The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
well I tried to type a blog here but the IE had some sort of weird error, so I am goign to summarize what I typed. I am home. It is nice. Slept in today. Came in late on monday because my flight was cancelled due to fog. Had chow fun tonight for dinner, it was good. I also watched christmas vacation today, I had been wanting to watch it for over a week now. I am itching to get my hands on the laptop, but alas I have to wait till xmas to get it (or xmas eve, I am not too sure when we are going to open presents, I am pretty sure it is going to be on Xmas eve this year since a lot of things are different. okay, I better keep this short before IE screws up again...leights. Saturday, December 18, 2004
I loathe finals on saturday...whoever thought it would be a good idea to put a final on saturday should be drug out into the street and shot... then just toss him in the pile of bodies... you know... with the coaxial cable guy, the grammar guy, etc... okay, I guess I should study... oh final yesterday sucked, but not because I did not know anything on it, but because it showed up half an hour late, and the class still had to do the whole thing. I emailed the head of the history department when I got home and she said that she took care of it, and that if the class does not get an email from the professor by monday to tell email her again...ok, I guess I should study...leights. Friday, December 17, 2004
I was shocked to see a christmas card for me in the mail today. It was from my brightened an otherwise crappy day... Thursday, December 16, 2004
Driving in thick fog = not fun
I just got back from taking steph to the airport and the fog was horrific. I could only see one reflector on the road at any time. I was going 35 mph and people behind me were going the same speed. I guess I was the leader, I wanted to turn around and say "we're all gonna die you fools", but everything turned out well. That was definitely the worst driving conditions I have ever driven in. My hands are still tingly from gripping the wheel so hard. Okay, I guess I should study...Final today went well, hope the grade is actually good...k leights. Wednesday, December 15, 2004
I had this happen to me the other day, I had to hang up on the guy. When he told me that I qualified for a $8,000 grant I was suspicious since I didn't ever apply for one...and I know the government would never just give you money. I eventually hung up on him since he wanted my routing number, I guess my instincts were right. There are too many damn scam artists out there now. Monday, December 13, 2004
Well I had a nice blog typed out, but I accidently bumped my wallet into my mouse, thus erasing the blog I typed. So you get a short summary of my previous thoughts:
-Finals Week This Week -Final today, did well, hope to maybe squeeze out an A in the class -No more finals till thursday, then I have them through saturday -Hope to get that B average this quarter, I am within striking distance I think -Taking a break for the rest of today -Need to make list of things to bring back home for xmas break -Andy and Mikey should email me a list of stuff they want me to bring down. This includes cds, video games, etc. that is all for now, don't expect too many more updates this week. leights. Friday, December 03, 2004
So greystone shuts off the water at 8am and was supposed to turn it back on at 2 pm...and here I am sitting here at a bit past 7:30 pm with no greystone. Wednesday, December 01, 2004
So I am starting to type this blog on Microsoft word since blogger is kinda slow right now for some reason. I would just like to start off by thanking the Higaki family for putting up with me for the thanksgiving weekend; I hope I did not cause too much trouble for everyone. With that, I’ll go into the weekend.
Wednesday (Pre Turkey Day): My lab was cancelled for comparative vertebrate anatomy so I got back home at about 12:30. The plan was for Tamo and I to leave at 2, so we could be traffic. Tamo only has one class on Wednesdays, and it was from 12-1, so he got home about 1:30. And you know what? Tamo and I actually left five minutes ahead of schedule…isn’t that the most shocking thing you have ever read. Cumulatively we are 1.5 Asian and we freaken left early…so to commemorate the situation we went to Jamba Juice for the 2-hour trip back to his place. We got back to his place pretty much without a hitch; there was barely any traffic, which was nice. When we got to Tamo’s place I said hello to everyone and presented them with some chocolates. I got them the same ones I got for Marcus’ family when I went to his place, and his dad seemed to really like them, so I figured why not. It was funny; I asked Tamo if his family likes chocolate and he said that I don’t have to get anything…then it went back and forth…we are so Asian. Oh, Doxie their puppy also greeted me with a bark, a growl, and then an exposed underbelly to which I had to scratch. She is a very funny dog. Had dinner that night which was good cooking. It has been a while since somebody cooked me a nice hot home cooked meal, I almost forgot what it was like. After that mass video gamage commenced until about 1 am. Then I went to bed, it was weird I was initially sleepy, but Kaz and I talked for over 5 hours about politics and various other things. It was good to get to know Kaz more, my whole impression of him changed over the weekend…changed for the better that is. We also decided that he would be my vice president and I would be his. We will alternate terms so that we can have a lock on the presidential