The Life Of Me: |
Thursday, January 31, 2002
![]() *ouch!* you're so abusive :( Wednesday, January 30, 2002
oh yeah, do I get a prize?
you know what's odd (besides me)? the day of publication of the Mutts strip below is the same number as the time it was published. it was unintentional... I'm ascared.. no, no really. The number three? And maybe you will get a prize...I just have to think one up :] nope, sigma n plus two. n equals one. what's up with all this nerd talk on my blog...."sigma n plus two. n equals one." what a nerd....the sad part is that I understand...I'm a nerd :*( you are. *pushes glasses up nose* I sad. HEY. move over. me? or is bear taking up all the room. I wouldn't be so demanding of bear. so you are yelling at me...I'm crushed no, I am. that's why you gotta move over... please? oh...I see mah bad *moves over* is that better? yes, thank you. Monday, January 28, 2002
ITS SNOWING!!!!I wonder if I have to go to class still?
ok, where to start....I think I will start off on friday...I finished my stinking essay for history...I did not like it one bit. I did not feel too strongly about it, so I dont know how good my grade is going to be...but I still hope for the best. After history I went back to my place and had some of the ribs that tamo brought home....I at all but three, I was full. Lets see after that I went to math class, we were a tad bit late since somebody was doing there laundry, and let me just say that I had done my laundry the night before. We got to maf, and it was boring like always, but I do feel that I am understanding a lot more than last quarter when I did not understand what in the world the professer was saying. We have a mid term for maf on friday, but I am not too worried about it since I am feeling a bit more confident about maf...well at this point. After maf steph and I dropped off our chem homework, then we went back to my place to study for our chem mid term. May I remind everyone that we did study a couple nights before, so this was not a first time thing. It was on wednesday that we went over the study sheet that had been handed out to us, and we did not find it too terribly difficult. On friday we studied about another 2 hours before we had to take the test. I knew the chem test was going to be difficult, I just did not know how hard it was going to be. We sat down at chem...that when I realized I had forgotten my calculator at home :\ But as it turns out I did not really need the cackaleter, there were only a couple problems that one might need a cackaleter for, but I wrote it all out...of course it took longer, but that was all I could do. As the test went on I became incresingly aware at the lack of time that I had. I think I was about half done with the test when they declared ten I kinda rushed myself. Did everything turn out ok, you ask....hell no, that stupid test was a bitch and a half. He gave us way too many problems for the time (an hour). we had to do soo much stuff. I knew the test was going to be a pain when the first question read....what year was the first element discovered and what was the element. *sigh* After the test steph and I went outside to hear people complaining about the test, so at least we knew we were not alone. We went to our bikes, steph wrote chem sucks in the dirt, I proceeded to write...the big one, after. I did some minor repairs on stephs bike then we talked for a bit. Steph wanted to go to tapioca express, I was like...ew, but being the nice guy I am we rode our bikes back to my place and walked to downtown. Our first stop was blockbuster, we walked around aimlessly in there for about an hour or two and came out with nothing. After that we went over to tapioca express. I had no money, so steph offered to pay (thanks steph :])....and I had no clue what to order so I had steph do all that stuff. I am not too sure what I had, some mocha white chocolate thingy *shrug* steph had some carmel blah blah blah thingy, like I said I dont know what exactly was ordered. Well we got the stuff, I was hesistant to try it, with all those black tapicoa balls floating around in there...but I took a hit. The balls were quite chewy :\ it was ok, I guess. We drank as we walked back. About half way though the trip back I took a gulp and had like 30 tapicoa balls in my was kinda grossifying. I ended up finishing most of the white chocolate mocha, steph finished off the remaining