The Life Of Me: |
Thursday, May 30, 2002
YAY!! I got my shoes for the banquet...thank you daddy :] oh yeah and thanks for the jack in the crack antenna ball hehe. Wednesday, May 29, 2002
well as steph so innocently pointed out I have not posted in a while, so I made that response to her post, it took a lil while to do since I could not get the marquees to work, but I eventually got it...well anyway when I was sitting and taking my lab practical today (thats like a lab final exam) I decided that I would type out a blog, and a good meaningful one too, not just one that rambles on and on and does not say much. Ok, here is a basic summary of the weekend and the days leading up to it....
FRIDAY: all goes well with lecutures and such. I go to maf to pick up my midterm in which I got a high C again (dammit, I want to get a B in maf this quarter) I have to do decent on the final if I want to pull it off though, I am not really too worried about the final though since I understand most of what is going on in the class. Steph got a high B, which is good news for steph, she is doing really well in the class despite wangs teaching styles which have since improved since the first time I too his class. Well I left maf a lil early (hehe) since it was a long weekend coming up...I think there was like 30 peeps in the whole lecture hall despite it being about a 200 person class. Our chem prof. let us out early since even he did not want to be there. when I got back home and enjoyed the nice A/C (it is freaken hot and muggy up here) I fiddled with my comp for a bit, its back up and working again. I found I had a virus, I am not too sure when I found this out, but I will mention it now since it has crossed my mind. So I had to go into safe mode to delete the bastard, and now my comp works fine. I am still downloading music, I have found that my firewall keeps the school from noticing anything so I am ok as long as I dont over download stuff. so I keep my downloading to a minimum. I have over 2700 mp3's of my type of music, and I have about 4300 total mp3's so I am doing well in that department. Over the summer (if I can work it into my budget) I would like to buy some more RAM and more hard drive space for my comp so that it runs faster and I dont have to worry about running out of space. Oh yeah I also watched the lakers get blown out by the kings, I recorded it for elaine and steph to watch since they were out shopping. SATURDAY:I got up pretty early in the afternoon...about 1 ish. steph and I decided to go to hunan for their lunch special, you get some good stuff for cheap prices...I had some beef and steph had the honey crispy walnut shrimp. after hunan we walked back to my place where we met up with elaine to watch the pre mentioned laker game. so I got to suffer the agony of defeat twice for one it was ok. after we finished watching the game we went over to rite aid where elaine bought some hair dye, some apple o's, and a diet (ew) coke. I owed steph for the hunan so I bought her some bobby pins and hair spray. after that we walked back to tercero and departed from elaine. steph took a shower I believe, then it was off to see the ducklings. we walked the whole length of putah creek, well the amount from lake stafford to the end which we found ended up in downtown davis. since we were in the area we decided to go see spiderman which is a pretty good story. they stick for the most part to the comic book, except for the part where he shoots the webs out of his arm. in the comic they come out of a device that he makes. after spiderman it was quite late, about 12 at night, or is that in the and that was pretty much the end of the day...on to the next day... SUNDAY:I cant really remember what happened on this day...for some reason it escapes me. I remember watching the laker game (and robert horry's game winning shot) and then I think we went to go see the baby cows. steph had lots of fun. oh yeah also we went around campus taking pictures of major things, I did it for the most part to show my grandma, but I am also going to post it on our picuture web site, I just have to scan them into my comp. oh yeah I developed two rolls of film (thanks mommy :]) most of them came out fine. hmm...oh yeah we also went over to harvest market to buy a loaf of bread to feed the ducks, but that factors into tomorrow... MONDAY:Ok lemme try and remember what I did...all I remember is going to feed the ducks. I think I took more pictures around campus and we saw a crane. oh yeah we also went to in and out...I used my gift certificate that my mom and dad gave me for X-mas and I also used one that tamo gave me, he said that he was not going to used it he let me have it. Marcus drove us since it was so friggin hot, I treated him to a burger. hmm...thats all I can remember. we got some pics of ducklings and such so look for those online sometime in the future...iono when but sometime in the future. TUESDAY:well I did not do much on my free day off. steph and I went to go get some was about $5 for a dozen, but we could not get any bar ones, those cost more :\ hmm...after we ate some doughnuts we went over to the local barbershop and I got a haircut. then we went over to the local toy shoppe and a nice person bought me a superduperultramegaspectacularexcellentmagnificent walrus. thanks :] then after that we walked back to my place and we watched marcus and rory along with the rest of the team play IM soccer. the other team kinda played dirty, and marcus and rory's team lost like 3-0, it was a playoff after that steph and I walked back to my place and we watched the laker game in which the lakers lost by one friggin point...I hate you bibby. and that pretty much ends this day... TODAY (WEDNESDAY)well some of the professors here are on strike, but unfortunately none of mine are...well anyway I went to class and took my lab practical, I need to do well in it if I want to get an A in the lab far I have about a 93% in lab so I need to get about a 72 out of 80 on the lab practical in order to retain my A in the lab section. I think I did we will see. and thats about all I did today, I finished my maf homework and now I am heading off to the library to do some studying...oh yeah thats right studying *shudder* oh go leights. Sunday, May 26, 2002
I'm glad I post.. cuz I know my mommy wants to know what I'm doing :]
