The Life Of Me: |
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Tuesday, April 30, 2002
marcus sent this to me...feel my wrath lambs!
FUCK!!! someone knocked my damn scanner off, and I have proof it fell, but I cant pin it on anyone....FUCKING LOUSY PIECE....ARGH...I am sooooo pissed right fucking scanner, I paid for that thing out of my own pocket and some ASSHOLE comes and knocks it off of my fucking desk, breaks the fucking thing and does not have the balls to tell me that they did it...FUCK....*counting to ten*.........................................I am still fucking pissed off, I will get to the bottom of this, rest assured, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK....its one thing not to have a working scanner, but its another thing to have a fucking part the size of a soda cap rattling around inside of it....dammit I HATE FUCKING PEOPLE WHO DONT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIER FUCKING ACTIONS....fuck...ok I am off to bed, I was working on my chem, but now I am just too fucking pissed off...hopefully some nice sleep will soothe me, but I doubt it........FUCK!!!!
hmm...I just went to my scanner and it does not seem to be working, on further examination (tilting it slightly) a piece of the scanner is rolling around let me think how is this I looked on the side of my scanner, the side that is facing off my desk, and I found marks on my scanner in which it made impact with the let me think, no sober person would have knocked my scanner off the desk, so this narrows it down a bit, it was either some one was horse playing near my computer, or a drunken asshole knocked it off my desk...oh look who just walked in...excuse me I am going to have nice little chat with one of the suspects...good day ![]() HAH! its a beagle...and yes I do...:] Monday, April 29, 2002
well I have not typed a blog in a while, but in the name of laziness I am just going to refer you to stephs blog, since she basically sums it all up...ok other than that just want to thank my dad for his stern but loving parental talk, just know that this stuff does sink in, it just may take a while, and also understand that some of the stuff I know I should not do, but will do anyway despite you telling me not to, its not because I want to disobey or anything, or that I dont take you seriously, its just that somethings are best learned by oneself, I know that you have experienced everything and you are trying to warn me of what will happen when I do something because you have been though it...but I need to learn somethings by experience, I mean thats how you learned is it not? what I am trying to say is that I like the information my mom and dad give me, and I appreciate it, and I will try to not make some of the mistakes that they have told me about (like *coughmoneycough*), but if I dont do exactly as you have told me, dont take it like I am not listening, I AM LISTENING, its just that I need to learn somethings on my own...and keep the information coming so I will know what to expect when I do screw up, which is often.
You know in today's society I dont think kids actually stop and look at what thier parents do to improve thier lives. not just material things, I am talking about discipline...I think my mom and dad are great parents, and even when I say I hate this or hate that about the way they chastise, in the long run I have realized that it was for my own good and I really appreciate it...just wanted to say that I love my mom and dad...and thank you for everything... Saturday, April 27, 2002
Thursday, April 25, 2002
the week is finally coming to a close, it kinda went fast...but what week does not, most of the time the weeks fly by for me. maf midterm tomorrow, I gotta study for that sucka, although it should not be too bad...I hope, I am partially understanding what wang is saying, well actually most of it, I think the reason why I did not do well the first time when I took him was because I was learning totally new material, whereas now he is just kinda building on the stuff that I already know how to do. so all in all I a feeling okay about how he is teaching so biology class is great, I enjoy biology...but on the other hand the bio labs really suck, they are not that fun at all, I was kinda expecting more, but I have not pulled much from the on wednesdays I am thinking...oh I dont want to go to lab, I know I said that a couple times yesterday, I especially did not want to go since there was a quiz, but I did pretty well on it I think, but then there was also the bbq and picnic thing that I wanted to go to, but I could not since I had lab :( eh oh well, steph said that it was not that great, just basically the dc outside, eh I still wanted to go, but whatcha gonna do. today is dinner day with elaine, we had to change from lunch with elaine to dinner with elaine due to time contraints...damn time ok I am gonna go snack on something now, I am kinda hungry...leights Tuesday, April 23, 2002
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate heres the site the test is on
well the bio midterm went ok...I kinda wished I had studied a bit more, but you always wish that once a test is iono...sunday I got a haircut finally...yeah I know I was supposed to get one about 3 weeks ago, but I have kinda been putting it off, but I could not stand it anymore, so I got it cut....thats about all that is exciting...yeah I am boring...yes my life is tedious, but its my life and I would not have it any other way...well...yeah I guess I would not have it any other way...well unless it changed for the better, then thats all for the whatever...ok imma go, I know this is not a long winded blog like my mom and dad are hoping for, but it is a blog nonetheless...I gotta fill out my job application soon for Dunn Edwards so I can work during the summer...nepotism....yes...but it does make life easier....ok me go leightez
