well fuck, the final that I knew I screwed up on is that class I get screwed in...way to go James....and to think you liked the damn class. I guess I'll be taking it over thanks to my screw up on the final of like 60 points that should have been easy money. dammit man. It turns out I got the whole range of grades
Ans 119- A
Physics - B
Bio - C
Virology - D+
I wish I could retake that stupid final, I know I would do better... posted by Congofeet at 7:54 PM
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
just finished talking to my grandpa who has come down with a case of the shingles. he said that everyone is picking on him and he doesnt know why. I told him just to rest up and get better and he said he would. ok, thats all for now...tamo brought from home final fantasy crystal chronicles as well as his moms GBA. I bought a connecter so we can play, so I guess thats what I will be doing for the next couple days before school starts up again...*shudder* I am not looking forward to next quarter at all... posted by Congofeet at 4:31 PM
Monday, March 29, 2004
well I am long finished with my finals, and I am still tired. It is probably because I have not gotten a real nights rest in a while. I let steph bring stolly over to my place for a while (friday night, saturday, and sunday afternoon) and she is really adorable, but she took a dump on the carpet, so she is not going to be over for a long while. at least it did not leave any marks or at least it was not pee. steph was really dissapointed with stolly because she really loves that cat. thursday and friday were interesting. on tuesday kaz came over, I talked to him about going down during the summer, and he said any weekend would be fine, just to let him know when. wednesday I took my last final and dae ho was here also (another friend, he goes to berkeley). Kaz wanted to go to steak place to eat because he wanted something that he could not get in so cal. so we went to cattlemens....oh...soooo good. I got the sheriff, which is a two pound steak with baked potato, and all you can eat sour dough bread....oh...sooo...good, I could go for another right now. I am usually hesistant to order my steak medium rare, but this time I did since I was at a good steak place, and boy did it pay off. You could order a steak rare there, but I was not willing to go that far. steph picked up the same thing, but of course she could not finish, I almost finished, except that the bread was sooo good that I piled up on that stuff first. after that we went over to Jeffs house (another friend) to play a card game named munchkin. it is really fun and lasted a really long time. and by long time I mean four hours. Tamo came out victorious in the end, but it was only because one of jeff's roommates, chris, wanted to finish the game already, so he made it so that tamo could win. I think I would have won, but tamo's turn was right before mine and I never had the chance to. so I am bitter about that. I ended up borrowing the game from Jeff so that me, tamo, and daeho could play again, which we did, and this time I came out victorious. It was in great fashion too, dae ho was soo bitter, oh well, maybe next year man.
on a separate note my blue lobster molted again, he is getting huge....about 3 and a half inches now. oh also, I am just about done with my moms pseudo gift, so I will be mailing that out soon along with her 10 dollar check that I owe her. I think I will also put in a game for andy and mikey to help with their typing. Its called typing of the dead, its exactly like house of the dead, but you have to type words to shoot the monsters. It should help with their skills, I find it hard sometimes and I can type 40-50 words per minute...so yeah, good luck. ok, me go now. leights. posted by Congofeet at 5:58 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2004
I don't think so. I claim his:
telson, heart, uropod, first ventral ganglion, rostrum, cardiac stomach, pyloric stomach, bladder of antennal gland, antennal gland, cheliped, ventral thoracic artery, sternal artery, ventral abdominal artery and dorsal abdominal artery.
well my last final is in about 3 hours, and I am quite drained right now. I really do not want anything to do with physics any more, I hate it with a passion. I got the grade for my final in my bio class, and lets just say it was not too spectacular. For some reason biology on the cellular level does not interest me, which is all this class was. so in other words I enjoy the forest (the whole animal) as opposed to the trees (the cells in the animal). Hopefully the curve treats me well in that class. still waiting for my grades in virology to come in, I really wanted to do well in that class since it was soo interesting, but I dunno now since that screw up that I did, which still pisses me off to this day. my only consolation is that I got that "A" in animal science, which was the highest grade in the class, which is exactly what I set out to get, I feel accomplished because of it. its the first time in a long time that I have set out to be the best and I actually was. A small class does me well. I am very competitive when it comes to grades, but I find that I cant be when I am in a larger class. I think it is the fact that my competition does not have a face and a name so I dont really care to compete. I know its dumb, but I think that is how my brain works.
