing up to date, no questions yet please. Also, I know I have to get that insurance thing filled out and will try to take care of it tomorrow...as well as a butt load of other things tomorrow. I am going to go crazy and its not even the first full week of school...yay me... posted by Congofeet at 11:47 AM
Monday, January 03, 2005
So my grades were not spectacular at all...they were a lot lower than what I expected, it is kinda discouraging because I thought I did relavtively well. The classes I thought that I was going to do well in I did just okay, and the classes I thought I was going to do okay in, but I did horrible. I don't really understand. I am going to see if I can look at my finals tomorrow, and maybe do some emailing of the professors. Also, because of my sub par performance I am going to drop my workload by taking less units. Instead of the 19 I was planning on taking. I am dropping two classes (6 units) so I can focus on my important classes. Because of this I am most likely going to have to stay an additional quarter. I think I was so looking forward to graduating that I overlooked what I could actually do. I guess I bit off more than I could chew. I really wanted to be done in 4 years, but it looks like it is going to take me a bit more unfortunately. Hopefully taking a slow quarter will help boost my grades up a bit since I can focus more on my studying. Well, only a few more hours till the start of school...wish me luck. posted by Congofeet at 10:16 PM
Sunday, January 02, 2005
HAHA, this is great, you know where I am right now...go on...guess...I am at the freaken airport on wireless internet! I guess since I have some time on my hands I'll type a blog...erm... where to start...
xmas was great, my mom and dad (mainly my dad) set up a scavenger hunt for us. We had to meander about the house and backyard with clues that my dad wrote. Some of them were pretty ingenious. And of course I finally got my laptop. Its great, I bought some speakers for it as well as a mouse and a flash memory card. I am still pondering buying more RAM for it. I can get another 512 stick for 85 bucks at Circuit City...I think I am going to wait though. New Years was good...well with the exception with the post below. I am still pretty bitter about the situation, and I am angered further by a situation that arose earlier today. I don't really have too much to type though. I'll probably type some more later when I can think of some stuff. Okay, leights. posted by Congofeet at 8:19 PM
Saturday, January 01, 2005
You know I thought we loved eachother, but apparently that means to you that you can make me a piece of shit when it comes to your friends. I only asked for two days over you break, 2 fucking days and I could not get that because you would rather be with friends. Fuck your friends, what about me dammit. 2 days with me 2 and a half weeks with your friends I think its a fair deal. You fucking hurt me and I hate this shit. I am tired of being a piece of trash. Just remember friends, even good ones, come and go, but I will be here forever, but apparently that doesn't mean shit to you. I have stuck with you in the good and the bad, how many friends would do that for you...not many. This is probably one of the worst fucking things that you have ever done to me, all because you want to be with your damn friends...well I hope you had fun, and I hope it was worth it, happy fucking new year. posted by Congofeet at 4:18 AM