balls, I did not want to deal with em. We got back to my place and I talked to my mom for a while, it was a nice conversation on stephs cell phone till it went dead, then my mom just called me. I talked to her for a bit more, then I talked to my bros. Andy decided he wanted to talk to steph, it was kinda spontaneous, but I went along with it. He and her talked for about 15 min. After all that I went to go and try and download some Contra on my comp...but it was being a pain. While I was struggling with this steph and tamo were having a spirited converstation on Japanese. I was laughing at them as they struggled to figure out how to say certain things. After that steph and I flipped though tamo's year book...he has such a small school. We had more people that did not graduate than was in his whole entire graduating class. We laughed and pointed at things...after that we watched tamo play counter strike for a bit...then I had to slice off a piece of that action, so I went on. I kinda left steph all alone :\ she got bored and did homework...what a nerd. If I would have known she was that bored I would have done something about it, but by the time I realized it she had already become ingrossed with the homework, so I let her be. When she finished her nomenclature lab we went to was kinda late or was it early, I dunno. When I got up steph was gone...she was going to see her jass bro for dinner and as it turns out shopping...when I got up I took a shower, and played some counter strike, since I did not really feel like doing anything. heh...this is when saturday and sunday become one. At about 7 in the morn I went to stephs place to see what was wrong with her computer. As of now I cant figure out why her speakers wont work when she plays a cd, but I figured out an interim now her speakers do work. steph fell asleep at about 9 in the morn, I went to sleep about 12 in the afternoon...I know, I know...I could not sleep though. I did in that time find out that people who go to my site are looking for onomonpeia in monopoly and hemp. I dunno. When I woke up steph and I decided to go to dinner, so we went to the dc. after that we came back and looked though winamp skins, steph is an addict. and that brings me to where I am right now...heh, I gotta go to the bookstore today, buy one last book...I think it was about $15...I could not get it online. oh well...g'morn. Thursday, January 24, 2002
ok stress in coming back...egad. Wednesday, January 23, 2002
I am feeling a bit better now that I have completed half the week. I have finished one essay, and I only have one to go, but I still need to do chemistry, maf, and study for the chem midterm....ugh. But the weird thing is that I am liking this quarter better than the last even though I have more work to do this one....I dunno, I am a freak like that. Ok, time to get back to work, I think I am turning into some sort of nerd....even more so than elaine. whats going on here? Tuesday, January 22, 2002
DAMN, I am so frustrated right now...dunno why, and I dont really care right now, I think my computer jerking me around is part of it. Monday, January 21, 2002
Saturday, January 19, 2002
Woohoo three day weekend....the only problem is that I have so much freaken work to do. I mean its not due on tuesday, but it is all due next week, and I am kinda getting freaked. So much work to do, so little time. I have to write 2 five page essays, that are due next week. One essay I have to read a book for (luckily I have started on that at least, about half done) and the other I have to write an essay on some freud. I also have to work on my lab report which and my maf....I remind you that this is all in the name of getting ahead. well, not the lab part, thats acutally due on tuesday, by 6 o'clock in the pm. Luckily there are no zany calculations for that stupid thing this time. Lets see what else do I need to do this weekend...I have to do my laundry, damn, I also need a haircut, but thats probably going to wait a while....a long while, until it really starts to bother me. Ok, I think I am going to be heading off to bed now...why so early you ask...I gotta catch up on my zzzzz. SLEEP IS GOOD. g'morn Thursday, January 17, 2002
I'm takin a freud break. not a freudian break.. sicko. I'm too tired to make remarks about each lie said about me so I'll just say this: lies. alright, back to reading. I've got twenty freakin more pages.