:( I'll never post here again. no, steponie, nooooo Sunday, May 19, 2002
I'm not sure if that'll fit into your pocket... Thursday, May 16, 2002
well I got a 20 out of 25 on my bio quiz, now if I could only get the score on my friggin bio mid term, I really want that score. 20 out of 25 is a B if you are wondering, but its pretty good considering most of the class scored in the teens. oh bio grade when will you be posted...hopefully very soon. Tuesday, May 14, 2002
well its been well over a week since I have last posted...and to tell the truth not much as happend...I mean what should happen at school...hmm...let me think, I downloaded some games from online...more specifically the sims (the regualr version, house party, and hot date) steph has gotten me into these games, she is quite the addict dontcha know. oh and my computer is really pissing me off is starting to act up, I am not to sure why, and tamo does not have a clue about it, so I am kinda screwed. I think what I am going to do eventually is burn the important contents onto cd and then restore my computer to its original form so that maybe it will run better. iono, it frustrates me that I cant get my comp to work sometimes. hmm....lets see what else...well I have taken two mid terms so far, one is chem and the other is bio, I have my maf midterm on friday, so does steph, she also has her animal science midterm on friday in addition to her maf, so she should start studying for them like soon...steph...well the chem results are in and they came out so so, I did not exactly do as I wanted, but I did not fail, I got what the class average was, so that means I get a high C, so that s not too bad, but I want to do a lot better this quarter. biology I took on monday, and I finished like 20 minutes that means that I either really knew all the answers, which is good, or that I really knew all the wrong answers. I would prefer the first option though. I feel like I did well on the test, but as history has shown when I think I do well it turns out that I did really we will see, I will be sure to tell how that goes. um...tomorrow I have my bio lab which is going to be boring as hell, it always is. the only thing that I am looking forward to in that class is getting back the quiz for lab that I took last wednesday, suposibly it's the hardest lab quiz, so I want to see how poorly I did on it. we get to drop one lab quiz, so I am anxious to see if this is the quiz that I am going to drop. oh yeah on a final note as most people get a three day weekend this weekend due to memorial day I would like to gloat that I get a four day weekend (as well as steph) because lab is the only class that I have on tuesday and that is cancelled so woohoo...well this is a decent blog that should partially satisfy the readers of my blogs...mainly my parents...ok me go now...sims is a callin...leightz Sunday, May 05, 2002
well this is the site that steph and I are working on, there are more pictures to come. just keep checking back, I'll be sure to link it some where on my blog for quick reference.
This is CONGOFEET not steph, I was just too lazy to sign her out then sign myself back here you go
![]() What WB drama are you? You are so the one that people envy. You are: quirky, intelligent, fun, caring, cool, responsible, and most importantly, yourself. Who wouldn't wanna be you?!? You know how to have a good time, but you also know where to draw the line. You're known for your little oddities and being maybe a little too peppy, but frankly, you're cool with it. See, you're confident and headstrong so you're not going to be deterred by anything or anyone. Your values are very important to you, so that's why family comes first. You may not be best friends with your mom like Rory is with Lorelai, but you at least try to keep her informed. It's good to know that you don't consider your mom to be the Wicked Bitch of the West! ',:| haha, its the face...and iono Friday, May 03, 2002
oh yeah I forgot to say that marcus and rory fixed my scanner...thanks guys :] Thursday, May 02, 2002
well steph and I are in a joint venture on a webpage...its mostly going to be pics and such, but it's going to be a joint venture...keep your eye out for it. Its most likely not going to be out for a bit because there is a lot of pics we need to edit and then upload and such, so dont be expecting it really soon...maybe in a couple weeks or so...but maybe sooner...iono...whenever steph and I get to working on it and deem it worthy of online posting is when we will give you the link...just a warning Wednesday, May 01, 2002
You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that 'True love is just around the corner' and - if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.
You are a fighter and always on the defensive. You always need to be sure that your position is safe and established. When you finally make a decision you will pursue it to the bitter end in spite of all opposition. You are a perfectionist in everything that you put your hand to. You are demanding and very exacting in the standards you apply to your choice of colleagues and friends -perhaps you demand too much from people. That perfection you seek in a particular person is illusive - perhaps it does not even exist. You are an emotional, sincere and impressionable individual experiencing frustration and unnecessary stress. You are carried away by other people's enthusiasm and looking for that idealised relationship, be it in a business or personal situation, which you are able to share with a mutual depth of understanding. You have lowered your defences in the past and you have been hurt, so you are now extremely wary of being exploited. You are still ready to trust people on the condition that they are prepared to offer you proof of their sincerity. You are inclined to be too trusting and you feel that you need to be on your guard against the possibility that your endeavours and actions may be misunderstood. Too often you have been taken advantage of and you have been mentally abused. Now you are seeking a relationship which can provide peace of mind, where you can be yourself and not have the need to put on a false front. I got this test from louises site (which I still have not linked...lazy bastard) here to take the test. |