The Life Of Me: |
Friday, October 31, 2003
well one of the black neon tetras died despite me and steph gettting some medicine for him and the was really werid, he was just finished eating like ten minutes before, then I look up and he is in one of the fake plants dead. I was kinda surprised. I went to petco again because I de-quarantined them so I can treat all of my guys at once. I talked to a fish expert at petco about my troubles and he said that I was doing everything right (which I was glad to hear) and that I should not worry too much because neon tetras are the little bitches of the freshwater fish world. I told him that I was practicing with freshwater before I move onto salt water...he said that was a good idea and that if I can keep neons alive then I should be good enough with fish to take on salt water. this leads me to what I want for christmas...I think I want to get a bigger fishtank...still freshwater, but like maybe a 30 or 40 gallon tank with stand. This is going to require some a lot of purchasing because I am going to need not only a new tank, but also a stand new filter, gravel and what not...not to mention that I am going to need more what I think I am going to ask for christmas from my mom and dad is a nice filter for a 30-40 gallon tank...I am not too sure how much they cost exactly, but I think that is the only thing I want...the rest of my xmas gifts I want as a mom and dad are really good at getting things as a surprise and I have not been surprised really at xmas in a long time, so I think I would like this best. okay class is going to start in about 10 min so I have to get going...leights. Thursday, October 30, 2003
oh take a look at the pics of my fish, they should work now.
also I would like to inform everyone that at the end of this month my blogger will have been going for 29 months...or just about 2 and a half years...I think it is one of the older blogs that I know of...
well even with the internet deals the price for tickets home is still the same...about 35 bucks more than they were last year, even when I do take the flights that are not on the peak days. I think the problem lies in the taxes and what not. I am pretty sure that there are some new ones or something that would raise the price...but I am not too sure. I am going to talk to my mom about it tomorrow to see if I have the go ahead, or if she wants to look into it a bit more. oh, and I just planned out my classes for next quarter and they are looking good. 15 units which includes the following classes:
English 102B- this is an upper division english class for biology students, its required for me Biology 103- the second to last one in this series that I need to take...also required of course Physics 7B- the second installment of my boring physics, once again I am screwed over by its stupid late night lectures...this time on thursdays from 5:10-6:30...oh well, after this only one more to go History 174D- This seems like an interesting involves all 10 weeks looking at one event in history, it is not a requirement, but it does give me some social science GE last one of soc. sci...but then I have the stupid diversity requirement so if all works out well monday and wednesday my day will be done by 1 pm on tuesday and thursday it will end at 12...well with the exception of physics lecture which is also on that means I have to go back to school after being at home for about 5 oh least I have NO class on friday :) Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Final Score 93-109
well I was worried about Charlie, my algae eater...I named him charlie because he is a chocolate algae eater...I think you can understand the reason...anyway he has made it past the point in which pleco, my other algae eater did not. as I type charlie is clamped on to a piece of zuccini that I put in the tank for him. I read up on fish, and for algae eaters it is good to give them green vegetables in addition to the algae in the tank. I hope I dont spoil him into expecting zuccini everyday now...the black neon tetras that I bought with charlie are not doing to well...they have a bacterial infection called ich. I caught it today and tamo and I managed to quarantine them in one of my 5 gallon buckets. we caught them with a pair of chopsticks and a ziploc bag...tamo called it the most 1337 (thats leet in azn talk) net ever...but now that I have them quarantined I have to get medicine for them tomorrow as well as a small tank to put them in I hope they do well...ok, back to relaxing after my midterm midterm is next week for my earthquake class...all multiple choice...ok gnight
haha, I found this on the onion, I think it is the funniest thing I have read in a while:
Voice Recognition Software Yelled At NEW YORK—Fidelity Financial Services' Gwen Watson, 33, shouted angrily at her IBM ViaVoice Pro USB voice-recognition software, sources close to the human-resources administrator reported Monday. "No, not Gary Friedman! Barry Friedman, you stupid computer. BARRY!" Watson was heard to scream from her cubicle. "Jesus Christ, I could've typed it in a hundredth of the time." After another minute of yelling, Watson was further incensed upon looking at her screen, which read, "Barely Freedman you God ram plucking pizza ship."