Sicko? What lies? Me? Lie? NEVER!
ayi ayi ai I'm your little butterfly, green, black and blue, making colors in the sky.......DAMN DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION SONG....I HATE YOU, I REALLY DO
Lets see what did I do today... got up at about 10:30 for my eleven o'clock class. Went to was far more entertaining than stupid discussion. After that I came back to my place to see how the file transfer was going..heh it took a while to transfer all those mp3's. It barely finished earlier yesterday (since I am typing this blog in spurts the day has changed). Because of this I could not play counter strike so I chatted online for a while then was off to maf. I actually did my maf homework and part of the next screwing up in maf this quarter. After maf steph and I rode back to my place...she promtly sat down and began to work on chem...what a nerd :] Anyway, the file transfer was still was about 3 in the afternoon, we started the transfer at about 1:30 am same day. I sat around for a little while fiddling with my computer still...yeah it still needs some work done, but I am getting it back to what it used to be before the "incident". Anyway Marcus took me to the post office so I could pick up my package from Sports was the blanket I get for renewing my's nice and soft. I gotta wash it though, becasue it smells like plastic. :\ When I got back at around 5 from picking up the package the file transfer was complete YAY! It was about 1700 mp3's from tamo (thanks tamo)...about 6.5 gigs. For those who are not up to computer terms thats a lot room...but not for my comp since it has 60 gigs of room. Pirate chris' comp could not handle it though...his is only 2 gigs. We were joking around about what would happen if I sent it to the files to chris' comp...thats why stating that came to mind. Steph and I went to dinner at the dc, they had this candian smoked was eh, steph said it reminded her of hotdogs, I am not too sure what it tasted like, but it wasn't turkey. :\ We also had our french fries, which steph said tasted old.. *shrug* (you know what I wanna say steph, I know you know so dont say you dont, cuz I know you do....oh yeah I know you know :]) We also partook in some pasta-age with meat was pretty good, I dont remember if steph complained about that...she probably did. After dinner we had to head off to chem...we found out that we have a chem mid term next friday...uh oh, better get to work on that area. I also have to deal with history and its essay...damn no more procrastination, I am going to get to work on everything this weekend...thats right James is going to get on the ball and work on everything. I have three days to do it since we have the three day weekend. I am going to get organized this weekend...or at least think about getting know how lazy I am. Damn, all this work is kinda freaking me out. Eh, it will all fall into place...I do that some how. I have the ability to squeeze lots of things into small slots....time slots of course. Lets see where am I going with this...I dont even remember what I was originally talking about, and I am far too lazy to scoll up and look so I will just continue on my merry way with pointless babble. Oh yeah after chem I tried to play some counter know to unwind after a long day of skoo. but my freaken comp is giving me freaken tude in that program. I cant get on the server, so as it turns out all it did was piss me off more than I was before, so it had the opposite effect. *sigh* I hate you I cant stay mad at you *hugs computer*. So anyway that brings me to where I am right now, sitting on my fat ass typing this blog...I gotta get reading for english, freud...I hope its not boring. oh yeah...weekly lunches with elaine, steph, marcus and I are back..this time on thursdays...ok this birds gotta fly. Wednesday, January 16, 2002
Lets see what did I do yesterday...well I woke up at about 11:30 because I had to go to my History was really boring, I found myself not being able to pay any attention to what was being said. The bad thing was that I was actually trying to pay attention. I was not tired or anything...I dunno it was weird, I have not felt like that since....well, I cant remember but it was a long time ago. After that agony was over I went home and probably played some counter strike to pass my short break in between classes...I have like an hour. Then I was off to english...english was a lot more tolerable than the history discussion, I could actually pay attention in my english class. After english I went back home, I am not too sure what I did when I got back because I only had about 30 min. before I had to leave again to meet steph for dinner. I met steph at her place at about 5 and we went to dinner at her dc. I am sooooo nice as to ride all the way over there to eat with her....well, actually our discussion for chem is close to her place, but thats besides the point. After dinner we went back to her place...steph attempted filling out the fafsa, so I watched to see what I would need. At about 6 we left for discussion, I have some great quotes from it. Discussion was a waste of time, but whatcha gonna do...if I did not go I would not have heard all that great stuff. After discussion I went back to my place and played some counter strike then did my homework. Tamo is transferring all of his mp3's to me, its gonna take a while we have been transfering for a while now and we are only about 3/4 of the way done. Oh well, I gotta go...damn maf class is callin. Monday, January 14, 2002
