Yup yup, I been writing in it again. Good to see you are working with paint. Where do you work? I work with my grandpa and thats what he does....paint. He goes to all paint stores and has some kind of discount there. Post something on my blog, somehow I feel that no one reads it. Blogs aren't like other online journals where anyone can respond, and when no one does, it feels purposeless. Whatever, enjoy your summer man.
I work in commerce, its near L.A. in the ghetto, but eh its good work. It pays well above minimum wage and thats all for the good. posted by Reerun at 11:52 PM
Wednesday, June 26, 2002
wow, its has been a while since I post a meaning full blog...well not as long as rory, but a pretty long time. well let's begin...I have been out of school for a bit over a week now and I have come to some realizations. As much as I said I hated school I now miss is so. I want to go back to davis, I am not too sure why but everything is so much different up there. I mean my parents dont bother me down here really, but up in Davis they are not there at all, its a totally different feeling. I feel more free up in davis to go and do what I want when I want. Everything is just a bike ride away for the most part, here at home you need a car, and I cant drive. I feel so hindered, I want to get my license, but everytime I think about what I am going to have to go though it just kinda dissuades me from doing anything about it. I wanted to get my license this summer, but I dont feel very motivated at all to do so. I really miss the internet access, I did not realize this until I installed all of our internet stuff on my comp and it took forever and a day to open a page it seemed. my grades for my final quarter of school sucked the big one and that pisses me off further, I dont know what I am going to do, I feel so stupid now that I am in college, I study and I get nothing, I dont study and I get nothing, whats an idiot to do. I have not really been doing much of anything at home. I got a week off from the end of school to the beginning of work. All I did that week was veg and spend time with friends, well not all my friends, I still have to do more planning. Work is so boring and repititous, I would hate to have this job for the rest of my life. I have been at work for three days, and I think I have moved about 7,500 gallons of paint...all in one gallon cans...four to a tray, 30 trays to a pallet. today was not that bad as in strenous work, I made freaken trays for paint most of the day. I only moved about 1,600 gallons of paint today. my fingers have these blisters where I grip the can to put it into the tray, they hurt when I touch them against things, like today I turned off the faucet to the sink and it hit them. you never realize how much you use a certain part of your body until that one part has some sort of injury on it. hopefull the blisters turn into thickened skin soon so that I dont have to worry about the blisters any more. I was supposed to get a hair cut this friday, but the person who cuts our hair is going to vegas so it was bumped up one day to thursday (tomorrow), but tomorrow my dad and I have an appointment with the optomitrist (is that spelled right, eh too tired to care) so now we are getting hair cuts next friday, the day after the fourth of july. I get the fourth of july off, but then I have to go back to work the next day, that kinda sucks, but whatcha gonna do. My paychecks for work are behind a week so I dont get paid for this week until next week, and then every week after is one week off, so my last week of work I either get two paychecks or I get a paycheck when I go back to school...eh I dont mind, that sudden money boost while in school will look nice. I need to get a job when I go back to school and I need to squeeze it in somewhere in my schedule, I dont really want to work on the weekend so I am hoping to get it in during the week, but I dont think so since I am going to be taking somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 units, so it will probably have to be a weekend job :\ oh well I am off to take a shower, I will probably be typing more blogs since I have internet on my comp now...oh..back is achey...stupid aero bed and its lack of...air or is it aeroness...whatever...me go, leightz. posted by Congofeet at 8:48 PM
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Hello.......wowzors, been a while since you posted, but what am I talking about, I forgot for a few months. Have fun with that *coughphysicalcough*........no pun intended. Sorry, that was an attempt at a lame joke. I'm sick and bored with nothing better to do. Don't believe me, check the BRN forum.
wow, you still have this link on your comp, did you type anything in your actual blog? posted by Reerun at 1:57 AM
Sunday, June 16, 2002
guess how much hard drive space I have now :]....just guess. I spent 300 dollars...but I am getting a 150 dollar rebate woohoo...my dad spotted it in the newspaper...its great. I have 180 gigs of memory now...thats three time the amount that I had before. I dont think I will be able to fill my comp for the rest of my life eeeegad thats a lot of space. *wipes away tear from eye* its beautiful. tamo is going to be soooo jealous. hey if I wasn't me I'd be jealous too...now to get more RAM for my comp. maybe a couple sticks of 256...but thats going to have to wait a couple months since it is pricy also...I'll just have to look for sales and rebates. I was thinking about typing a lengthy blog, but I dont really have time. maybe I will type one in a couple weeks...yah know a basic summary of the whole entire school year and my feelings on my first year of college...I am soo glad that its over, but I cant wait till next year so that I can have my own room again. tomorrow I get to go meet my boss for my job and take a physical :\. yeah I know physicals suck, but I need to get one if I want to get a job, and this is a pretty well paying job so no complaints here. ok time to fiddle with my comp...leightz. posted by Congofeet at 7:49 PM
Tuesday, June 11, 2002
I drew this with my left hand...I imagine you can figure out what is says...up in the right hand corner is the german chocolate cake that my mom does not want to bake for my dad (they are one day from being married 20 years...where's the love :]) on the bottom there are presents. posted by Congofeet at 6:45 PM