well the midterm went ok, not as bad as I was fearing, but not as good as I was hoping. thats okay. however the day started off really badly...I mean not the waking up at 5 am part, but the bus ride to school. see if you can figure out why from the following equations:
Greystone+Sterling=1 bus Rest of A line= 1 bus therefore Greystone+Sterling+Rest of A-Line=2 buses however, today Greystone+Sterling+Rest of A-Line=1 bus worst. bus ride. ever.
well I got up at the but crack of dawn to study for my eve 100 midterm today. hopefully all goes well. Monday, October 27, 2003
wanna see what the fires back home look like from yah go:
![]() oh yeah, the site that this came from is quite interesting...but the pics are massive sometimes so they may take a while to load for you slower connection people.
wow, today's high was in the mid 90's...the forecast for saturdays high...55...what the hell is up with that. A 40 degree difference between 5 days...thats crazy...oh well I was waiting for cooler weather and even rain... I have sadly enough been looking forward to the rain.. Friday, October 24, 2003
I told my dad that I would post pics of my fish on my blog so that he can see what they look like so here they are.
![]() this is what my algae eater looks like ![]() this is what the black skirt tetras look like ![]() here are the black neon tetras ![]() and last but not the least here are the red eye tetra
well I am in the computer lab here at school because I have an hour to waste, so I just decided to type a blog. I got my test back for bio 102, my bio chem class. I did not do as well as I had hoped. I wanted to get at least a B in the class since it is biology...but the first midterm says otherwise. I got a 39, I absolutely hate scores below 40...there is something about that barrier. 40 is not an okay score, but when it comes to a 39 it is so much better in my mind. I mean I think my 39 is a C because of curve, but I dont want a C. the high in the class was 100 and the low was 10. the mean was 54 which is a B- and an A- is 76 this puts a C- at about 32. the only thing that would make today a better day is when steph and I go to petco...hopefully I can get some more fish, if I cant then it would make this day worse. well all in all a crappy day so far..hope it gets better...ok imma surf the web on this nice T1 that they have here...
oh yeah, for those who dont know what a pleco is its a sucker fish. I am sure my dad would remember, I used to have one in the fish tank in roland heights. the big black sucker fish...they can grow up to 18 inches depending on the environment...ours got pretty good size, I'd say at least 10 in a ten gallon tank...not too shabby if I dont say so myself.
steph and I went to petco today an I found out that the shipment of plecos that contained my pleco was a bad they were all sick, so I was relieved to find out that plecos untimely death was not my fault at all. I did all I could to help him, but he was sick from the beginning. later today steph and I are going to another petco in vacaville. I am probably going to get my water tested and then pick up some more fish...and of course another pleco. hopefully they dont have sick ones like they do here in davis. oh oh and I have decided that I want a chinchilla. they are really pricy, but they are soooo soft and dare I say adorable. they are like 130 bucks each though, and are kinda high maintenence because they require dust baths and bigger cages because they like to run around but they are uber soft. well I suppose I will get one when I am much older, but what I really want is a big fishtank. like a huge one. maybe 50 gallon? there are sooo many fish that I like and want that I just cant fit in that puny 10 gallon. I was thinking of getting a bigger one with my christmas monies. one with a nice stand and everything. it might just be a phase right now, so I am not going to go out and do it, but if I still want it in a few months and I have the money to do it I peobably would. I love fish, I guess I can thank my uncle for that. I really really enjoyed looking at all of the fish that he had, and the tanks that he had were great. I used to fall asleep all the time in his living room watching the fish swimming around. I think this was one of the major things that helped me to choose marine I guess I have my uncle to thank for my major...go figure... Wednesday, October 22, 2003
The following things have occured already, and I meant to mention them, but have forgotten...but I now take the time to mention them for you:
1) Steph bought me a deep fryer as an early x-mas gift. its great, we have been frying up lots of good stuff like taquitos, tater tots, fries, burritos and what not. 2) After realizing that my dad had found all my old fish tank stuffs I fixed up my tank with some fake plants, some new rocks, and a new part for the filter. coincendently I have also stocked it with fish. I have two red eye tetras and three black skirt tetras. I had a pleco, but he has died as mentioned in the blog below. but the other fish are doing well. I have had the red eyes for almost two weeks now and the black skirts for almost one. I am going to get my water tested one more time before I get some neon tetras and maybe after that I will get another pleco. I think plecos kick ass, so thats why I want another. I could have taken the plecos body back to petco because they have a guarentee, but I could not bring myself to taking him out and putting him in a plastic bag for $ I am just going to buy another. 3) I got a C on my ochem test, and a B+ on my first physics quiz that I took 3 weeks ago. we take a quiz every week, so I am glad to find that I did well on my first one. I am going to get my Bio Chem mid term back this friday I hope...or not hope...but I will keep you posted on that one...well unless I forget. 4) the apartment is great. it is a lot better than last year...I am not saying that last year was bad or anything, its just that I had conflicts with a certain roommate that made it a bitch to live in arlington. tamo agrees in saying that this year is a lot better. we even actually have a clean bathroom, in fact we cleaned it this past sunday...sinks, floor, mirror, tub, the works. 5)I am still desperately looking for a job. I have been turned down several times, but I am not giving up. I applied to the library as a book shelver, but they have not gotten back to me yet, but the week is still young. 6)I finally figured out and found a program that can make vcd's that play in the dvd player. it even makes menus so that I can select certain episodes if its anime. I look forward to changing all of my avi's to VCD that is about it for now. if I can think of anything else I will try and remember to post it. aight now to go fiddle with the VCD buring program. Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Pleco the first was pronounced dead at 1:38pm on October 21, 2003.
Cause of death: bacterial infection A private funeral will be held later today. Friday, October 17, 2003
well the only thing that could save me from failing my two midterms that I had today was sweet sweet death...however as predicted I encountered no such luck and I have coincidently failed two midterms...they were not as horrible as I was thinking, but dont let that fool you, I did not do that well on them. Luckily I rememberized all 20 of my amino acids which allowed me to score a few points in bio chem considering that the question that dealt with the amino acids was worth 45 points out of 100. I was looking at other peoples tests when I went to turn mine in and they had a sequence similar to mine, so that is great to see. I wish I would have studied more of the pkas and what not so I could do some of the calculations, but all in all it was not as horrible as I was thinking but pretty horrible none the less. I am typing this in the computer lab at school, and the line is pretty gimungous so I should be going to be considerate...yes I am very considerate thank you very much... Thursday, October 16, 2003
The only thing that can save me now is sweet sweet death...but since that is not going to happen looks like I am going to hvae to study my ass off to lessen the extremely hard punch of bio chem which is going to bend me over in about 13 hours and have its way with me... Tuesday, October 14, 2003
I have...some...horrible news...*wipes away tear*...I declare that my original metallica t-shirt (the one with the flaming skull) is now an at home/work/bed time shirt. thats right, I have declared my flaming skull metallica is now no longer a school shirt...*wipes away another tear*....after about 7 years of shirt service (it would have been seven on christmas) it is now being will still have a place on my hangers, because I could not imagine it any where else...but it is no longer a school shirt...please try and resume your daily activities as if this were any other metallica shirt would have preferred it be that way...*wipes away tear*
today was a decent day as compared to yesterday which was horrible horrible crap. I got my application for the library reshelver today. I have filled it all out in pencil, I am planning on redoing it in pen later on today, but I have to study for my two midterms that I have this friday (Biochem and Ochem, how fun). I have to "rememborize" (word compliments of my little bro kevin) all 20 amino acids names, letter, and structure not to mention all this other crap for bio chem. I thought that my love for bio and my hatred for chem would cancel eachother out in this class...but I have found that chem far overrides the bio aspect. My prof for biochem admitted a couple days ago that "his tests can be tricky", and yeterday he said "would I put a trick question like this on the betcha!". So