The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I have been having trouble sleeping as of late, and I am not too sure why. Like right now I am sleepy, but if I were to go to bed I would not be able to fall asleep. I am not too sure what is wrong... maybe I am thinking too much, which is a reoccuring problem in my family it appears as it has been diagnosed several times. Apparently acute overthinkingthins is a disease that runs in the blood. If I could only get rid of it... Friday, August 27, 2004
Today was a pretty good day...well the only thing that made it good was that I did pretty well on my midterm despite thinking that I totally screwed up on it. I got an 80, I am not too sure what the mean score is, but it is probably around 60-65. Thats about all for now. I am going to sell my nes sleeves. I have about 80 surplus sleeves which should get me maybe as much as $30-40. Okay, I'm off to cause some trouble. Leights. Thursday, August 26, 2004
well it appears that my aunt sent my b-day card to my last address since she does not have my current one. So I issue a formal retraction of what I said earlier today. Also, my grandparents bought me a gift and it is sittin at their house, so I need to retract that also. My mom says that since I don't call my uncle on his birthday that is why he does not call me...I am still not convinced though on this matter.
my grandpa hurt his back lifting up my grandma when she fell, I hope he gets better. its been a tough year for him. I think its good that he kicks back and rest though. My mom had some heart problem that she had to go to the ER for. To bad clooney left the show or she could have met him. They rectified her problem and sent her on her way.... um my aunt (donna) sent me a card...gotta call her and thank her. Thats it for now I guess...I'm hungry and its dinner time.
haha, this is the negative feedback left:
These plans are crap...drill 3360 holes @ 25mm!? Quite vauge. Save your money! and here is the item that it was left about.
I have not been feeling like myself as of late (I think I have said this already, but oh well). I think the problem is, is that steph is usually the person to cheer me up when I am in a "bleh" mood, but she is also in a "bleh" mood, and I am normally the person to cheer her up, so we are stuck in this holding pattern of "blehness". I am not too sure what to do, one of us needs to get out of it or else we are both going to go insane.
I think after the massive die off in my 20 gallon (10 fish total), maybe getting more fish will cheer me up. I got my paycheck today...$385, not too shabby. UCD took $40, but I get that money back when I become full time again. I am feeling a lot better about my money situation now, so that is quite a burden off my chest. I am going to be using my birthday money to pay bills, but after I am in the clear I will use it to by myself some stuff...of course. Oh, to further relieve my money problems all of my games sold on ebay, I'll hopefully be putting about $150 in my pocket from that...but once again, thats for bills. Also, a couple things have been bothering me. The first thing has to do with my passing b-day. There are a few groups of people that I did not get a gift from that I would normally expect one from...or even just a phone call or card at least. The first group is my grandparents...I have not been told I got a gift from them nor have I received anything in the mail. This also goes for the chagolla family. I am not too sure what is going on there, but a call would have been nice. The last person has an excuse for no gift, but it would have been nice to get a call from and that is my uncle. He is having some money problems so I do not feel, nor do I really want, a gift from him...but like I said a call would have been nice. The call from auntie donna was nice, I did not expect it and it brought a smile to my face when I heard her on the other side of the phone. Also the picture of my mom, dad and kevin made me smile. This is just a couple examples of gifts or greetings that cost nothing really, but cheer me up. From this I have come to agree with my dad...yeah its just another day, and I don't really mind if it is treated as such, but a greeting from the people close to you should still be a required thing. I feel that since I am up here in davis that I am now out of the loop and people forget I am up here. I mean my aunt wants to have a bbq to talk about x-mas gift exchange thing, but I dont even think she considered that I am up here and not down there...I guess this is just one of the sacrifices that I have made in order to come to UCD. One thing that still sticks in my mind to this very day is when I called the chagolla house and my uncle picked up and he basically did not know who I was, he thought I had the wrong number until I asked to speak to Rae ann. I guess this is my mom's personality coming out in me that holds grudges with these seemingly piddly things, but it still hurts. When I do not feel like part of the family it hurts, I love my whole family and I feel very close to them, but I am not too sure if they feel the same way. I know that my immediate family does, but as it goes out from there it becomes hazy. I know ahma thinks of me still, and thats because I am the good grandson. I feel my grandparents think of me, but it's just that they are getting older and it is becoming harder to remember dates, so they have an excuse, but what is the excuse for the younger