seat. We are going to run on the “American” party platform. This consists of not being affiliated with republicans or democrats, but doing what is right for America. Thursday (Turkey Day): Woke up quite late (since Kaz and I had spent most of the night and morning talking). Had lunch (it was breakfast except much later) and then we took off to go to Tamo’s grandparents house. They live right next to, pretty much, SF airport though I didn’t hear any planes, so it must not be in the flight path. I got to sit in Mr. Higaki’s new Prius. It’s the hybrid that Toyota makes. It’s quite nice; I might consider it when I get a new car in the future. Anyway, Tamo’s grandparents were really nice and the food was great. Also, the grandparents are pretty crazy in the aspect that they were the original people who brought video games into the household. After dinner we talked for a bit and departed. When we got back, more video games were played. I bought Wario Ware, which is a pretty fun game. It’s very random. I’ll have to bring it back down south when I go home. I also bought Mario Tennis for GameCube. It’s just as fun as the first one on N64. Friday (Post Turkey Day): Did not do anything much until late in the day. At about 5pm we left for dinner. We went out to a Japanese restaurant; I got to see Tamo’s grandparents one more time. The food was really good. I had beef teriyaki and tempura. I also tried some sushi, but it was not for me. I tried two different pieces and did not care for either one of them. I am not too sure what they were exactly, but it was not very tasty to me. But the beef and tempura were really good. Just thinking about it right now…I could go for some more. The steak was perfect and the tempura was nice and hot. After that we went back to the Higaki residence. We were supposed to meet up with some of Tamo’s high school friends, but due to a conflict of interests the meeting could not take place. So Tamo and I went out with one of Kaz’s friends to go play pool…it was pretty damn expensive, but fun nonetheless. After pool we headed back for a little more video gameage. Then bed time. Saturday (Pre-Sunday): So Kaz left today early in the morning, so Tamo and I went out with his friends that we were supposed to go out with the previous day. We went to Starbucks and chatted for a while, then headed back to the house. After more video games dinner was served…then more video games…then sleep. Sunday (Sunday): So this was the day of doom. The day Tamo and I had to return back to the apartment. We left at around 10 ish…I guess, I don’t really remember. There was hardly any traffic, so we got home pretty quickly. I had to work on a paper, 1200 words, it was due the next day. Yeah, I had all weekend to do it, but I thought it would be best if I put it off till Sunday. It’s funny, procrastination never changes. In high school I procrastinated all the time, I told myself that “I would stop procrastinating once I got into college” but it never changed. Then I have talked to grad students that tell me “they have to get going, they have a paper due tomorrow and they have not started yet”. And I have talked to Dr. Wainwright when he has to get going because he “has a proposal due tomorrow and he has not started yet”. Some things never change I guess. Because of this I decided to compile a top ten list of why procrastination is so great: 1) 2) Monday (Post Sunday) So I turned my paper in and went to class like normal. But, today I had to work on my presentation for my graduate seminar. What I had to do was pick out a scientific paper the previous week and give it to all the people taking the seminar. Then this week I had to summarize the paper, present the paper, and then lead the discussion for the class. I was soooooooo worried about it. I read the paper like 40 times to try and get everything down. Tuesday (Presentation day) This was the most stressful presentation that I have ever done in my life. Most presentations that I have ever done were always done in front of my peers and a teacher or professor. However this presentation was very different. It was in front of a bunch of graduate students, a doctor, and one undergrad. It was so stressful. My mouth was all dry and I was so nervous. Once I got moving though it went very well. The discussion part was a lot easier than I thought. The one grad student in the class that I know said I did a lot better than the other undergrad. He said that during the presentation Dr. Cech was bored and looking around. He said that during mine he was paying attention the whole time. Dr. Cech also made a lot of comments during the discussion section of my presentation. Which is good news because that means I did my job to stimulate talking. After class I went home and waited for steph to call. When she got home she picked me up and we went to Ace. I picked up a new lobster friend. This guy gets a lot bigger than Gary did though. He can grow up to a foot long, but he will most likely not get that big though because I need to keep the water temperature high for him to grow that big. So anyway after we steph and I went to Chevy’s for Berts b-day dinner. The food was not that good (I don’t really like Chevy’s) and the people there (the friends) really were pissing me off. I don’t really feel like typing out all the reasons they pissed me off because it would take forever to type it out. I was still pissed until today. Wednesday (Post Yesterdays Pre Tomorrow): Today was kind of my day of rest. I can’t type too much though because I have an essay to type, which is due tomorrow. So yeah, I gotta get going. Leights. |