The Life Of Me: |
Monday, December 31, 2001
gotta work on the links above....damn html :\ It looks so sloppy.
you guys are funny, youre pretty good at keeping two different conversations on two different blogs. whats a guy like me supposed to do, i cant even keep up with them myself. thats why i just wait to see how they end at the end of the night, or the beginning of the morning if you will. i almost forgot whos blog i was posting on just now. sheesh.
haha, sorry to confuse you rory. I forget the blog I am on sometimes too....I have posted some stuff on stephs blog that should have gone on mine, and steph has done the same. But here is the thing...we have about 8 conversations that are still going on....we post about every other day on the older ones but they continue to are the links to the ones that I found in no particular order: Congo/Oishiri Convo. 1 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 2 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 3 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 4 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 5 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 6 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 7 Congo/Oishiri Convo. 8 damn, stephs links dont work :\ ....if you can figure it out anyone....please tell me (steph? could you help me?)....well until then, just know there are a few conversations going on.
well today I got up at about 10:30 am...sheesh. My mom had made a big breakfast for the family...pancakes, sausage, bacon, hash was all very tasty. After that we were off to go shopping. We drove over reche canyon into San Bernadino (is that spelled right? oh well..) Anyway there was an art convention at the hilton there, and my mom and dad wanted to get a picture for the blank area we have over the television. I found a nice ocean scene, my mom and dad liked it so they bought it to go over the televion, but when we got home we found that it was too, big to go over the televison, so we switched the one over the fireplace with the new one, so all is well...but I am skipping ahead. After the art show we went over to circuit city, they had dreamcast games on sale. I did not really want to spent anymore money, cuz I wanted to go back to davis with some cash monies. but of course I did spend some dough...about 40 bucks on three more games (NBA 2k1, some baseball game 2k1, and crazy taxi 1, as well as another memory card.) I was feeling kinda bummed after the purchase becasue I did not want to spend any money, but I justified it to myself by saying that dreamcast games are not going to be around for much longer so I better stock up now. After circuit city we went over to best buy, but the parking lot was packed so my dad did not even bother to park, we just left. After best buy we went over to staples because I wanted a cordless keyboard and mouse since cords are restricting me at my dorm. I saw an add at home but could not remember what store it was to :\ I guessed staples at first, but as it turns out it was a comp usa, which is like two stores down from circuit city....sorry dad :\...anyway we went in and I found the keyboard and mouse in the advertisement....but found another cordless keyboard and cordless optical mouse, which was a million times better than the one advertised. It was however about double the price :\, but my mom said she would split the price with me...yay! :] So I got the $100 cordless mouse and keyboard set and some CD-R's. they were free with mail in rebate :] after that we went pick up rush hour had to be returned. so we dropped the movie off at hollywood video and cruised over to toys 'r' bros want some games for dreamcast, but they are not as open minded when it comes to video games as I am...they want killing and blood...while I will play almost any game. The selection at toys r us was kinda stripped and they did not have anything that my bro's wanted. after that we went over to sears, my mom and dad had to rip off sears some more for the price of the television....this time it was about $45. my brothers found a couple games there that they liked so they bought them. After sears we finally came home for good. Mikey wanted to buy my Gameboy Color, but he did not have any my mom and dad bought it off of me and gave it to him as a b-day gift. $65 for a Gameboy Color and 5 games, pretty good deal if I dont say so myself....I was just pleased to get some cash monies in my hand. Ok for sure now, no more big purchases....I hope. :\ My next door neighbor came over too, he told me about this lan place where he went to play cs for the first time. He says is was sweet...about $2 an hour. So he told me that I have to I am going tomorrow...well actually it is today now. Heh, it took me two days to type this blog....oh well I am really tired now and I think I will go to bed. g'morn :] Sunday, December 30, 2001
hey, I offered.. and I was shot down :(
I thought you were just kidding, nobody has ever offered that to me before. *sigh* I'm forgotten so quickly.. so easily... heh, just face it I am never going to forget you...such a cruel fate you have befallen. how sadly true that statement be.. It is are going to have to put up with me for a long time. lies!... please? nope, it's the sad have to put up with me. *sigh* you mean you dont like talking to me.... :*( you're mean, I thought we were friends. hatchi matchi not again.. well this would not be a problem if you were a lil nicer. :( unpossible. I'm too nice already. modesty? not til next time. lies.lies. and when is next time? *shrug* *sigh* *shrug* *sigh* (conversation has regressed to state of body language) you know you like it. I never said I didn't :] *eep!* excellent. >:]
Well lets see what I did yesterday....well I basically did nothing up till about maybe 3:30, I was playing some of my new games for dreamcast. At about that time my brothers and I started to remove x-mas from the that I mean take down the x-mas stuff....which includes the x-mas tree, the stockings, and everything else that is x-mas related. While we were doing it I turned on dumb and how I love that movie, and now since I have it on dvd I dont have to worry about the tape getting old from watching it too much. Anyway we had to lug the boxes out to the garage for storage up in the rafters. Well when my mom and dad came back from Price Club (costco....whatever makes you feel better) the got me another bear....except this one is huge compared to all of my other ones. he is about a foot tall, and nice and furry. my mom and dad said it was a late x-mas gift :] (thank you). They said they found it at the diznee store for half off. Well we ended up all watching a mom and dad rented rush hour was the first movie we as a family watched on the new big screen. It was a high quality flick, with lots of laughs and good karate chopping action. After that we watched shrek...yet another good movie. It was quite hi-lar-e-us. It was a lot better than I expected. While we watched shrek I had a piece of the german chocolate cake that my mom made, twas excellent of course. And that basically brings me to where I sit right school is only a few more days away...I am kinda looking forward to it, but yet I am not :\...of well. Tah tah for now. Saturday, December 29, 2001
