The Life Of Me: |
Thursday, April 29, 2004
well I have not been up to much...but I have been really busy...which is an oxymoron...but thats okay because it makes sense. I replaced the last filter for Dr. Wainwright yesterday and I took another filter :) I also talked to him about what else I can do and now he has me making these display fish thingies. I forgot exactly what they were called but what I bascially do is disect the fish, then through a series of chemical treatments I make the fish see through...well his muscle tissue any way. you can still see his bone structure and everything, its kinda cool. he said that the guy that he had taught to do it sliced his finger open with the his pain is my gain I guess. I should be learning how to do that a week from this upcoming monday since dr wainwright is going to be out of town next week. also work is going fine, just as boring as ever, but thats pays the bills. george (the clown knife) is doing fine, he has been gobbling up the brine shrimp and one feeder fish is MIA so I guess he ate him too. I dont know if I will be taking summer school. on one hand it will get me some much needed units, but on the other it is really expensive now (something like $900) and I dont know how much financial aid I would get to help my mom and dad out to pay for that since it is so much money. I guess I will just have to talk to them about it.
on a separate note my computer has been running like crap lately. Not only is it incredibly slow, it can barely handle playing winamp and looking at the online at the same time. also internet explorer is starting to suck it up too. it has given me so many "not responding" errors in the past week. also my media player is sucking it up too as it does not play many of the things that it is designed to play. so I think a reformat is in order so I guess that is what I will be doing over the weekend. okay, I gotta go eat and get ready for class, I get to go on a field trip today to the winery here on campus for my viticulture class. leights. Friday, April 23, 2004
ok, so I dont really feel like typing a lengthy blog so I will just highlight the points of my week:
1) Gary finally molted today, I knew he was going to do it too so I tried to stay up, but I couldnt make it...and I know he waited on purpose 2) I talked to another docotor on wednesday. he was really nice and really helpful. I am going to be taking his class next year. I talked to him for an hour and a half about fish and experiments and what not. it was really great. I told him I would keep in touch and he said "please do", so I feel accepted. 3) I got paid! it felt good to deposit 100 bucks instead of withdrawing 20. I also looked at my checking account which has suddenly swelled in monies. I have enough money to pay for a few months of rent no prob. so this is good considering I am most likely going to be here for the summer. 4)I got my essay back, I got an 83/100. this is normal for me. I have always been an above average writter, but never a great one, so this comes as no surprize to me this is about it for now. I am going to see another doctor tomorrow, he is actually going to come over to the apartment! so I have to tidy up my tanks now and make sure everything is nice and presentable. ok, leights. Thursday, April 22, 2004
for my dad in case he has not found it yet.
oh this is for those who are curious about season 4 of simpsons Tuesday, April 20, 2004
well I just got back from replacing a filter at the marine bio place, and since he was just throwing away the old filter I decided to take one home. this is what the filter looks like and its price, not too shabby huh? Monday, April 19, 2004
well I have not posted in a while, so I guess this is as good a time as ever to post. I have been very busy recently. I am currently talking with 3 doctors about marine biology with a fourth one that has not responded yet. I am probably going to talk with one this wednesday and then maybe even one this saturday. I talked to one last week and he basically put me to work changing the filters on his tanks, this is okay because it makes me feel like I just bought some stuff and I am eagerly setting it up for my own tank...iono I am weird like that. I am probably going in tomorrow to replace a couple more filters in addition to working and class. I am really getting busy this quarter, I guess no more slacking off...well at least not too much more slacking. The doctor that I am changing filters in (dr. wainwright) seems to be impressed with my knowledge of aquariums and says that finding an undergrad with this type of knowledge is very rare. I talked to him for a while about fish today and he seemed happy to answer my questions and was happy with my I am happy...ok so anyway on to the weekend which was freaken great. I was getting really stressed out during the week because of all the stuff that was going to happen, but in the end it all worked out better than I had originally planned. During the whole week I was stressing because I had to clean the apartment, study, do homework, write an essay, get ready to cook lasagna, work, meetings with doctors... it was horrendous. probably my most stressful non test related week in a very long time. but in all culminated in a very good weekend. as most people who live in davis know, the third saturday of april is picnic day (the largest student run event in the country)...this saturday is also known as the day in which the last rain of the season will fall...but thankfully the storm gods were in our favor as it did not rain too bad as to dampen the fun. well first off let me start with friday. my family has already been here for a while before I even got home. I talked with them for a bit then got working on the lasagna. I am not too sure if they really enjoyed it or not (they might have just said it was good so as to not hurt my feelings, but thats coo). I think it turned out fairly well. I also made some breadsticks that everyone seemed to enjoy. thanks to the pilsbury dough boy for that. we also had salad with croutons and real bacon bits. we also watched kill bill which steph rentedf or 99 cents at blockbuster. after that my bros and I played a lot of mario party and got to bed at around 4 in the morning. I then proceeded to wake up at 8 and talked to my dad for a bit while my mom was at the grocery store picking up some stuff for breakfast. we had some sausage mcmuffin things and some coffee, it was good eatin. then it was off to picnic day. I dont really want to type too much about it...well I'll talk about it some with minor detail. we rode the A line to school got off and watched a bit of the parade. after that we took a tour of the death star and the bookstore. then it was off to the other end of campus where I showed my parents where the radioactive beagles were made. after that it was to the double decker bus for a quick trip to the vet med center. after that it was to the viticulture building where we watched a couple guys making wine barrels, it was pretty neat. after that it was over to see how long the fried twinkie line was hour and half long...screw that at about 1 we headed back home and realxed for a bit. steph had to head off to work and my family and I headed off to cattlemens to enjoy a nice dinner, it was good stuff. I could go for one of those steaks right now...