The Life Of Me: |
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Monday, June 28, 2004
Well, I am auctioning off my TOOL dvd/cd box set. click here if you want to see. Sunday, June 27, 2004
well, if you were thinking of bidding on my game it's too late as it has already been purchased. I sold the game (Resident Evil) today for 7 bucks, plus 4 bucks this is great...I cant believe I sold it this quickly. They used buy it now...I am all giddy...ok me go now I gotta shower.
well, mikey might be upset with this, but I am selling Resident Evil 2 on eBay. It is costing me 35 cents to post it, plus like 5.75% of the final total. It should not be too bad I hope. If you want to look at it just click here. well thats all for now. Wish me luck. Saturday, June 26, 2004
you know, I never thought I'd say this, but....I really want to go back home to Moreno Valley...but alas I have to be can KMA...oh well, thats all for now...tah tah Friday, June 25, 2004
Thursday, June 24, 2004
well my grades are in...and I did not do as well as I would have liked to, but I am still quite happy with the results. I passed bio with a C- so I am relieved that I will not have to retake that crap class. I got a B- in physics so I am now done with that crap forever...thank god, no more physics...I am going to print out that physics survivor certificate now in commemoration of this historic event. I managed to get a B in english even though my grammar sucks...go me, and I got an A- in wine making...which is what I was working for. my GPA is not 3.0 though so I am not going to get that huge discount for my car insurance. If only my bio class was a solid C and my wine making a solid A then maybe...but even then I dont know, because of the screwy GPA system that the university has. meh, oh well. at least I passed all my classes this quarter and with pretty decent grades...ok, well that was a huge relief, now I am going to celebrate...with several hours of sleep. leights. Wednesday, June 23, 2004
ok, hope you are all ready for goes...
I finally got my nintendo, but not after some hassle with UPS. thats right. my nintendo was supposed to be delivered on the 21st but it was not delievered until yesterday night. and even then it was a hassle. I called up UPS and I complained to customer service that my package was not delivered on the day it was supposed to be, and that it was 5pm and the package was still not here. I would like to thank my mom and dad for this know the ability to call up a company to bitch and complain when something is not right. they have taught me well. so I called up UPS and they sent a message to the dispatcher, and the dispatcher gave me a call and I told him to have my package delivered to my door (they usually just take them right to the office, but the office was already closed) so at about 6:30 the package was at my door. I feel a bit proud of myself. so anyway, I started to play my nintendo, but the 72 pin connecter (the thing that reads the games) is a bit I bought one online (ebay) for about ten bucks so my nintendo will be as good as new. the nintendo is still playable, but you have to do the things that only an old school gamer like myself would know how to do...I dont want to divuldge info on how to make non working nintendo's and nintendo games to work...if you dont know how to do it by now you never will. it is something that is acquired with age and experience. but the new connector will make my life easier. in total I will have about 150 games or so, I think. I plan on selling the best games separately for money, then selling the suckier games as a group. The nintendo and all the games have cost me a pretty penny (about 300 bucks) but I plan to make most if not all of it back. I am only keeping the games that I loved from childhood... i.e. bubble bobble, contra, super contra, ballon fight, and so on and so forth. about 30-40 games will probably be kept. on a separate note, a couple of the fish at work are sick. I told my "supervisor" about it and he said that it was not fault. I was like "uh, duh" but I didnt say that. One was so bad that I had to put him down. I gave him an overdose of fish anesthetic which allowed him to die very peacefully. that was the first time I have ever killed a fish on purpose...well unless you count the ones that I feed to george...then its not. but the fish was very sick, so it was the only way. there is another fish that is not so sick and they want me to do an operation on him (pull off all the worms that he has) but I am qualified for such a thing, and would have no clue on where to start. ok...well I gotta go. I have to look for jobs and what not...leights. Monday, June 21, 2004
first of all: it is a vehicular unit, not a vehicluar unit
second of all: my aunt's friend is looking for a car third of all: the bathroom trash wasn't taken out and the toilet was less than half clean (need I mention the mystery blood stain under the seat?)
oh yeah, to make matters worse, best buy is giving away a free tv stand with tv...which is what I have been waiting for since the beginning of the school year (about Sept. 2003) but I cannot afford that now either so I guess I will have to wait another 9 months for a sale like that to happen again...why best buy do you do this to me WHY!?!?!?!?!
