oh, I have the great gatsby already.. sorry jamesy.
mourning becomes electra (eugene o'neill)
billy budd (herman melville)
the color purple (alice walker)
if that helps.. thank you all for the fun thanksgiving holiday! :] posted by steph at 1:13 AM
Monday, November 25, 2002
well I cant sleep...so I was surfing the net and I found that the lakers are back on pace...well somewhat...they have won two in a row now, and thats good. I have been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, I cant exactly say what, because I dont really know. I worked on lab most of yesterday, and then I helped elaine with hers. I am not too sure what is going on anymore, I kinda feel blah...but I kinda feel fine...my life right now is a lot of nothing...its becoming the thing that I never wanted it to be...I mean it may be the lack of sleep talking, but something is wrong with my life right now, and I dont know what it is exactly. I have this void that is in me that has not been filled for a while...I am not too sure what is missing (and please dont ask) but I hope I find it. I know that it is out there somewhere, waiting for me to get it. I dont know what to get out of college anymore, sure education is one thing to get from it, and that is certainly the most obvious thing, but there is more to college than just learning...its responsibility...its...its...I dunno. you know its kinda funny I cant remember what I have typed...hmm...I think that my brain is weird in that I cant remember things when I am studying, but when the test comes I know it, but then when I am taking the test I blank out...and then after the test it all comes back. its a real bitch, and it pisses me off. this is one of the reasons why I dont find myself studying as much as I would like. iono...i'm lost...someone please help me find me... posted by Congofeet at 4:41 AM
Friday, November 22, 2002
w00t the Lakers are finally getting shaq back...back on the winning road...hopefully :\ posted by Congofeet at 4:15 PM
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
well I got back my bio midterm today...I didnt do as well as I was hoping, but it was not horrible. I calculated all of my scores and what not, and I think in the worst case senario I will end up with a B..but the best case senario gives me an A...its going to be a lot of work to get that A. I need to get a 90% on the final, and I need to average 90% on the rest of my quizzes in discussion. Its gonna be tough, but I hope I can do it. I have three midterms next week...yuck...maf, chem, and o chem. what the hell is wrong with these teachers, cramming all this stuff in a three day week. I need to do well on all of my midterms next week, especially maf and o chem. I have taken two mid terms in maf, and I have not done well on two of them, and I need to redeem myself...and ochem I got a C on the only test, so I need to bring that grade up...regular chem, I got a 60, I have no clue what the curve on that is, but it should not be that bad since I got lower than that on both my chem midterms last year and managed to get a C+. I have to go to chem lab today...it seems like the lab is not going to be that bad, but the post lab is going to be a bitch. hmmm...thats all for now...me go...leights posted by Congofeet at 11:31 AM
This is for my mommy and daddy :]
here is my christmas list...nothing too too pricy (I think)
-black light (an actual one, like at spencers, but you can find it cheaper elsewhere I think)
-super nintendo and games (andy, mikey and kevins...you can bust a deal a lot better with them)
-old school nintendo, with games i.e. conta, super contra, bubble bobble (I know that this is hard to find, but if anyone can find one, I know you guys can)
-simpsons seasons 1 & 2 on dvd (I think it is cheapest at priceclub)
-video game controllers that hook up to my computer (just ask about this one and I can describe it to you)
here's steph's, all she wants is books (the authors last name is in parentheses, sometimes)...she says just pick some off of this list and she will be happy...she says thank you :]
Mourning Becomes Electra
Billy Budd
Catch-22 (Heller)
Abasalom! Absalom! (Faulkner)
Go Down Moses (Faulkner)
Brave New World (Huxley)
Mayor of Casterbridge (Hardy)
Sun Also Rises (Hemingway)
Fountain Head (Rand)
Atlas Shrugged (Rand)
Anthem (Rand)
To Kill A Mockingbird (Lee)
Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck)
East of Eden (Steinbeck)
Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck)
Cannery Row (Steinbeck)
Pearl (Steinbeck)
Lord of the Flies (Golding)
Animal Farm (Orwell)
Great Gatsby (Fitzgerald)
Death of a Salesman (Miller)
Glass Menagerie (Williams)
The Color Purple
Call of the Wild (London)
Whie Fang (London)
The Metamorphosis and Other Stories (Kafka) posted by Congofeet at 11:22 AM
Thursday, November 14, 2002
petroglyph- A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people posted by Congofeet at 1:12 PM
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
DAMMIT I CANT DO WELL IN MATH NO MATTER WHAT I DO!! posted by Congofeet at 4:14 PM
Monday, November 11, 2002
well it has been a while since I have last made a post, and I am sure that my mom in complaining, so here we go. First off, bowling with jass was great fun, I think I am going to have to go bowling more often. I think I averaged about 105 in three rounds of bowling, not too bad. In the second round on my last 3 frames I got three strikes in row, all of the people that had been bowling for a while were impressed, but me personally I did not know what the hell was going on. Lemme think, what else have I been up to. well I just finished studying for the night for biology. steph and I studied about 7 hours, not straight time, but it was pretty continuous. I hope I do well, I did not do too well on the last one. I did ok on my chem mid term, I got a 60, but in chem thats pretty good. I compared it to my chem from last year and I did not ever get that high and I got a C+ in the class, so I figure I am ok. In O chem I did not do half as well as I thought I did, and steph and I are going to go to his office hours tomorrow to talk to him about some of the stuff that he has covered in class. I just took my maf midterm on friday, I really need to do well this time, I did not do well at all last time, and I need to make it up on this test. I studied for like 5 hours for that test and kinda went blank during it, but I hope all goes well. hopefully the curver will be nice to me. I still have not found a job, I have been looking for a job that will give me some experience in my major, but I have not succeed in this, so I guess I am just going to have to settle for a regular job that does not give me any major experience. I am still bitter about those damn people not giving me a phone call for the interview, they depended on email far too much. idiots. oh yeah I also went to my advisor last wednesday. we talked and she told me some interesting stuff. I found out that I cant double major in evolution/ecology and microbiology because they are in the same area. So I guess I will just minor in something. maybe history, I really enjoy history...or maybe geology, I enjoy geology too. I think it is going to be history though, because it also gives me some g.e. credit for the classes that I need to take for that minor. whew, I am getting sleepy, and my forearm is tired from bowling. Imma gonna go...leights posted by Congofeet at 10:19 PM