The Life Of Me: |
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
well I was supposed to catch the early bus so I could get to campus a little bit earlier than normal, but I got out there like half a second late, and that was enough for the bus to drive off. yeah the bus here at greystone is a lot more punctual than the one at arlington which shows up late all the time. I remember one time I was waiting for the bus at arlington at the scheduled time, and the bus never showed up. I figured I had just missed the bus or something but then a bus comes like 15 minutes late...well at least I thought he was 15 minutes theory he could have been like 10 minutes early. so anyway, I was supposed to get to school early so I could buy the notes that I needed for physics, but since I did not make it on time I will have to get them after class. oh well. on a separate note I had an interview for a job, the lab one that I was talking about a couple posts ago. I tried to go apply to another lab job in chemistry mixing acids and stuff for the labs, but when I went the guy said "oh sorry, *chuckles* it turns out we did not need those 5 positions after all *chuckles*." yeah, well now I sit here waiting for about 8:20 so I can get the next bus to actually go to class instead of getting there early. I should probably get there a bit early since the bus fills really quickly now because of the new apartments accross the way. its all sophomores, and they hog the bus with their giddy little kid laughter. haha, its kind of funny. I was complaining all last year that the freshmen were hogging all of the d line buses. now I am complaining that the sophomores are hogging all of the A line busses. I am beginning to see a trend...yeah that I complain a lot...oh well I guess I should start getting ready for the bus. oh yeah, one more thing really quickly...tamo got the SBC bill and it was some where in the neighborhood of 200 friggen dollars. then I find out that they charged us for a modem and stuff we never received. so tamo gives me the phone and tells me to call. so I call the billing questions place...but thats not the right place to call...I have to call the equipment after being put on hold initially for like 15 min. I get sent to the equipment place which puts me on hold for 15 min. and then they send me to the "investigation" people who put me on hold for 15 min. when I finally get ahold of the investigation people they tell me they have to fill out a form and put me on hold for another 15 min while they get the form...well anyway to make a long story short I got the 150 off for the modem...ok now I go...dont want to be late for the bus....again...leights Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Alright before I go to bed I wanted to post a, anyway I was on and I was reading how the company NOFEAR was getting confused with this KKK based organization. Here is the article. Then I began to wonder what the KKK was up to. so I put in and I found out that they have a gift shop now...and I laughed at the idea of such an organization having such a thing...well anyway in their gift shop they have hats and what not. The hats are the redneck ones with the mesh backing...which I also thought was funny...I took a look at the hats and this is what I saw ![]() I proceeded to laugh my ass off, could you imagine that on a friggin hat...hahaha...I mean I am not making fun of anyone its just a very funny...but anyway that is its time for bed. gnite.
I have been meaning to type that long blog...its just that I am not really in the mood to do such a thing. However I will type something right now. I have been looking for a really, I have been looking. Right now I am thinking of working two jobs. Now before you freak out let me explain. I have applied for two jobs. One job however is only like 2 hours a week or so, but the other job is going to be more significant. I am pretty sure I could pull them both off no problem. The smaller job is a delievery job. I take packages from one building on campus to another...which is why there is hardly any hours involved, and it pays 6.75/hr. the second job I am looking at is a soil microbial ecology lab assistant. It pays a bit more at 7.50/hr and involves some lab work and what not. It sounds kinda interesting. I really want a job now, its kinda boring just sitting around all day, I dont know how I did it all last year. Like my dad said its kinda pathetic that after taking one week off of work you want to go back. oh well, I gotta go...wish me luck on my job hunting because I will need it. Friday, September 19, 2003
well...I have my internet looking for a blog of significant length some time in the future. Monday, September 08, 2003