well, I should probably give everyone an update. as most know, school is over and it is summer time. YAY! but I need to find a job so that I can afford to live...BOO! I have been desparately looking for a job for another reason also...that reason being that steph's parents want to give me a vehicluar unit. In order to get said unit, I must get a job to pay for the insurance. now here is my dilemma. should I take the car and increase my chances and ability to get a job, or should I wait until I have a job and then get the car. There are several problems with both:
If I take the car first then I would have to fork out about 400 bucks for insurance for the next 6 or so months (at least thats what I think since insurance companies work that way). However having a car would open the door for other jobs such as those off campus. I could get a job in north davis and be able to drive back and forth. But this is not a "for sure" thing. Also this would get the car off of stephs parents hands which they really would like since they want the car gone yesterday. They need to know because there is a cousin that will buy the car if I dont want it. ok, so the bad thing about waiting is that I possibly will not even get a car. if I wait much longer the car will probably be sold to the cousin. then I will not have a job off campus, since the buses do not run at night, so I will be limited to jobs on campus where I can either take the bus during the day or bike ride back home. so that is my dilemma for the moment. I have been looking for a job for about a month now. I have one job, but it will not pay nearly enough since it is only 5 hours a week. I need to find a 20+ hour per week job in addition to the five hours to even think about getting a car...and getting a car would make this easier...but yeah you get the point. ok, I gotta apartment needs a serious cleaning, and tamo (who has left for home and later japan) has already cleaned his half, so now I have to do mine to bring the level of cleanliness in this apartment up from hell hole to pig sty...ok leights. Friday, June 18, 2004 nintendo games are here...all 40 of em. Contra, Bubble Bobble, Blaster Master *wipes tear from eye* dare I say this is THE best friday, June 18th EVAR! but my nintendo is being shipped from the east coast so its not going to get here until the 22nd so the games are going to have to sit a while before I get to sample their bounty. ok, imma go shower (I just got back from bike riding to and from school) and eat....leights. Wednesday, June 16, 2004
kinda pissed off right now
was really pissed off 20 minutes ago hope to be over it soon
well I am up early to study...well at least that is what I hope to do. Today is my first official day of helping Dr. Wainwright for pay. I just go in and feed his fish...and twice a week I go to a pet store in downtown davis and buy some tubifex worms...I am not too sure how much he is paying me, but I get five hours a week. at minimum thats like 30 bucks a week...not too shabby for not doing anything really. He said to put 5 hours no matter how much I work. so if I can get things done in 3 hours all the better for me I guess. also it turns out that the people in the wildlife, fish, and conservation biology department are really trying to figure out a way to keep me on staff and pay me. I thought I was not really cared about, but it appears that they are looking over the budget and trying to fit me in. I also applied to this other job on campus. I get to monitor fish in a lab. its not with dr wainwright, its with another dr that I have never met. I called him up and he basically gave me the job, but since I am taking summer school he said that it ruled me out. My class that I am taking for second session conflicts with the times that he needs me monitoring fish. however, he said that if he cannot find someone by the end of this week that he would give me a call and hire me since he needs somebody right now that can work. oh yeah, back to dr wainwright, I had to fork out another 20 bucks for a key deposit...this means that I have $40 worth of school keys on my key chain...crap man those keys are damn expensive. Luckily I get the money back as soon as I return the keys, but damn man, they cash the check still, so I am down 40 bucks right now because of the keys. bah. but now I have keys to two buildings and two labs...well three labs actually, but only dr wainwright and I know that I have a key to the third. he says that he didnt want them to charge me for another key.
so moving on, I have not really been studying too hard for finals...although that is going to change drastically today. I have two finals tomorrow, then I am done with school for 6 weeks, then summer session two, then another 2-3 week break before school actually starts again. I cant wait to be done with this year and move onto next year. I am really looking forward to some of the classes that I will be taking. also it has been extremely hot up here. yesterday it topped out at 100, and today it is not supposed to let up much. it does not get "cool" until 2 in the morning, and then it only drops to the upper 60's. I mean right now it is in the mid 70's. thats bull, I am sorry, but I dont like being hot when I sleep, so this weather is pissing me off. tonight I might have to crank the A/C if I cant sleep comfortably before my final. ok, me go now. leights. Monday, June 14, 2004
Something my mom needs to take a look at. I dont know this information, so if she could please fill this out for me or send me the info for me to fill it out, thanks a bunch mumzee
well I bought some stuff on ebay that I probably should not have bought...i.e. a nintendo for 35 bucks. So I am going to work extra this week at work to make up the money for it...I am also doing it to gouge every last penny from these people that I can before I stop working this friday. ok, me go now...leights. Saturday, June 12, 2004
well, I got my first shipment from ebay in today, and they are great. well one shipment is for steph, but the other one was all for me. I finally got my Marvel vs. Capcom 1 and 2, and the games are just as great as I remember. I think that was the best 30 bucks I have ever spent on a two games. I mean what a steal. I could probably go into EB right now and get like 20 bucks for each of them because they are so hard to find. okay, anyway, I better get to work on my take home final so I can play some more games later this weekend. oh and for those who care, Charlie is about 7.5 inches now...he is a monster. and George is about 5.5 or even almost 6 now. they are going to be some big fellas. Its hard to measure bruce, because he swims around a lot, but I am sure that he has grown some too. okay, gotta get to work. leights. Friday, June 11, 2004
I was just looking at laptops on ebay to see if there was an outside chance of me getting a decent laptop at a low low price, but alas there was not...but I did manage to find this description on one of the sellers page:
oh, I forgot to mention that I would like to start selling my basketball, baseball, football, and what not cards...however they are like 400 miles away. So I guess next time I have the ability to drive back home (or have some one drive me back to so cal) I will probably take those back up with me so I can maybe sell them on ebay. I figure any profit would be a nice profit. ok that is all for now...leights.