*mouth watering* after cattlemens we headed back home and we played more video games. my dad even joined in this time for a game of mario party. he even got in second place ahead of two of my sad is that. so sunday rolls around and my family has to head back home. I bid them fairwell and headed back to bed at about 5 in the morning. then steph calls me at about 11 and we have to return kill I stumble out of bed to get ready. we return the movie and head off to walmart. this time we went to the one in dixon. it was really nice, a lot nicer than the one in woodland. after walking the aisles for a bit I purchased some charcoal, lighter fluid, lighter and some BBQing utensils as well as a couple other things...then we were off to check ourselves out. it was fun to check out, I think I just like scanning the barcode thingys. it takes a bit longer, but I liked it. steph said it was too time consuming...bah. after wal mart it started to rain and the sky was turning black so we decided to head home. however I was cravin some cajun rice from popeyes so I picked up a couple of em. we headed back to my place and I invited steph to try some...she nearly ate the whole entire large...after a while of just relaxing tamo and I went outside and we started up the ol BBQ that my dad had brought up for me. it went really well. we made some chicken, some hot links, and some hamburgers all in about 45 minutes. oh well, I think that is just about enough typing for now. I'll keep you informed on how the meetings with the doctors go...leights. Tuesday, April 13, 2004
read stephs blog first, then read this:
I did not want to get things in the open like this (although I do know that blogging is venting) now that it is out I would like to say thing or two. You have me here pinned as the bad guy when the relationship is both of ours. I have felt us slipping as of late and I thought it was getting better then something happens that blows it all to shit again. First off its not that I dont like you around when I have my friends over, its just that I feel that I have to be giving you attention instead of the people who drove 2 hours to be here. I dont feel that it is right of me to divert my attention when guests are around. Then when I am playing video games with tamo and said friend and you call me up and expect me to drop everything to talk to you is just unreasonable. I ask if I can call back when I reach a stopping point and I still get my head bitten off. I cant win sometimes with you. I know why you hate counter strike and I cant blame you for it, I would hate it too if I was in the postion that you were put in, but this does not mean that I should be punished for it. I do not subject you to what made you hate the game in the first place, so I dont expect to be subjected to the hatred from it. I am affraid to mention anything about it when you are around and that is not right. You have me scared shitless when it comes to that damn game. I am uncomfortable when any mention of the word comes up and I am even uncomfortable when tamo is playing and you are here. So is it no wonder that I didn't tell you that me and tamo were going to the DC with a guy that we know on CS? I was deathly affraid. then when I finally build up the courage to say something the thing that I feared would happen happens, and you still wonder why I didnt say anything. I should not have to ask permission to go to lunch with a guy that I know. I feel that I am being blamed for having some friends up here in davis. I am not saying that you yourself do not have friends, its just that you dont go and do anything with them...and would I stop you from going out and doing something with sondra or some other girls you know at work. no. (within reason of course) If you wanted to go to lunch with a sondra I would have no problem with it. This part of our relationship has bothered me to no end during the whole course of our relationship and I have asked repeatedly to change, but still things remain the same. Is it no wonder that we have been fighting a lot? and if you notice its always about the same thing. me going out with the guys. we dont fight about much of anything else. when I want to talk about somethings you dont want to talk and you just sit and brood. me on the other hand I get over things quickly and in ten minutes everything will be okay. then when you are "ready" to talk I just dont care any more because I am completely over what was getting us mad at eachother in the first place. Also during arguments you insist on taking my examples (which you ask for) and then you skew them in such a way as to be comparing apples to oranges. For instance I will say something about going out to lunch with friends, the you would compare it to something like going to a strip club or going out with another guy or something when that has nothing to do with whatever I said. This pisses me off to no end and I cant stand it, I have also told you to quit this and you still have not stopped to this day. I know that I am the man in the relationship, but all men have feelings too and they should be as equally respected as men have to respect womens feelings. I feel that you dont respect my feelings so sometimes it bothers me when I get yelled out for doing something that makes you sad or angry when you do it to me all the time with no remorse. I know that our relationship is in the shitter right now, but I am sure that we can bring it out of it. after all we did get it in there in the first place. of course either side will be blaming the other for it going down hill (as you did in your comment) but I will say that it is both of our faults. We are not the perfect couple, but no couple is, and those who say they have the perfect relationship are full of it. Fights happen all the time, but the best relationships hold tight all the way through. we have hit a rough spot right now, but we have always stuck together through the good and the bad times. I dont want to lose you after almost 2 years of love. Love is not something that goes away, it is just something that can be blocked by anger and hate. I am willing to try and give us a chance at pulling out of this hell hole if you will be willing to work it out with me. I think we just need to talk it out and respect eachothers feelings and stances on things. no usings sarcastic remarks or hash words to hurt feelings, this is between you and me steph and I love you too much to lose you over something that can be fixed just by talking. I have told you this before, and I still feel the same way. Monday, April 12, 2004
click here to have to chicken serve you.