Well due to popular demand James is back and he is typing his blog who woulda thunk so many peeps read this stuff. Lets see this weekend was restful, it was a long trying week of school. I passed my freaken chem test so that was a lot of weight off of my shoulders. I am glad that I wont have to drop chem now. I did not really do I said it was restful. I did downgrade my meal plan, now I only have about 140 meals...thats still a lot for me. I have most of my books for all of my classes now, I think I am going to need to purchase a couple more later this quarter. heh sorry mom and dad. Anyway the books the quarter for me will not be that much, I am aiming at less than 200. I think I might buy an erylenmeyer flask, I have always wanted one...maybe even a beaker, that'd be sweet. I could boil water in them and drink from them. anyway I digress. I went house hunting with my roommates for next year. Rory, Marcus, and Ian. We did not really find much, but then again it was on a sunday. We will probably look again during the week. Steph paid for teriyaki express for me today...thanks steph :] it was kinda a repayment for money she borrowed...but still thanks. Thats basically all I can remember at this time, I better get back to work on my chem lab...stupid chem lab. Oh yeah, my computer is slowly getting back to normal...I have over 250 mp3s half way back to what I had :\ Ok gotta go... Wednesday, January 09, 2002
sucks to be you and... nope.
I am not going to post much anything for a while, I had to delete all my files off of my computer...its hard to explain, but I have to reaquire all the stuff that I am missing now, which includes all 550 mp3 :( Oh well, gotta get back to loading all my stuff on my comp. Sunday, January 06, 2002
![]() Saturday, January 05, 2002
I am feeling kinda bummed for some reason :\, I have been feeling it all day, and it only seems to be getting worse...I wonder what the hell it could be, cuz it is starting to get me angry. Friday, January 04, 2002
You know what I just found out? I found out that when you type in congofeet on Yahoo, my site will be listed. Thats cool, I dunno why, but it is.
Well lets see, I have a lot to make up for since I have not typed a blog in a while...mainly due to what I was doing on the days that I did not type the blog. Well since I dont remember exactly what happend and on what day I will just use allow my thoughts to stream forward and end up as one large mass of words on your computer screen. Lets see, on new years day my cousin bryan called up our house to ask if he could come out on the second...he said things were too hectic around his house so he wanted to get away for a bit. However as the phone call progressed he ended up coming out on the first and spending the night...which was a better deal all around. He got out at about 6 ish 7 ish I dont really remember. But we had was a basically a repeat of the same stuff that we had for X mas....I am not complaining, that is some good stuff :] After dinner we began to play dreamcast....we played and we played. Most of the time it was blitz 2000, which is a lot of fun if you like sports games. We ended up playing until about 7 ish in the morn, then we took a break and watched some shrek, of course we fell asleep during the movie, but that was no big deal. When we woke up on the second, we played some more all this game playing takes me back to when my cousins and I used to play nintendo until the wee hours of the morn. I think these couple days in which I just played video games was the best part of my vacation, it took me back to the days before college. well anyway, bryan left at about eight that night to go home....and I had to pack...all of my stuff. I hate packing, its so tedious, especially when you have a limited amount of room in which you can put your stuff. So I packed and finished, or so I thought. Well I went online for a bit, then after I was feeling a bit sleepy I signed off to retire to my old bed for one last time, only to find some stuff that I did not pack. This incluede a sweat shirt, my hangers, as well as some other important stuff. Those freaken hangers take up so much room, and the sweat shirt too. So what I had to do was unpack everything in my big duffel bag, take the new keyboard and mouse out of the box, then re pack everything. It was a huge pain in the butt. I finally got all the stuff in the bag, and finally retired to bed, it felt good to get to bed, even though I had to wake up in about two and a half hours. When I got to my grand ma's house we unloaded all of my stuff and my mom, dad, and I said