well since my dad told me about ebay I have been going crazy and spending money that I probably should not be spending. I bought ninja turtles IV: Turtles in Time for Super nintendo. It was only 13 bucks or something like that with shipping. I also bought one of my all time favorite fighting games Marvel vs. Capcom 2. I originally bid, and was willing to pay, 20 bucks for it, but some guy out bid me in the last 2 seconds literally. I was at school and using the t1 connection and it took 2 seconds to refresh the screen, and when I refreshed with 4 seconds to go I was still winning, then I refreshed with 2 seconds left and I had lost. Its okay, I found both the first and second version for 27 bucks, but won it for 29. I saw it as a deal if you take into consideration that I was willing to pay 20 for the marvel vs capcom 2, and I got the first one for only 9 bucks more. this is great, I think most stores sell these games for way more than what I am going to be paying for them. I like ebay so much. I am looking for one last game for right now, and thats Battletoads: Battlemaniacs oh wait make that two more, I also want Battletoads vs Double Dragon, both for SNES. After that I think I will be done until later this summer when I am itching to get an NES.
on a separate note I was incapacitated for a few hours today with a very serious sinus headache. It felt that someone had driven a couple steel rods through my eyes and out the back of my head, it was horrible. tamo gave me this migraine stuff and it worked very well, I guess I should probably go pick some of that stuff up for myself. also I have one final this week, and its on friday at 8 in the am. Its physics, and I am kinda worried about it. I need to do really well on that junk so I can get a B in it. If I can pull off a B on the final that would mean I would get a B in the class since the final can count for 100% of your grade. the other option is that it can count for 60% and quizzes count for 40, but that is not favorable to me since I really bombed these quizzes this quarter. I then have to work on my english final which is a take home and due on monday. then I have two finals on thursday of next week. Bio 103 and Viticulture. I am not too worried about viticulture (wine making) since I have done well on the quizzes and midterm, but I am worried in the sense that I want to do well in that class since it is supposed to be one of those "easy" classes. For Bio 103 I have not been doing too spectacular. there is sooo much to memorize. I need to do fairly well on the final just to pass the class...I dont like that, but I cant do anything about it since I screwed up on the first midterm in that class. luckily I did not do horribly on the second one or I would be in a worse position. I might be able to squeeze out a B-, but this is doubtful. so here is an overview of grades and classes: VEN 3 (viticulture and enology = winemaking) Quiz 1: 19/22 (86%) Midterm: 77/88 (88%) Quiz 2: 20/22 (91%) ___________________ Avg: 116/132 (89%) needless to say I am hoping for an "A" in this class English 101 (advanced composition) Essay 1: 84/100 (84%) Essay 2: 86/100 (86%) Essay 3: 88/100 (88%) Essay 4: unknown, just turned in today ______________________ I am hoping for a B+ or A- in the class since the later essays are worth a greater percentage. the other two classes I dont quite remember my grades but: PHY 7A (physics) Quizzes: B- avg this can be all wiped away with a B on the final. If I get an A on the final then I get an A in the class, but this is doubtful. Bis 103 (Bio engergetics) Midterm 1: very bad Midterm 2: not horrific, but still bad The final is worth 40% of the grade in the class, if I pull off a decent final I could potentially get a B, but this is doubtful. I will hopefully get a C and be done with this whole upper division, general bio stuff that does not interest me in the least bit. okay well thats all for now...oh I have to find a new job for the summer since the job I have right now cant afford to pay me over the summer. so now I get to enter the job market again with a bigger resume than before which is good. ok, I gotta be hittin the ol dusty trail..g'night, and leights. Sunday, June 06, 2004
with all of this digital camera talk and everyone around me who owns a digital camera I have decided that I would like one for my birthday. I know that nobody can afford to buy me one straight up so I am giving everyone a three month notice. thats right my burfday is August 23rd and I am turning the big 2-1 so give me stuff, and I dont mean booze. I want electronics dammit. so even after a 3 month notice you cannot afford to buy me a camera I suppose you could just pitch in and buy me one. and by pitch in I mean give me some cashola or best buy gift cards so that I can attempt to buy a nice one. luckily I can get more for my money than tamo who was obsesed with getting a small camera, since I dont care about how teenie the thing is I can get more pixels and zoom for the same price. In fact I would like a larger camera since I have larger hands, which is something that my dad has to take into consideration since his hands are bigger than mine.
ok that was my rant for today. oh, also, my dad has been telling me about ebay so I decided to take a trip there and I have since bid on Battletoads Battlemanics for SNES and Battletoads vs. Double Dragon, also for SNES. I am hoping to pick up an NES in the future sometime with contra and super contra. oh and bubble bobble. I miss my nintendo so much, its quite unbelievable. ok, me go now. leights.