people. Am I too old? Am I too far away? Am I not part of the family? Shifting gears, I have been talking to several grad students and doctors, and not one of them has told me that they went from undergrad to grad school. All of them have told me they took at least 1 year off...Dr Wainwright said he took 2 years off and moved to hawaii. he worked for Wildlife, fish and game over there and saved up money so that he could travel to various reefs around the world. I felt he gave me some very good advice, he told me that after graduation from undergrad that those couple years are the best years of my life. He said that responsiblities will be at a minimum. He told me to enjoy this time to the fullest. He said get a job related to what I want to do, work that job for a while, enjoy life, then go to grad school. He said that once I get into grad school my life will be over and that responsibilities would pile up from there. He also told me that he knows a guy at Florida Tech (a former grad student of his) that is working on breeding salt water fish so that they would no longer need to be pulled from the wild. This is exactly what I want to do. This guy receives funding from the federal government as well as the state government. He also works in conjunction with the phillipines. I think I might want to get into contact with him. I will see if dr. wainwright has the info. Shifting once again, I thought that I was feeling blue because I want some change in my life, so what I did was rearrange my room. For those who know what my room looks like you are probably thinking "how the hell did he do that?" Well first let me say that what I wanted to do was to move things around so that I can get my fish tank off my desk and onto the new stand that I bought for it. So I moved my desk (by myself) all the way to my closet. I put the tank and stand next to my desk and now my bed is by the window. Maybe I will post some pics later if I am up to it...and if I can run off with stephs camera. well thats about it for now, typing this blog has made me feel a little bit better, but I am still pretty melancholy. sleepy time now...leights. Monday, August 23, 2004
Well my birthday is done and over with for the most part, here is a quick recap:
Woke up at 7 in the morn to go to class. Received call from mom and dad wishing me a happy b-day. Went to class, was bored out of my mind. I had to sit in the back today since there was some one in my normal spot, that bitch. But because I was in the back I noticed that there were quite a few people who were asleep. When class was over I biked home and then had some McDonalds breakfast. I sat around for an hour or so, then it was off to PetCetera for some tubifex worms for Dr. Wainwright...then it was off to feed the fish. So after the fish were fed I headed off to the doctor. I got my ultra sound done and they said that the horn was filled with some sort of liquid and some debris. After that I went home and cleaned my tanks. I enjoy taking care of my fish, it makes me feel like there are some things other than people that need me. So after about an 1 and a half hours of cleaning I went I picked up steph from school. And I went to petco for the third time in three days. I had to pick up a new intake pipe for one of my filters, the last one broke mysteriously in my hand after I took a wrench to it trying to get some lodged crap out of it. I also picked up some fish food since it was on sale. With my b-day money I am thinking of starting up a planted tank...which is just what it sounds like. It will be some work setting it up, but once it is going they take care of themselves. No need for cleaning or anything. So anyway I dropped steph off at her place so she can get ready, then I headed back home to get ready myself. When I got to the door my auntie (donna) called. It was nice and I did not expect it at all. When I got inside I noticed a b-day card from the Higaki family. Another unexpected nice thing that happened today. I sat down and went online for a bit and my dad sent me a pic. It was of him, my mom, and keven (I guess this is how he spells his name now, it must be because there is no arizona), this too was a nice surprise. I also checked out how my games were doing, and I saw my Super C is now up to $6.50, and there are lots of watchers for my other games, just not really that many bids yet. I am not too worried. This is about around the time kevin calls. He said happy birthday, and then got quiet. And I could hear him breathing, I imagine that he was thinking "okay...what do I do now?". So I let him off the hook, and said that he can go, he seemed relieved to hear that and said good bye. Then sometime after mikey called and said happy birthday, and to eat lots of food. Don't worry mikey, I did, but I'll get to that in a bit. So fast forwarding to dinner at cattlemens. I know you are all curious to know what I ordered. Here goes: For appetizer I ordered some mozzarella sticks (they called em something else, I forget though). Then for dinner I got the sheriff with a side order of shrimp scampi. I also got it was a twice baked potato. good stuff. Steph got the steak and shimp with some fries. So now here I sit about 7 pounds heavier after dinner typing a blog. Andy called about 20 minutes ago, so I guess that does it for my birthday wishes. I did not mention stephs birthday wish, but she was the first at 12 am. So now that I am 21 I would like to seriously look to the future. My