The Life Of Me: |
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
hellooooo? anyone here?
oh, you left me :( Saturday, November 20, 2004
So I was leaving safeway and I bought my scratcher like I always do, and I won a pretty good amount of $500. Steph chose the scratcher for me, we pick the Fat Cat. HA I am still all giddy from it. Thursday, November 18, 2004
OMG some people are so stupid. Why is this such a big deal. This just proves that anybody can make money off of overly religious people. Don't they know that on your own without any "miracles". Freaken stupid.
So I haven't typed a blog in a while, and I have not really been in the mood. I have been feeling kinda glum and possibly even melancholy. I have been trying to think of my life and the future, but I have no clue what is going on. Graduation is such a big change of life and I kinda dont want to graduate because I feel so unprepared. I am not going to apply to grad school yet because I dont have the time. I have heard that applying is very time consuming and is like taking another class. Also I dont think I have the GPA required to get in, so I have come to the conclusion that I am too stupid...or too lazy to get into grad school. I have always felt that I was a very smart person trapped in a lazy persons body. I dont know what I am going to do I am so lost again. My world is spinning in circles and I dont know where I am going. I dont know if my parents really understand what is going on with me, and I dont think they know because they have never been here before, and never has anyone in our family. They can talk to their friends all they want, but you can't compare me to them. I can talk to all the people I want and I am not going to find my same situation, so I dont know what the hell is going on.
on a lighter note I am sick again...and I hate it. I am only doing really well in 2/4 of my classes. I am sucking it up in the two classes I should be doing well in. I dont know what the hell is up with that either. I have to do really well this second half of the quarter to make up for my screw ups at the beginning. so anyway in summation: I am lost. I am sick. I am tired. Tuesday, November 09, 2004
well I found out why I did not get paid for dr. wainwrights lab last week...the reason was that he did not resign my "contract" and I had to miss a pay period, but I will get double this upcoming paycheck, so thats okay. These past couple weeks have been a pain in the arse. Last week it was essay, essay, midterm. This week it is midterm, essay, midterm. Next week it is essay, midterm...I think. But I am freaken tired, this college stuff is a lot of work...what the hell is up with that. I think I am going to go out into the field this saturday, so that should be fun...and besides I get drive a high speeds...yeah my job is great. I also found out that it is going to cost 2,000 to stay at bodega... and that they have only 12 computers in the computer lab for the 80 or so people that are there, so I still might want that laptop. Maybe I could buy one on my own. IBM has payment plans that I might be able to swing, we'll see. Also, I am using my last mach 3 razor, and I could use some refills *coughchristmasgiftcough*. I kinda also want to try that new M3 razor that they have out, I wanted to see if it gives as great a shave as they claim. oh well, I guess I better get studying...leights. Saturday, November 06, 2004
so I have some stuffs to talk about, so lets dive in shall we...
First off I have been busy as hell this, essay, essay, midterm, work...I figure I spend about 55 hours a week on campus...and I dont even get overtime pay. I took a midterm last week and I got it back today...I got a B+ on it, but I am still bitter...however I got some more important stuff done this week, I went to go see an advisor this week and have stumbled upon some important information. First off, as long as I do not get any grades lower than a C I will definitely graduate...well there is also one other stipulation...I need to take 19 or 20 units next quarter. Is this a lot of units...hell yeah...let me first explain why it is 19 or 20 I am taking a graduate seminar, but in order for me to get my 1 unit for the class I need to get "permission" from the college of letters and sciences...but I did not know this, so now I have to go through an even worse thing. I need to fill out this form and get a reccomendation from Dr. Cech, then I have to get the Chair of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology to sign the paper. Then I have to turn it in and hopefully they give me the one unit. If I get said unit then I only have to take 19 units...if I dont get it I need to get 20. However, thursday I bumped into Dr. Cech walking down the hallway and I told him about the situation and he dove right in. He wrote the reccomendation then he and I walked down the hallway and he introduced me to the Chair of WFCB, then he signed my now all I need to do is turn it hopefully I get that 1 unit. Okay, now the reason I need to take the extra 4 units...I did not do so well in class a couple years I need to make it up...and its a four unit I am going to only get credits for 11 units of classes even though I am taking 15, and I need to average 15 units per thus I need to take an extra 4 units to make up for the screwed up class. However I do have the option of not retaking the class, but then I have to deal with that blemish on my transcript, and I would rather not. So I am going to try and get a couple units in internship credit (I am hoping to talk to my boss to see if he can give me a few units and still pay me so that I can graduate still.) then taking a 3 unit class as a pass/no pass class. This means that I would not get a letter grade for the class, just simply a pass or not pass. okay so moving on, I also talked to the advisor about bodega, but she could not give me the information that I need, so she called up some other advisor and she is supposed to email me with the information. I asked her about the costs of bodega as well as financial aid/ scholarships, but I forgot to ask about the computers. Also, thanks to the training of my parents, I managed to get some money back from SBC. Tamo and I got the bill from SBC and they charged us $50 for DSL. I had tamo call them up and he got them down to $29.95 (our original cost), but I signed a contract with them in July for $26.95. So I called them up to take care of bidness. I talked to them and they said that the renewal did not register in the system for some reason. So they took it down to $26.95...but as the lady was talking she began to say that the $26.95 charge should have started when I signed the new I also got SBC to give us the difference for 3 months. I feel proud of myself thank you very much. Well thats all for now methinks...okay sleepy time now...g'night and leights. P.S. I hate everyone that voted for Bush. I have no clue how anybody could vote for that guy. Wednesday, November 03, 2004
![]() That puppy deserves a good scratchin' for his correct political views. If only the whole united states were to think the same way. I am affraid Bush is going to win, and I am for the most part very saddened by this. I am angered by people who could vote for such a man, and I cant understand why you would want to vote for him. Oh well, its bed time, g'night. |