on a separate note, kaz is up here and dae ho are coming over. most of you dont know who dae ho is but, he is a friend that goes to berkeley. also I think my blue lobster (actually a yabby) is getting ready to molt again. I dont remember posting about him, but his name is Gary and he is hilarious. steph helped me pay for half of him, so technically half of him is hers...but he molted once already, so I say that was the half that was hers, then he ate the molt...so he took in her half again, but I am sure he crapped it back out so therefore Gary is all mine...YES! ok I gotta study. leights. posted by Congofeet at 10:19 AM
Top grade on the final as well as the class. Grade of "A". posted by Congofeet at 10:26 PM
Monday, March 22, 2004
well the weekend was pretty good. Saturday I just sat and recovered from the horror of a final I took the day before. On sunday steph and I went out to pick up a birthday gift for her roommate Jen. We also went over to Priceclub where I picked up a new chair. it is sooooo comfy, the cushion is a complement to my ass. it was a $90 with a $20 instant rebate, so it was all good. and my mom and dad pitched in 30 bucks. today I am going to go to claim jumper with steph for Jen's burfday. steph and I plan to split the ore cart. I still need to study too for my bio final tomorrow, so I guess I'll be taken my notes with me to study on the way there and at claim jumper, hopefully I dont get my notes all covered in BBQ sauce. Ok, I gotta go get ready.
low_______________high________________leave me the hell alone posted by Congofeet at 5:34 PM
Saturday, March 20, 2004
omg...its his freaken hand...its not a feather. posted by Congofeet at 10:31 PM
Friday, March 19, 2004
omg I totally screwed up on my final, not because I did not study, but because my brain just took a dump near the end of the test. I mixed up small pox with herpes. I got their structures totally mixed for some reason, no I did not put it backwards or something, I totally integrated both of their structures into two moderately wrong answers. I cant believe I did that, I am sooo freaken pissed right now. then my damn ans 119 professor wont email the class of FIVE their grades on the presentations even though he said he would on monday....omg I am stressed beyond belief right now...kal;kfjlk;asdjlfjslkfa;dfaljaspinewlkcoiwaop posted by Congofeet at 6:44 PM
(not the distracted part) posted by steph at 4:35 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
must...study...must...not...be...dis..trac...ted....oh hey shiny. posted by Congofeet at 9:36 PM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Hi James,
I have been authorized to put you on payroll working for David Press in
Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology. There is a stack of papers for you
to fill out before you can be put on payroll, and it takes most of an hour
to do. You need to bring identification, which can be a driver's license
AND a social security card or else just a passport. If you want direct
deposit of your pay, you need to give me a voided check on the account.
When you are ready, stop by my desk in the WFCB office, 1088 Academic Surge.
Anne M. Berg
Payroll/Personnel Assistant
Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
got this in my email...James first actual job...wow.
well I am now done with class for fall quarter, now onto finals.
on a separate note I have been playing some old school NES games on my computer...good stuff. I have come to realize the following:
1) Mike Tyson Punch Out pisses me off a lot more now than it did when I was a kid
2) I still cant shoot those F**KING ducks in duck hunt (after 14 years)
3) I can now easily land that stupid plane in Top Gun
4) Contra is still as good as I remember.
I love NES, I wish I would not have sold it when I was kid. I would love to get my hands on my old system with all the games, but I doubt that would ever happen. Okay, imma go eat and then start on my essay...
oh yeah and my allergies are kicking my ass right now...and not a claritin pill in sight :( posted by Congofeet at 10:35 AM
Monday, March 15, 2004
Your Love Meter Reading
Your score: 12
Your percentage: 60%
Your Analysis: Going strong
You have a healthy mix of devotion and independence. You believe that a good relationship truly does make life run a little smoother. You're able maintain healthy friendships, strong family ties and important career goals. It's not that you never argue,you and your partner are simply able to disagree without smashing the good china. Just don't go around thinking you have the perfect relationship. No one does.
I saw this on an ad while checking my hotmail...love you my love.
YES! not only did I get my refund (acutally I got my CA one on the 8th, but I got the big Fed one) yesterday I also talked with my boss on the phone and he said that the guy who got the job is quitting and that the job is mine if I wanted it...so I took it! so I now have a job for next quarter! posted by Congofeet at 10:13 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2004
well my dad said that they (they=my mom and dad) dont see how much I work (but they do see how much I dont) so I have decided to post a blog about my day today to try and illustrate what I do.