I am not feeling to confident about the midterm, which is why I need to study. My ochem class is being absorbed much better than lasttime. It was such crap last cant teach o chem with powerpoint, it just cant be done. My fish are doing great. the water got a bit cloudy yesterday and I got worried, so I looked it up online and it turns out it was perfectly ok, and in fact it was good. the cloudiness is because the nitrogen cycle is starting. the site also said that it would clear up in 1-5 days, and if not to get some water tests and treat the water. but the water was significantly clearer today, so I am not worried too much any more. I am probably going to get new fish this weekend or next. how am I going to pay for it you ask? well I just wrapped up my change and (minus pennies) had 35 bucks in dimes, 20 bucks in quarters, and 12 bucks in nickels. so I am probably going to try and deposit that soon, but I dont think I can do it in the atm :P ok me go study and work on application now...leights Friday, October 10, 2003
well I had a nice blog about my soul being worth more than stephs and tamos...but something went on the fritz with blogger...and possibly human error... well its gone...but anyway here is how much mine is worth: 26,193 British Pound = 43,640.2 US Dollar, you can see stephs blog to see how much hers is worth...tamos is worth about half of mine...what a loser...ok me go..
I am about to head off to bed, but I decided to type a blog. School has been okay, its going kinda fast. I have my first midterm next week :\ It feels like I just started school and now its time to take my first midterm. I am still hunting for a job. I have been denied 3 times now, but I am still looking. I really really want a job, I could use the extra money. I was looking for a job right now, but something went screwy with the website. I think I am going to have to settle for a lower paying job. I was looking for those $7.50 jobs, but I have not had very good luck. I dont like to settle, but I think I am going to have to make an exception in this case. My mom and dad have been talking to my uncle about my major. I dont mind, I like advice...his thoughts is that I should minor in something else to expand my horizons. The thing is that when they tell me this it makes me feel like they are not being very supportive of the choice of major that I am making. I understand that my uncle has a degree in chemical engineering, but is now a CEO or something of a major bank in taiwan(?) iono. My feeling is though that I dont want to regret not going into biology since I love it so much. I feel that I would rather bomb in biology and look back and say that was not a good choice than say further down the road, what would have happened if I would have taken the biology road in life. I think another thing that my mom and dad dont understand is that if they want me to minor in something they are most likely going to have to pay for another year of college for me. Right now I am taking 15-17 units every quarter just to fullfill my major requirements, to fulfill a minor I would have to increase my unit load by at least 4 more units. I can not handle 19-21 units in a quarter, that is insanity and I will not do it. besides I dont like economics or business. I am not that type of person. I know some econ and business majors and they are not order to succeed in that field of work you have to be cutthroat, and I dont have that in me...the only things that I could possibly do is possibly double emphasize, maybe marine biology and microbiology. I have to look into it more and it will only give me like 20 units more that I would have to do instead of 40-50 in a minor...ok with that said, I am going to bed...g night Sunday, October 05, 2003
![]() Your combination of being both silly and scary is what makes you appealing. It just cracks people up when they see you goof around at one time, and stare people down at another time. Your unpredictability may confuse some, annoy some, and amuse others, but whatever happens, you're too caught up with your own thing to conform to other people's standards. Besides that, the id seems to be the dominant force in your mind (the part of the mind which demands immediate gratification) Which Soul Calibur character are you? this quiz was made by david park
go jamesy! Thursday, October 02, 2003
today after two long years of being undeclared life sciences I finally declared. I am now officially Bio Sci with emphasis on Marine Biology. I am really happy with this decision. In fact I think I am going to plan out my classes for it right now... Wednesday, October 01, 2003
I guess the ducks have a new jersey. personally I dont like it. I like the old ones better. the 97-98 ones. I think its the duck face mask that tickles my fancy...although the 95-95 one is pretty cool.
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