why am I awake right now you ask...does he have class...no...has he had too much sleep over the past week that he cant sleep now...as much as I'd hate to admit it...yes, well anyway I finally got into food science, and I dont have to worry about it any more. my professor sent out an email saying that we are going to have a quiz the first lecture..but that it was extra credit...eh I am not worried at all about it since he said the average is like 9.8 out of 10...the average being less than ten only because of people who come in late...eh oh well, I am off to download some mp3's whilst everyone is still asleep...leightz posted by Congofeet at 8:25 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2003
well I have not updated you peeps on my movement up the waitlist...or down it ...depending on how you look at it...well anyway I am number 3 on the list now...which is a total net movement of some 48 spaces...ok now to start playing sorry.. posted by Congofeet at 12:40 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
well to finish up what I was saying about hanging out with tamo and others...well the others being his brother kaz, a friend of ours Dae Ho, David, and his roommate Jeff...as well as kaz's friend chris. there was another guy there named jamie, but he left like about the same time that steph and I arrived. well anyway I brought over my SNES, my N64 and my GC to tamos, and in order to get double systemage I brought along my tv..boy was that a bitch and a half to carry. I had to carry it down stair...then up stairs...then down stairs...and over and over again...it was one of the most painful things that I have ever done to my arms...and my shoulders...and my back...and my legs...well you get the picture. but anyway it was well worth it. We spent most of the time playing GC...super monkey ball 2 and smash bros...oh yeah we also partook in some N64 bad fur day action...we had to cap some frenchies. after that goodness we took a stroll down memory lane...some Motal Kombat 2, street fighter, clay fighter, NBA jam, primal rage...and so forth. after that dae ho, kaz and chris decided to watch the ring...I am not, as almost everyone knows, a big fan of horror movies and neither is tamo so we took tamos 19 in upstairs and played monkey ball whilst the horror was going on down stairs. when the ring was done we watched 8 mile, I heard that it was a good movie, so I watched, but it was not all it was cracked up to be...frankly I was dissappointed....and then that was about it...ok I think I am going to go to bed soon...so leights posted by Congofeet at 3:17 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
well I just got up right now since I stayed up till like 6 in the morning. I just played video games at tamos place, it was great. I'll talk about it a bit more later, but right now I have to post this for my brother.
well in celebration of my decent grades I went out and bought one of those little mini fridges, those tiny ones that hold like 6 cans of soda, but my first one worked for like 20 min. and then the fan on top stopped turning, so I went to return it...of course...when I got back to my place I plugged it in, and the damn adapter that converts it from the plug in the wall to the car adapter sparked and damn near caught fire...so now I am stuck in this dilemma, should I just return it for good and get my money back because the company sucks, or should I try a new fridge once more...I think I am going to try once more, I really wanted one of those mini fridges... posted by Congofeet at 10:11 PM
Friday, March 21, 2003
well it appears as if today is my day...I got a B in bio, and the funny thing is I never would have imagined that I would be able to get a B in that class...wow, the only way to make this quarter better is to get half decent grades in ochem and math... posted by Congofeet at 8:59 PM
BRING IN DA "A" SAYS I....oh yeah thats right I said I could only miss 4 questions max on the final for psy. and I missed....4 this means I got an A woot...yeeeeeeeah posted by Congofeet at 4:54 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
(uneasy laughter) so it turns out that I have been worried about studying ochem because I thought it was my first midterm...but as it turns out, math is my first midterm...holy holy holy holy holy crap....so now I have to cram more than I wanted for math, and put off studying ochem now...dammit.... posted by Congofeet at 7:36 AM
Sunday, March 16, 2003
after a bit of studying, I now realize that I hate chemistry more than ever...sheesh all these stupid reactions, mechanisms, and synthesis...damn I hate you...ok time to go shower then some more studying... :( posted by Congofeet at 10:44 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2003
well my dad sent this to me, when he told me about it over the phone all I could think about is how true it was...well here it is...enjoy.
well I am in surge right now, and I guess I have some time to waste since I have no more lectures for the rest of the quarter...yay! well anyway i am going to inform you guys on how I am doing in all my classes respectively, and how I need to perform on each of the finals to get what grade...and if this confused you just keep reading, and everything will work out...so first off there is bio 1C, it really sucks and I dont particually like that class...I know that it is bio, but nothing in it really interests me. so anyway, I need to do decently on the final in order to get a C in the class me thinks. I have not done particually well on any of the midterms, I think I got C's on both of them, so I dont think there is a chance of me getting a B in the class...even if I do really well...eh we'll see. next in line is O chem. I just checked my grade as of right now I have about a C-, so thats okay for chemistry...for any chemistry rather, since I hate it sooooo much. I dont think that anyway actually knows how much I despise chemistry with every bone in my body, but thats okay. I think if I get a 100 on the final then I should complete the course with a comfortable C....by the way 100 is only 66% so it is acheivable. next on the docket is math...I think I am going to get a C in the class..as opposed to the D last quarter, I was hoping to do better than a C since I have taken the damn thing before, with the same teacher, but as it turns out all I did better on what homework...well actually I have done better on tests, about 20 points better on each one, so thats an improvement. so I do decent on the final...get a C maybe even C+ in the class I am a happy camper. Psychology is the best one, so thats why I am finishing off this romp through classes with it. I have calculated this out very carefully (which is easy since the class is only out of 100 points) and the lowest I can get on the final is 36 out of 40, if I do this then I get an A in the class. anything lower is a B or B+. I do have a pretty decent buffer from the C range though, I can get a 26 out of 40 and still get a B-, but I dont want to do that...so there you have it, the run down of classes and what not.