mom and dad do not really approve of what I want to do just on the basis that they do not know if it will make me money, but I feel that what I want to do is an untapped market. First I am going to graduate from UCD with my B.S. Then I hope to go to grad school (where I am not too sure yet) and get my masters then Ph.D. or even straight to the Ph.D. All along the way I want to work on the breeding of fish. Fish that people keep in their aquariums right now, but are wild caught. For example the clown loaches that I have in my tank are wild caught, and there are hundreds and hundreds of salt and fresh water fish that are wild caught simple because breeding them is either a) too complicated b) not cost efficient or c) nobody can figure it out. So what I want to do is breed the fish that are only wild caught and make it affordable. This would minimize on wild population reduction, and then eventually I can possibly even start to release fish back into the wild to help replenish all that has been taken. Then I want to open a series of stores, possibly nation wide. These stores would specialize in tank breed fish only. But the thing is that I would buy fish that are locally bred in addition to the ones that I breed locally so that they are used to the water conditions of that area. This would minimize on fish deaths do to water that is not right, and it would also bring revenue to the area. I could open up chains of these specialized stores that cater to their community. Of course I would have fish not currently being bred in the area, but this would be in a separate section. I would of course also offer fish supplies and what not. I am not too sure if this sounds good to you people who are reading this, but it sounds really great to me. I get to do all the stuff that I have wanted: -I get to get my Ph.D. -I get to change peoples lives -I get people to love fish just as much as I do -I also can potentially make lots of money to support my family if they need it -I get to do a job that I love, and thats the biggest thing okay, I think I am going to go clean up the living room...or maybe just lie around and watch TV...most likely the latter. leights. Sunday, August 22, 2004
Massive amount of death in my 20 gallon tank. I don't know why any of them died. 4 penguin tetras dead and 3 neons of the neons had been with me for over 6 months, and it is hard to keep those alive in davis. bleh, not a good week to be a fish in my aparment... Friday, August 20, 2004
Well lots has happened since wednesday. I went to the doctorb (the "b" stands for bargain!...crazy dr. nick) on thursday, and she was really nice. I really dont like going to the doctor at all, but when you have a nice doctor it makes things easier. She took a look at the bump/horn on my head and could not quite figure out what it was. She said that she initially thought it was a lipoma, which is a fatty tumor I believe, but then I told her that it grows and shrinks, and that baffled her. So on monday for my birthday I get to go have an ultrasound done on my forehead. The doctor thinks it might be some sort of cyst, but is still lost. She was also nice enough to freeze my warts...and she got em good too. All of them have blisters filled with liquid...they are all of various size. The biggest is on my left hand and is about the width of a pencil (like a #2 pencil). Its pretty disgusting. She also wrote me a prescription for some Allegra for my allergies. Oh, I also finally got a hair cut on thursday also. It feels good to have short hair again. I think it was over two months since my last one. Also I have 50 positive feedbacks now on ebay, so I got a blue star. I am waiting for ebay to send me my certificate, I already have the yellow star award which you get at 10. Also some one is finally bidding on my I am going to sell 2 of the 10 things I put up. It only cost me $.10 per item to post this time, instead of the $.30. They were having a deal on fees, so I took advantage. So that saved me a couple bucks. Okay, I think its time for me to start cleaning up this joint...leights. Thursday, August 19, 2004
well I am have finally put up all of my games for sale. If you want to take a look click here I hope I can make some money off of these, I could really use it. If I could make over a hundred total for all of these I would be happy. Still feeling kinda bleh, I think maybe buying a new fish should cheer me up. I am thinking about buying an opaline gourami. okay, its about time for bed g'night. Tuesday, August 17, 2004
well I know that I have not typed one of these in a while, so I thought that I should. Nothing very exciting has been going on up here at all really, which is part of the reason that I have not typed anything constructive. I have been feeling kinda bleh as of late for some reason. I am not too sure why, but I am pretty sure that my mom an dad can tell when they talk to me over the phone. I feel kinda stressed, kinda worried, and kinda disappointed. I guess I should explain each one, but not in too much detail. I am getting a little stressed over school, work (both jobs) and just having to live outside of both of those realms. I am worried about my monetary situation. I dont really like to talk about this, but lets just say that I am running short despite working 30 hours a week and going to school. I am starting to sell things on ebay again to try and relieve this situation, and I am hoping that my 21st birthday money will help a bit, even if