Start: 6:50 am- Wake up, start to get ready for school
7:10 am- finished getting ready for school, check weather to see what I should wear
7:12 am-check email to see if any prof emailed me anything important over night
7:20 am-leave for bus
7:27 am-get on bus, depart for school
7:40 am-arrive on campus, walk from bus to silo to get news paper then walk to class
8:00 am-after reading newspaper this is when class starts
10:30am- Physics lab/discussion now done after 2 and half hours of extreme boredom
10:40 am- walk back to silo to get some breakfast
10:50 am- walk about one 3/4 mile to next class
11:00 am-class starts (animal science)
12:00 pm- class ends
12:25 pm- get on bus to head home
12:35 pm- bus departs for home
12:50 pm- bus arrives at greystone, I walk back to apartment
1:00 pm- feed fish, start recording stephs soaps (days of our lives)
1:30 pm- eat a small quick lunch
2:00 pm- check email again to make sure no updates on classes
2:20 pm- start to get ready for work
2:30 pm- leave apartment for bus
2:37 pm- bus departs for campus
2:50 pm-bus arrives on campus, I walk 3/4 mile to get to work
3:00 pm- arrive at work, begin sorting out samples
6:00 pm-finish work, leave, walk back to silo to meet steph
6:10 pm- arrive at silo, eat quick dinner
6:25 pm- leave silo for class
6:30 pm-arrive at class
6:40 pm-class starts, take physics quiz
8:00 pm-class ends, walk to bus
8:07 pm- arrive at bus
8:10 pm-bus departs from campus
8:23 pm-bus arrives at greystone
8:30 pm-get home, take some time to relax, go online for bit, check for email again
9:00 pm-shower, maybe a shave if I have the energy
9:45 pm- see what I have to get done for school
10:00 pm- start whatever needs to get done
End 12:00 am-sleepy time now
Of course this varies from day to day and week to week, but this is the general thing that I do, and as you can see it is not being lazy. As much as I would like to think that I am really lazy, I am not...yes I am ashamed to admit it but I do get some work done around here...okay, I am sleepy (I have been for about a week now). I dont know why exactly. Steph said it might be stress and I have not been getting a good nights sleep even though I have been going to bed at 10 the past couple nights. If it does not improve though I think I am going to get some vitamins, that might be my problem...actually maybe I'll get some vitamins anyway, they would not hurt. oh oh oh, one more thing, when I say that I cant get a job because I dont have a car dont give me the "when I was younger I took the bus". this is not LA up here, nor is it RTD. our buses are run by the students. The buses at greystone do not run on the weekends, and the buses that do run on the weekend only run on saturday, and they only run until 5 pm, so please keep that in mind when you yell this at me...oh and the bike thing...all I have to say to that is: its a 100 degrees outside, I'd like to see you bike 5 miles one way to go to work.
ok one more thing, projected grades for this quarter:
Bio 104- B+/A-
Virology- B+/A-
Animal Science- A/A+
Physics- B/B+
these are all at best grades, more likely its:
Bio 104- B
Virolgy- B
Animal Science-A
but those are still decent grades if you dont ask me...so dont ask me...ok me go now...really this time. leights. posted by Congofeet at 10:43 PM
hey! cow's can't have blue eyes!... at least, as far as I know. posted by steph at 9:03 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
so today I learned about ebola virus in my virology class, pretty scary stuff. apparently your insides pretty much turn to liquid and you vomit black stuff, and your skin is very fragile, and if you bust it blood will spill out. also when carrying the corpses that have died from ebola you can hear their insides sloshing around. also out breaks of ebola are occuring more frequently in Africa, and the chimp population has dropped significantly because all the monkey's are dying of ebola also. Another thing that sucks is that one of the leading ways of getting it is to attend the funeral of a person who died from ebola...pretty scary stuff huh...but at least bleach and lysol can kill the stuff, unlike in mad cow...nothing kills that. I dont know which is worse mad cow or ebola, but I dont want either thank you very much.
on a lighter note when my ans prof walked into class today he said something to the effect of "James set the bar really high for the presentations, and as it turns out he also set it really high for your mid terms, in fact I could have just used his test as the grading rubric." this is when I begin to start slumping in my chair to avoid angry stares from the other 4 people in the class...I was like sheesh Conklin...shut it, I dont need this kind of bad publicity.
also I have been really sleepy lately, I dont know if it is from working and school, or if it is because I need some vitamins. I am really thinking about getting some vitamins to take once a day to see if that would help...maybe I'll get em later tonight...ok gotta get ready for class...leights posted by Congofeet at 2:25 PM
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
well the past few days have been tiring to say the least. Yesterday I had a 20 minute presentation about black tiger shrimp culture in Thailand then about four hours later I had a bio midterm. The presentation went great, I was really happy with the results. The professor called it superb and said that I set the bar high for the following people (I was the first person). The bio midterm was okay, I wish I would have studied more for it...and by more I mean at all. I was sooo busy making the presentation that I could not study as much as I would have liked, so this will probably result in a lower test score...a few questions I was like..."doh, I know this, but I can quite remember" so yeah, finals are coming up really soon and I need to get craken on the paper I have to do for my internship. I was told it needs to be 4 pages and it is due next friday..not this coming friday, but next friday...when I have a final...so I need to get that done this weekend...ok me go now leights. posted by Congofeet at 6:05 PM
My First Time...