I know that I have not updated in a while, and certain parties that will go unnamed have complained so here I am typing up a blog to quell the masses.
I have been very busy recently. I think my schooling career is finally getting into full swing...I am in this sort of transition right now and I am pretty sure that it is for the better. I am working every day about 3 hours and I just turned in my first time sheet last friday. I should get my first paycheck by the 21st of this month. (I get paid biweekly, but I am pretty sure that you were able to figure that out.) I worked 13.5 hours last week so that gives me about 100 bucks before after taxes I'll have about 90 cents? that seems about right considering how the government bends me over every time I get paid. Its okay though, I guess, since I usually get a decent refund...which is also taxed, what the hell is up with that? so this is the week that my family is coming up to visit. I really hope that the weather stays nice...or decent so that they do come. I have already purchased the components for dinner on friday and have told my boss that I will be working less hours this week in preparation for their arrival. also today I went to talk to some one about marine biology. she was very nice and very helpful. she gave me the names of some prominent professors here at davis. I just sent out emails to each of them hoping to get the chance to meet them in person and talk to them about my major. also when I was talking to the advisor she said that I seemed very enthusiastic about fish and what not and that I she wanted me to work in her lab. I am not too sure if she was joking or not, but I wouldnt mind. ok well I have to go, I have an essay to edit and some other stuffs to do. leights. Tuesday, April 06, 2004
random observations:
-Yesterday I saw my Ans 119 prof walking out of rite aid. I said hi, and he mumbled something that kind of sounded like good job in the class. -also I saw 2 tubes of toothpaste lying on the ground in two separate locations. one was colgate and the other was aquafresh. well, I dont know this for sure, but the that is what the shape of the caps indicated. -I went to the restroom while at work today and saw, at the sink, a tooth brush and toothpaste on a wet paper towel. I assume they belonged to the guy that was taking the grossly noisy dump...I did not stick around to find out as my supply of oxygen to my brain was running low.
well I dont know why exactly I am awake at this very moment, but I thought, might as well type a blog. Yesterday was not good at all. I went to physics DL (discussion/lab) and I got this TA that totally sucks. He bases the grade for the DL only on homework and nothing else, which is total bull because you are supposed to participate in class and that is also supposed to be part of your grade, but he has totally ommitted that part. so I am currently thinking about how to either transfer out of this particular DL into another, or drop the class as a whole. But the problem with that is I dont know where I am going to get the 4 units that I would lose if I did drop it.
also on a separate note, my family decided to come up for picnic day. I was shocked. at first I thought it was some sort of elaborate april fools day joke, but I found out that it wasn't and I was really happy. This is the first time they would have visited me in the 3 years I have been here. I mean they just barely saw the campus this year also. the only thing that would stop them from coming up is if it rains, and I hope it doesnt *knocks on wood* also when they come up they will be just in time to see Gary molt again, well if he keeps on his 14 day cycle. I am really glad that my family is going to try and come up, now finally Andy can see the campus and whats cookin there. okay, well I gotta go burn a music cd for work today, I am getting tired of listening to the same stuff. I also need to fill out some paperwork and turn all that shite know the insurance stuff and the increase in money thingy...ok, me go now...leights. Saturday, April 03, 2004
hey, check this out, pretty cool huh? well at least I think so. you can actually look up any body on that thing. oh, by the way, that used to just say my year and major, thats why I think it is interesting.
On a separate note I have not been sleeping too well lately and I dont know why. I have an idea, but I'd prefer not to talk about them here. class this quarter does not look so swell, I dont feel like this is going to be a good quarter at all. physics lecture made me feel uncomfortable, I mean I felt uneasy the whole entire time. the prof goes really fast and stutters a lot making him very hard to follow. for english the prof there is very very proper like it seems. it also seems like the rod up her ass has a rod up its ass, but thats just my first impression. for my bio class I am not too sure how well that is going to go. I had to buy this huge packet with her overheads on them. and as of first lecture she did not really write anything on them, she just kind of circled things. I dont know how that class is going to work out either. she is supposed to be really difficult, so I will see how that will go. my last class is intoduction to wine making, its for my second to last GE requirement, so its all good. it seems like a really good class that I will enjoy, but it's the only class that I think I will enjoy which is really unfortunate. bah, oh well, I am kinda hungry...leights. |