here is an interesting fact I found on my snapple lid: The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime. Saturday, April 20, 2002
well I made a new simpsons trivia page, but I am still working on it so not all of the kinks have been worked out, I still need to make the font larger and such, but it is up and running if you want to take a look, and yes there is a new simpsons question. Friday, April 19, 2002
well I have finihed up with my chem midterm, and to tell the truth it was not that horrible at was much better than last quarter, I actually left the room not cursing the test...I think I could have done better, but when dosen't a person think they could do better on a test...well that is unless they get 100%, but I dont think I could pull that off in this life time...steph and I bought some t-bone package..its like 4.75 a pound, I dont know if thats cheap or not, but it was about 75 cents less at the schools meat lab than at the store so I did save in that aspect...we also got some hamburger patties, since they were all out of ground beef, it was like 8 bucks for 4 pounds of patties, I am not too sure if thats cheap, but once again it was cheaper than at the store, so I did save monies...hopefully steph and I will have the steaks this weekend, they store had some zestie fries on sale so we bought some of those to go with our steaks...well thats about it for now...I am going to go observe some aminals with steph, the lambs are hilarious, they jump around and baa...hopefully we will get to see something give birth...ok me go now....oh yeah one last thing...I think I am going to put my simpsons trivia on some sort of blog sponsored page soon, so that I can update it a lot easier and keep a watch out for that, when I get it done I'll be sure to mention it on this blog...ok so I have two more things, tomorrow is picnic day, its a really big event up here I guess because parents are coming up to go to the event, I am going to go, hopefully it will be fun, they are going to have the battle of the bands, which is UC marching bands competing against eachother, it should be fun, after all I do like marching band type music...its the bass dontcha know...ok I am going fo real now...leightz Thursday, April 18, 2002
well I have not been up to much lately, I have been going to see the farm aminals with steph, she has to observe them for her animal science class. I dont mind going with her because I enjoy wathing them too...well anyway we went yesterday night and the most intersting thing was watching the "cow people" take care of the twin that right or is it calves, or is that even spelled anyway one twins was up and walking right away, and she was the one that was cleaned by the mother...the mother was only paying attention to the first born twin, and she seem confused that she had two...the other twin could not get up and walk, and she was not able to walk even when steph and I left about 2-3 hours later, she did not even get cleaned by the mom...she was almost smashed a couple times by the mom who was circling as the one that could walk was trying to feed...the mother would go in circles and come so very close to smashing the calf...I was kinda worried about the well being of the calf and felt uneasy the whole time...anyway the "cow people" came eventually to tag the twins, but the mother was being really fiesty...she would charge the people when they came close to the calf that could walk, the one that could not walk, she did not really care about, the "cow people" went right up to her and tagged her, weighed her, and gave her some sort of vaccine I think...but the other calf was a real hassle for the people....they were able to tag the calf, but they could not do any of the other things because the mom would charge at of the "cow people" so I guess that would be a "cow person"...anyway she got like the handle of the shovel and started hitting the mom to get her to calm made me feel uneasy to see this happen, I kinda had to turn my head when she was doing this, but I could still hear the handle hitting the mom, well after some various attempts to snatch the calf the mom had to be tied up so that the "cow people" could get the calf and weigh her and vaccinate or whatever they do....then after this they had to make sure that them mom would let her calfs feed and that was another big hassle, they tried to milk her because she would not allow the calf to feed, but that did not work so they had to get some milk from a holstein which is a milk cow, the mom was an angus or a meat cow...well when steph and I were about to leave we took a look at the jacob sheep and thier lambs which were frolicking about...steph and I watched in amusement as they jumped around...I took some pictures, there was one lamb that was trying to mount everyone, even his own mom :\ I thought it was kinda funny...well after that we checked on the mama cow and she was letting the walking calf feed, but she was still kinda ignoring the other calf, hopefully she starts paying more attention to her own baby...well moving onto a topic that is not farm animal related, my bio lab yesterday was soo boring, it did not hold my attention at all, I just hope they get better, and I have a chemistry mid term tomorrow which I need to study for...then I have my bio mid term on monday and then a lab quiz on the upcoming wednesday, followed up by my maf midterm on friday so I have a busy day today and a busy week next week...ok its time for me to go check on my laundry, so I am outro...leighterz Thursday, April 11, 2002
damn site builder wont let me on...I cant update my friggin site and I acutally want to do some work on it :\