The sky was dark
The moon was high
The wind did fade
All alone, she and I
Her hair was soft
Her eyes were blue
I knew just what
She wanted to do
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers
Down her spine
I didn't know how
But I tried my best
I started by placing
My hands on her breast
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread
Her long legs apart
And when I did it
I felt no shame
As all at once
The white stuff came
At last it's finished
Yes, all over now
My first time ever
At milking a cow.
get your mind out of the gutter...the whole lotta yah. once again thank my dad for this. posted by Congofeet at 11:41 AM
Thursday, March 04, 2004
I hate thursdays, I wake up at 7 in the morning to go to by two and a half hour class at 8...then at 10:30 my physics lab is over so now I have to wait 30 more minutes for my animal science class to start...so I walk all the way to the other side of campus (its about a mile) to go to class...then I have to walk about a mile in less than ten minutes to catch the bus, and thursdays are the worst because if I dont make it I have to find something to do for another half an hour before the next bus comes instead of 20 minutes any other day...so today I missed the noon bus, so I had nothing to do for half an hour so I walked all the way across campus to the MU and walked around the bookstore for a while wasting time, then I walked to the bus stop...so the bus gets going but now I the bus has to wait for the train to go by...I am not talking about a little train either, these are city of commerce long trains, so I have to sit for an extra ten minutes (or so it seems) on the bus, then I get home and I have to feed my fish later than what I would like to (I normally feed them between 12 and 12:30) and they can tell that I am late, you wouldnt think it, but I know they can tell, they kind of circle around for a bit after I turn off the filter (normally I turn off the filter and they dart to the top) as if they were saying I am late...so now I have a 2 hour break before I have to go to my internship for three hours followed right after by a physics quiz and an hour and half lecture...ugh, I hate thursdays, the only thing they are good for is marking the spot before friday...ok...I am done with my rant, resume your normal programming. posted by Congofeet at 1:15 PM
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
omg...breaking news...my final exam for virology will not be cumulative...so that means for all of you non test takers that all the final exam will cover is the material after the first midtem until the last lecture...sweet deal...that makes me fell a bit better. posted by Congofeet at 1:14 PM
I am really feeling drained right now, I have a lot of stuff going on, and I am kinda getting stressed out...I have acutally been this way since about mid day monday...I was really stressed, and I'd tell you why but for most people who dont understand it would be stupid...okay, I'll tell you anyway, maybe some one will understand. I would consider my hearing above average when it comes to hearing high pitch sounds, for example I can hear a TV is on when I am sitting in the other room just from the electrical sound that it makes. on monday I was sitting in class and about 1/4 of the way through class there begins a beeping sound. it was moderately high pitched, and it annoyed the hell out of me. and it was not a constant sound that I could easily tune it...it was a beeping, and it varied so it was impossible to tune out. and it continued throughout the whole entire lecture, it drove me insane, and I could not stand it all. a few times I had to just cover my ears so I could not hear the sound any more, but then I could not take notes. I was so frustrated at this I was pretty much pissed off for the whole entire day, then my dad called, which has to deal with the post below this, and I am not too sure if he was kidding or whatever (he was sick and I can understand him being grumpy, because that is the way he gets when he is sick, I would know, I have known him for half his life) but that additionally pissed me off, and I had to keep laughing in order not to just blow up. I didnt really need that at the time, and under normal circumstances it probably would not have bothered me, but at the time it did. so now I have a 20 minutes powerpoint presentation due on monday for my invertebrate aquacuture class on the black tiger shrimp and its being grown in Thailand, and I also have a biology midterm on the same day...how wonderful. then for my internship if I want units I have to type a paper, which is no problem, but the reading I was given stressed me out further because the packet is huge, so I dont know what I am going to do...going crazy...damn phone ringing and nobody on the other end...omg I am soooo drained.. posted by Congofeet at 1:06 PM
Monday, March 01, 2004
I would like to make the following corrections to the post below:
1) I am not calling my dad a liar, simply that the weather channel said otherwise, and I know that where they take their measurements has distinctly different weather on any given day.
2) I shall never refer to my father in any context other than: my dad, father, daddy, and the taker of life.
I hope these clarifications will appease the disgruntled parties posted by Congofeet at 6:59 PM