our was not as bad as the first time, but it will still take some getting used to, well the departure from them, living up here by myself I am used to. I usually sleep at my grandmas house butI could not sleep for some reason...I dont think I was excited, just maybe over tired. well I got up from bed, I was just laying there. My grandma made tofu soup, I had a big bowl since I knew that I would not be eating any for a while. Fast forwarding to the airport....when we got to the airport the line was freaken long, it took me a little over an hour just to check my freaken bags...then it took me another ten to get up to the terminals, then another ten to get though the metal detectors and such. I got to my terminal about 20 minutes before take off. I got on the plane, no random check...yay. I sat in the very back, since all of the font seats were taken. The plane was empty....well not empty, empty, but it was only about half full. I wanted a windo seat so I had to go all the way to the back, the two seats next to me were never filled. I got to look out the window at all of the clouds and moutains. The mountains were covered with snow, it was amazing. Thery were solid white, and sometimes it was hard to distinguish beteween the white cloud and the moutain. The flight was really bumpy and turbulent. But it was better than the flight to LA, because my ears were not hurting. When we landed I went to the baggage claim, where I met rory and carni chris. we stood there for about 45 min. before I got my bags. What a waste of freaken time. Even when the belt started to move, it still took another 15 minutes at least for the my bag to show up. We saw this one box of super absorbent undergarments....30 count, pass by like four or five times. I guess nobody wanted to claim it. We got the the bags and left...rory could not win when he was driving, there was always some stupid guy in front of him that was always going slower than the speed limit. I ended up getting to davis at about 12:45, I had to rush because I had to take a test at one. The one ironic thing was that I was supposed to call steph to make sure she was awake at about 12:30 ish, but she ends up calling me telling me, the idiot, to hurry the hell up. (heh thanks steph) So I grabbed my bike and ran downstairs, since the test was supposed to start around 1. I am so outta shape becasue of x mas. I was about half winded after the stairs, and completely drained about half way through the trip to chem 194. I had to use the weight of my own feet to keep me pedaling the freaken bike. I made it to the test with time to spare, and took the test. steph and I met up outside after the test, she had to take it too. we went back to my place and watched some tv. I think I partook in some cs, and unpacked a little. coincidently my new keyboard and mouse work great. At about 9:30 steph and I went over to the dc to get some eats, but thery were not open :\ so we had to walk back to my place empty stomached. Steph just had some of her ice cream, and I ate some beef jerkey. I am not too sure what time steph went home, but I rode her back to her place....better safe than sorry. When I got back home I played some more cs. And then that basically brings me to where I am right now...yeah. I have to finish unpacking the rest of my stuff still. Its almost as bad as packing. dang I am tired, I am surprised I have been able to last this lond. Tuesday, January 01, 2002
First off I would like to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR....and I did so now I will get on with the days events...I woke up at about 11, and my mom made was really good, some knock off egg mcmuffins...but these were better than the og ones. At about 12 steven showed up and we went to pick up RJ (one of our friends.) Then we were off to the matrix...that lan gaming place. It was great there was no lag....whatsoever. At the begining I was ascared that I would not do well in cs because I had not played in a while...but my worries proved to be pointless. I got them to yell my name in anger :] excellent. "who the F**K is master debator, that...." and the yelling goes from there. It made me feel good that I could inflict so much anguish on other people without even getting up outta my chair. We stayed at the lan place for about five hours...yeah thats right I played cs for five hours about the four hour mark though it started to get a lil boring, but I didnt cease to play. The final price for five hours of gameplay...ten bucks. It was worth it I guess. It managed to take my mind off of my crappy grades. :\ After that I came home and...well I dont exactly remember what I did. So I will fast forward to about 8:30...thats when I watched pearl harbor...well at least the half that I had not really paid any attention to. At about 10 we ate dinner. Yeah thats a lil late, but it was well worth the wait. My mom and dad cooked. We had prime rib, taters, and corn. My slice of prime rib was about an inch and a half thick :] mmmm....large chunk of meat. And that brings me up to right now. g'morn. |