well not much has been going on for a bit...I dont really remember when the last time I typed a blog was, but I am sure that I did not do anything much exciting...I am getting kinda sick I think...or it could be my allergies acting up again, but I have a stuffy nose and a cough...I am taking some Robitussin-DM it is supposed to suppress my cough and break up that crap in my throat...iono, I have been taking it for about a day and a half, and it is starting to work...I went over to rite aid and bought it, I was thinking of getting know the generic brand, but the Robitussin was on sale and only cost a few cents more so I went with the name brand...I am converting all of my mp3's to a different format right now, it is saving me a lot of far about 4 gigs of space...ok I am going to go convert some more mp3's...latez
I got most of the quizzes below from louises site, the others I got from steph, but I think she got them from louise too, so technically they are all from louise...iono
Tuesday, April 09, 2002
well steph had to change all of her blog stuffs to bravenet, this means that I have to change my links now, which is what I am working on...hopefully all turns out well Monday, April 08, 2002
since I typed the last blog I have done some stuff that was kinda outta the was just boring skoo till my chem class...the power was out around campus so when I got to chem with steph the class had been canceled, so we went back to her place and decided to go see the farm aminals...I am lazy so you can look at stephs blog for that :] (so the tables have turned...the day is mine *said in sean connery voice*) well steph commented on how the know 1729...that cow was dogging me seriously..she really looked like it...I was just looking out the window and laughing as some cows sprung a leak...when 1729 just started staring at me, I was like ok that cow is staring at me...and then it was just a kinda staring contest, steph thought it was funny, but 1729 had a problem...I was gonna take her outside, but steph made an interesting point by saying that she was already she laughed at me, and we went to go see the mice...and that is where you can start reading stephs blog again...ok thats my perspective on the cow incident...oh yeah I recorded training day on my bcr, hopefully it came out well...ok I gotta go..latez
well my parental units want a blog, but I dont really have much to type...lets see what did I do this weekend, nothing on homework, and do some relaxing after the first week of skoo...nothing really exciting...davis is not the most exciting place on earth, so there is not much to, I am out of stuff to type, this is just boring skoo mode again so dont expect much blog wise unless I actually do something out of the ordinary...latez Friday, April 05, 2002
I have not really been up to much, I have just been getting back in to skoo know, waking up early, studying, doing homework, paying attention during lecture, you know stuff like that...anyway my first week of skoo is finally over, and its been tiring...first I would like to comment on my biology class is going great...I love biology, and taking this class is kind of a reminder as to why I like bio so much, its refreshing to take biology again, I have missed it so...the only thing that I dont like about biology is that stephs roommate with the harsh scent is in the class and she is my lab partner :(, but I am not going to let that put a damper on the one class and subject that I really enjoy...ok onto my next class...chem...I dont mind it so much now that I can understand the teacher...he explains things more clearly, and I think I am going to have a slightly easier time with chem this quarter than last quarter when I really hated maf class I really despise, I only had one choice for math, the one teacher that I did not do well at all with my first quarter of college, I dont think he will do me in this time though because steph and other people that I know are in the class and they can help me out more or less...other than that this has been an interesting week, getting back into skoo mode...ok imma get going...I dont know what I am going to do...oh yeah I rented an anime with the blockbuster gift card my mom gave me...ghost in the shell was the name of the movie, it was ok, I think I need to watch it again to really know what was going on because I had some interuptions during the movie...oh yeah day lights savings time this weekend :\ I lose an hour of my precious sleep....and I have to wake up at 7:30 for my first class :\...ok me go now...latez Wednesday, April 03, 2002
ok well...lets see, what have I done over the past couple days...on monday I went to my first bio does not sound that bad, and I think I should do well in the class, and I think I should considering that is what I a majoring in...after class monday I went to the atm to deposit some money...then after that I went over to stephs place and we went to go eat breakfast at the dc...after that we just kicked back in the room for a bit, then steph had to go to her animal science I she kicked me out and I went home...when I got back to my place I looked over some the biology hand out that my professor passed out, it was on mitosis and meiosis, its was not hard to understand, I have covered that stuff before, but it was nice to have a sorta refresher, and it made me feel good that I already knew most of the stuff that I was reading...after stephs class got out we met up again and went over to the bookstore to buy our books for the quarter, I only needed one book, and a couple lab manuals, steph only needed a lab manual and a notebook...I think her total cost was like $ mom and dad are not so lucky though...the book I needed was a bit pricy, but it was for biology, I could have gotten the hard cover book which was about 20-25 dollars more, but I decided to spare my parents any more agony...but most of the classes that I am taking this quarter will use the books that I bought last quarter, so book monies is not going to exceed $100 this quarter...its not written in stone, but I am pretty sure thats the limit this quarter...sorry :( I am expensive...I know, but at least its not as bad as the first quarter...after that we went over to the