I guess this is the trendy thing to do, so why not. If you needed to know these are 'tallica songs.
1. Are you male or female? Of Wolf and Man 2. Describe Yourself Human 3. How do some people feel about you? Some Kind of Monster 4. How do you feel about yourself? Invisible Kid 5. Describe your gf/bf/crush My World 6. Where would you rather be? Wherever I May Roam 7. Describe what you want to be Master of Puppets 8. Describe how you live The Frayed Ends of Sanity 9. Describe how you love Nothing Else Matters 10. Share a few words of wisdom Seek and Destroy Friday, June 04, 2004
I was looking at stephs friends blogs/livejournals/xangas/whateva's and saw this on Kelly's site. I thought steph might like to take it. HAH! sow eye due half pretty well grammer.
![]() You are a MASTER of the English language! While your English is not exactly perfect, you are still more grammatically correct than just about every American. Still, there is always room for improvement... How grammatically sound are you? brought to you by Quizilla Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Random thought:
my parents are going to hawaii next year and it just occured to me that when they fly there it will be like flying back in time. then what also occured to me was that if hawaii is about 2400 miles from California and a plane traveling there flys at about 480 mph mathamatically it should take about 5 hours to get there...but what I was wonder was that since the plane is flying against the rotation of the earth would the time it takes to cover that distance be smaller? I dunno. ok, thats the end of my random thought.
well the worst day of the week has come and gone for me. My first draft of my essay is turned in and I took my last midterm for the quarter in my bio class. it was not that bad (I hope) the people that I talked to said that they had to guess for most of the test, but it could just be fake modesty. I feel that I did much better on this one than on the last one. I need to do well since I bombed the first one. I have a meeting with Dr. Wainwright on the 11th to talk about what I am going to be doing during the summer with him so stay tuned for that if you care at all. I had a meeting with Dr. Cech today about the graduate seminar that I'll be taking fall quarter. He said that it should be good for me. They go over scientific journals and their content as well as structure. He said it will give me a good background on how to write a research paper. He also told me that each person in the class will have to pick a study for the class to read and then lead a discussion about the article. It kinda sounds tough, but I think I can handle it.
on a separate note Gary finally molted after a month and a few days. He has grown about half an inch (from head to tail) topping him off at about 4.5 inches for the time being. It may not seem that big, but dont forget his claws add another 2 to 2.5 inches to his total length. Yeah, he has some pretty beefy claws. okay I am going to get some rest and recover. I stay up until 2:30 am this morning to study, then I woke up at 5:30am to study some more, so I am kinda drained...ok me go now...leights. Tuesday, June 01, 2004
well I guess I have some time for a quick update to everyone who cares. Lets see...where to start...I finished my essay up last night so that I can study for my bio midterm that I have tomorrow. oh and the Lakers are going to the finals! I had no doubt they would do it. The only team that really worried me was the spurs, and after demoralizing them I knew it was in the bag. Whatever team comes from the east I doubt will win against the lakers...even if it wasnt the lakers I doubt that the east could beat any one of the top teams from the west. The pacers were bragging about how good their record was and their scoring and blah blah blah, but they are in the friggin east. I mean common now, their eight place team was 10 games below .500 10! and for the spurs fans who say that fisher had too much time to shoot...bah on you says I. If you want to bitch and complain about that why not the other 70 or more times the ball is passed in...well, thats my rant for now.
in other news I told Dr. Wainwright that I dont think I could be working on any more fish this week since I have midterms, essays, and work to do. He said that it was fine and to not fade out of sight. He told me that he wanted me to stick around. It felt good to hear that from a Dr of his status. also Goliath (the plecostomus in my 29 gallon tank) has been eating off the top of the water. its the funniest thing. he'll swim upside down at the surface and suck up the food. its fun to watch when he goes by the opening in the hood because I can see the water draining into his mouth. Also george and charlie are growing. charlie is almost up to 7 inches now and george is up to 5. he enjoys eating those feeder fish, although I change up is diet now and then. he is starting to eat blood worms from the top as well as the beef heart and carnivore pellets that sink to the bottom. oh well I gotta go, I have to finish my physics homework and get studying...leights. |