it is in the form of best buy gift cards (I am sure that will cheer me up). And the last feeling (disappointment) is very closely related to my birthday. For a long time I was kinda hoping to have a somewhat big birthday. One that would be put in memory, the kind of party that one would look back on with fond memories. But as of right now I have nothing planned really which means that I am getting ready for a birthday that is exactly like several of my past birthdays. What makes it worse is that I could not do anything big because of my money situation. Also since my birthday is on a monday thanks to stupid leap year (damn you leap year) I could not really do much. Oh well, I guess my dad is right when he says its just like every other day of the year. Well, I am going to go and finish up on my posting of games on eBay, leights. Tuesday, August 10, 2004
You know what? I dont think he is going to get out of prison anytime soon. Wednesday, August 04, 2004
First the lakers trade Shaq...then I just found out that Fish is not playing for the lakers lakers what are you thinking. The GM better not screw this upcoming season up or imma be pissed. Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Okay, so I guess I will take some time to update everyone about everything that has happened recently. First off on thursday of last week I got to fly home. It was a pretty good flight, especially since my ears did not get all plugged up like they usually do. When I got home I played some video games with my bros (I had to whoop 'em in Marvel vs. Capcom 2). Then I got to eat beef chow fun for dinner. It was good stuff. I have not had my mom's chow fun in a long time. On friday I had to get my eyes examined. They have stayed the same 20/25 so he said that if I have gone this long with them staying like that then just stick to what I have been doing. After that my mom made cinnamon rolls...mmmmm...they were great...they were also freaken massive, like the size of my hand. After breakfast we all went to cabazon to go shopping. I got some shorts, a pair of shoes and a pair of sandals. After shopping for a while we went home. When we got home we sat around for a bit, and then we took off for priceclub, with a quick stop over at best buy. I didn't buy anything, but my mom and dad found a lil bag for their camera. At priceclub I found Garfield and Friends, so I of course had to buy it. My mom and dad also bought me from priceclub some beef jerky (for the trip back), a lunch box, some sun screen and some shampoo...oh and some printer cartridges. When we got home it was time for dinner. We had some taco's, taquitos, and spanish rice...good stuff. While we were eating we watched Hellboy. It was a pretty good movie. A lot better than I expected, but this could be why it was a good movie. Saturday we all went to go see I, Robot which was really good. I thought it was going to be some stupid movie, but it blew my expectations away. Oh, I drove to the movies...well me and Andy, then I filled up the tank before I went home (complements of my mom and dad). When we got home I had some pad was really good. My mom makes it about a bazillion times better than I do. Then for dinner that night we had a japanese feast. Mmmmm. But before dinner my dad and I played some NES. Then we went through my boxes to see what I was going to take back up. I finally got to listen to mikey play some violin, it sounds much better than before. We told him to play taco mambo, but he played the first three notes and refused to play the rest....its okay for now, but next time I come down I want to hear the whole thing. Sunday I woke up at 4 am and loaded up the truck. I am not too sure when I left, but supposedly I left stephs place at 6:30 am. Then after a long drive we made it back up to davis at about 12:30. I guess that is pretty good time. I ran into a bit of traffic on the 80, but it was otherwise clear. My favorite part of the drive was going down the side of the mountain. It was fun because I did not have to push the gas at all and was going 70-75 mph. It was great...a wonderful way to save gas. When I got home I had to unload the truck by myself...well except for the big box, steph helped me with that. That is pretty much it for the weekend. All of my guys are okay, and made it through the weekend. well except for a couple tiger barbs... I am pretty sure gary had something to do with it. Yesterday I made some pork katsu, it turned out really well, I was surprised. Steph and I ate it with the beef teriyaki my mom made. Oh, also I had the tofu soup my grandma made...that was good stuff too. I finised the whole thing in one sitting. okay, thats about all for now, well except for one thing. Over the weekend I found out that kevin does not like this one song that claims "there is no arizona". He said that their is an arizona, and the song is wrong. But I am sorry to say is that I have proof there is no arizona. Just take a look at this map of the united states:
Well if that isn't proof that there is no arizona I dont know what is. Okay, its time to go make some dinner, leights. Sunday, August 01, 2004
No blog update right now, but you can expect one by the end of today or tomorrow. I am tired from the trip up, but that can be expected. First day of class tomorrow, I am kind of looking forward to it, but kinda not. Dr. Wainwright comes back tomorrow, so I guess I can see how I did with the salt water. Keep checking back for an update. leights. |