book tent to see how long the line was to sell back books, it was quite lengthy, and it was freaken hot anyway we walked back to my place and picked up our stuff, and then we made our way to chem...this time the chem teacher speaks english...well somewhat, I did not have that hard a time listening to him...after chem we walked back to my place and put our stuff down, then made our way to Rite Aid, steph and I decided to partake in some of the ice cream...the guy who was scooping the ice cream was kinda an idot because he did not really listen to what we steph got some different ice cream than what she ordered, but eh, whatcha gonna do, it was still good stuff...I could not get what I wanted because they were all out, I wanted cookies n' cream and rocky road, but they were out of both of them so I was forced to get just regular chocolate and chocolate chip...after that we walked about the store for a bit...I bought some more kool aide and we were off...we went back to my place and we watched about half of blade two that steph got from a friend, and then we went to maf...I have to take freaken wang again...yeah that guy that I hate because I did not do well at all in his class because I cannot understand yeah I sat down and he started to anger towards him was just rekindled as I wanted to go over there and smack him around for a bit...steph calmed me down though..well at least she tried to...but I was still angry...after maf (I'm lame) I had a bio discussion that I had to go to, steph decided to tag along...I did not mind :) I was kinda shocked though that she would want to learn extra...anyway the bio discussion is not really a discussion, what is actually is, is another lecture that I have to whatcha gonna do...after the bio discussion we went back to stephs place...then after that we came back to my place and we watched the rest of blade, it was an interesting movie, but I found some plot holes...anyway it was ok, then after that we tried to watch lord of the rings, but it was such poor quality, and it had chinese sub titles, that did not really hold our attention for long...lets see nothing important after that so I will fast foreward to today...I only have one class today and thats a lab at 7 at night so I get to recover from the days in which I have to wake up at 7 in the morn...anyway at about 12 ish steph and I went to go eat lunch, then after that we went to go sell our books, I had a few books to sell, but most of them were novels...anyway the line to set your own price was really really long so we just decided to go to where the school buys them back, I did not mind since mos of the novels that I had were like 30% off online from barnes and noble so I think the school got ripped when they bought my books back, I got about $50 dollars from them, and I was going to write a check out to my mom and dad for the money since it is theirs, but they were nice enough to let me keep it YAY! thank you mommy and daddy :) after that steph and I went back to her place to get some bread for the ducks, but it was all moldy :( so we tossed it and went back to my place, since I have A/C and someone still has heater only...anyway we went back to my place and I printed out notes for chem, and steph fell asleep...after I finished printing the notes we both decided to take a cat nap..we woke up at about 4 so we could work on our pre lab for chem...after that we went to chem, and the damn TA does not speak english well oh well, but then to make matters worse he assigned lab partners, so I could not be lab partners with steph...I was sad :( but thats ok, at least we are in the same class still...after lab we went to go eat and that brings me to right now...I am typing this blog and I am getting a bit sleepy, so I think I will head off to bed, since I do need to wake up early to go to my freaken bio class, but thats ok, I like bio..hey look the day changed from when I started this blog to now, so I guess its not g'nite anymore its g' g'morn... Monday, April 01, 2002
![]() Take the What Kind of Slacker are you? Quiz thats me!...but I would not fall asleep on the floor, I would never leave the bed...
found this on elaines was from a while back, but I just noticed it, I am slow like that :(
![]() Find out which LifeSaver you are.
well I was going to update my site today...well just the simpsons trivia part, but tripod is giving me tude, so it will have to wait another day...I just want to annouce that the question that is on the site right now is no longer open to responses...sorry...oh yeah I will type about my first day of this quarter later today...or early look for that later...
"now don't cry when grandpa says 'no,' james."
tur-bo crap? "you can't beat our meat."
well I did not do much today, I woke up at about 11, because my mom called, but thats okay since I need to wake up early later today...about 7:15 go to biology, I am actually looking forward to it because its the biology section on evolution and such, and thats my favorite, so I should hopefully do well in the class. well I got up and I typed that long blog (4,528 words I think it was)...after that was thinking about going to eat, but instead I just snacked on some beef jerky (one package down three to go) and some kool aid...I know not much of a meal, but I am easily satisfied like that. after that I changed my sheets, well actually I had to wash them first, because I had not washed them since the last time that I changed after that I basically relaxed the rest of the day, unpacked some more, played some starcraft and a lil counter strike, since I am not going to be playing during the quarter...and that was basically it, and now I am typing this...I am going to go to bed though cuz I have to wake up in about 7 g'morn..and latez
here is a quote I just remembered:
"so, is this where you kept your seamen?" (actual question should have been, is this where you kept your sea monkeys?) -Andrew Krause |