oh yeah and my progress on the waitlist as of right now...I am 21, thats a net movement from yesterday of 6 not too shabby considering I was once 51 on the damn list.
Also I would like to tell everyone that I hate unitrans because they are always late for no particular reason...and I am not talking about 1, 2,3, or even 5 minutes, I am talking ten freaken minutes...come on unitrans, lets try and be more on the dot, you know when you say your bus is going to arrive actually arrive at that time...sheesh
In summation I would like to say the following:
1) Unitrans Sucks
2) OCHEM and CHEM Sucks
3) Plant Bio is boring as Hell
4) Why is it so muggy outside...I mean rain already, sheesh
5) I hate macs, because they suck
6) No matter how hard I try, I still find that I hate Ian since he is such an ass
7) Tchaikovsky is not in the music business Ian, he is a composer
8) Chem Sucks
9) How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
that is all...leights posted by Congofeet at 3:56 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
yesterday waitlist #28
today 10:52 waitlist #27
net movement..1
MAT16C Final Exam: Tue. Mar.18 at 10:30am
OCHEM Final Exam: Tue. Mar.18 at 1:30pm
BIS 1C Final Exam: Thu. Mar.20 at 4:00pm
PSY 1 Final Exam: Fri. Mar.21 at 8:00am posted by Congofeet at 6:33 PM
yesterday waitlist #32
today 1:28 waitlist #28
net movement..4
no movement up the list as of today...but I did win forty bucks on a scratcher...w00t...oh yeah..you guys are soooo jealous. posted by Congofeet at 12:15 AM
Sunday, March 09, 2003
yesterday waitlist #33
today 1:55 waitlist #32
net movement..1
yesterday waitlist #36
today 1:55 waitlist #33
net movement..3 posted by Congofeet at 1:55 PM
Thursday, March 06, 2003
yesterday waitlist #51
today 11:42am waitlist #36
net movement..15 posted by Congofeet at 11:42 AM
well I completed all 5 experiments that I needed in order to pass psy. 3 of them were online surveys, one I went to on tuesday...it was really boring. it was some survey on things that are "dishonorable" in your culture...it had the stupidest questions, like is it very dishonorable, somewhate dishonorable, slightly dishonorable, not dishonorable to have a headache in your culture. yeah it was stupid, but I needed the unit. today I took my fifth experiment. it seemed really interesting to me. I read a screen and some computer tracks my eye movement as I am reading. so I get there and we get things set up, and then I find out after about 10 minutes that I cant take the damn thing because of my eyelashes. thanks to my dads long eyelashes I too have long eyelashes thus rendering the machine that watches your eyes helpless. the guy said that about 10% of the people have this problem, so he said that I cant do it, gave me my credit and I left after about 10 minutes...net gain of minutes...50...oh yeah, but now I am at home typing up my damn bio lab...it sucks, but its gotta be done. ok, back to work...leightz. posted by Congofeet at 11:39 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
well I just had my second pass time about 45 minutes ago, and it did not turn out well as expected...or as usuall anyway. I am waitlisted for food science, its an easy class that gets rid of some GE's for me if you are wondering, and not only that it is an easy A. so now I am number 51 on this damn waitlist and I dont know if I am going to get into the damn thing, because of the fact that it is soo easy and nobody in their right mind would want to drop it. ok I gotta go to class, maf...yeah it sucks...yeah I have midterm again on friday for it...yeah that sucks too, but whatcha gonna do. ok imma go my hands are getting tired typing on this keyboard in surge...it does not have that thing for you to rest your palms on...ok leights. posted by Congofeet at 2:49 PM
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
well its been a pretty blah few days, not much has happened. my grand ma had to go to the hospital because she had another stroke. she is doing well though, she is going to have to be in the hospital for a couple more days though so they can make sure everything is A ok. my dad seems to be okay with everything, so I know that it is not that serious. he is not worried, so I am not worried. well I have to get ready for lab...its the last one thank god, so I gotta go...leights posted by Congofeet at 6:12 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2003
radioactive man?! you should take that test over.. well, I guess the first part is true. j/k :]
what are you talking about the whole thing is soooo me...with my inablity to speak english, and my damn sexy body :]
oh yeah..my damn sexy body posted by steph at 2:48 PM