Lets see...what did I do yesterday....well I stayed up until around 4:30 am because I knew I would have to wake up at about 3:30 am if I wanted to go to game stuff. So all I did was stay up until I got into the you understand what I am trying to oh well. Anyway when I got to my grandma's house I proceeded to take my shoes off at the door then stumble into the bedroom where I may get some sleep. I think I slept from about 6:00 am to about 11am. I got up neatened myself up some...and then it was off to game stuff....or Game X now...anyway, when I got there Kevin was working so I talked to him for a while..then Charlie stumbled in...fresh from Jury Duty...haha sucks to be him. He had to go to Alhambra for jury duty...only to be appointed to a court in downtown LA...haha sucks to be him again...anyway so he could only stay for about an hour then he had to go into L.A. for his jury it turns out when he got there he had to wait about half an hour only to be told to go home and come back wednesday...haha sucks to be him once more....well I digress...In between charlies jury duty time I played some zombies revenge for dreamcast (which I eventually bought..hehe) Harvey, another Game X frequenter (I just made up a new word :]), showed up..he has a Gamecube. I played some star wars, then another friend shows up, Steve...then another guy shows up...he has smash bro's melee...yay! I finally got to play it on the took me about fifteen minutes to get a hang of the new controllers before I was able to kick some butt. At about a half an hours playing time...I was dominating steve...I taunted him with "HELLO? CHALLENGE? WHERE ARE YOU?" He eventually got the owner of the game to challenge me....we fought a good battle with the owner emerging victorious...but just barely, he was on his last life with 75% was a good game. I thought I fought pretty well for a person that had only been playing for about 45 minutes. Then charlie played me...he has countless hours on that stupid game since he is at Game X all the time. I fought him down to his last life each time, but only won once out of four. Eh, when I get the Gamecube and smash bro's melee I will become king once again and dominate...till then I can only average at it. In between playing smash bros and zombies revenge someone brought pizza and mojo's from shakeys...good stuff...of course I partook in some. Anyway my mom and dad showed up at about 3/3:30 and I had to go...but before I left I bought Tony Hawk and Zombies Revenge for $30. On the way home we stopped by at the happiest place on got it BEST BUY :]....I am proud to annouce that I only spent $25 in cash monies....however I did use the 40 dollar gift card that I got for x-mas. I bout 4 more dreamcast games and a memory card. What games you ask? Virtual Tennis, Blitz 2000, some big rig racing game that I dont know the name of, and NFL 2k1...a nice haul for about $25 in cash monies if I dont say so myself. I also traded mikey five bucks and bomberman for his Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves...its a good game, but he does not like it. I would rather have fatal fury than bomberman. And that basically brings me to where I am right now. I think I will play with the html some more....I bid thee farewell. Friday, December 28, 2001
fancy.. hey, quit tryin to make me feel bad! :] <-see? it's not working.
yeah it's slowy wearing away at you...muhahahaha >:] nope. too slow. heh every innuendo. Innuendo? I don't get it....could you please explain? I could. Well please, go right ahead... cool, where are we goin? James has caught a mistake of the grammar queen....yes! Score -one for James :] awe, your knoe fun. an eye coreckted youre misstake to. watt yoo talcin abowt, eye ain't be knoe macin know misstaces...yoo mus bee thincing abowt urslef. : ] nows Iz stah-tin ta dink yooz wuz turyin tu hawd. egadd, nowz yoo bee tri-in too muttch...aut furst it seeimed liek it t'wood be hawrd tu reed, butt twas e-z-er thanxs tu phunetticks datts FUHneticks. saree, kan yoo pleze fourgiv me ahll noing won? schurr. thancs o merseefull one....hay eye whent two tat skool
For the convience of all those that read my blog and stephs I have included a link to her blog on the top of this page....damn I am nice :]
this is for my mom it should take her to the last blog she read. Thursday, December 27, 2001
Alright, I think I am gonna stick with this one for now, it is kinda plain, but I might be able to fancy it up.
Damn, I have tried different templates and none are as understandable as the orginal one that I had...oh well, hopefully I can find one I can deal with. Damn, I dont want the same one as steph...thats soooo unorginal.
Ok, I am done for the day...stupid html and its addictiveness. I made some changes to the blog page...more will come in the future when I figure out more stuff....till then g'morn and bye.
Heh, put your cursor over the lil dog for words of inspiration. On a separate note there is a freaken moth in this room buzzing my head *swat* haha, he is down for the count....damn he's back. oooo...he landed on the wall..*squish*...he's gone now, crisis narrowly averted...back to html...this stuff is addictive.
HAHA....lookee what I did, its not as cool as stephs links that strike themselves out, but fixing up this page is good enough for me...for now....back to messing things up :]
Hey look I finally updated my links on the top of this was not too much html stuff, but html stuff nonetheless...ok time to do some more
Well I think I am gonna be messing around with my blog...and its template...I hope I dont mess it up to badly...
Man, I am bored...maybe I will learn some html....yeah I think I will. Wednesday, December 26, 2001
Well I did nothing today....lots and lots of nothing....I am shleepy.
Well yesterday...yesterday being CHRISTMAS was very fun. I got to see the whole krause side of the family again...well at least the immediate family. Anyway I had fun talking with the cousins again and just playing around. Well let me start off at the very begining....I woke up at about 7:15...I really, really had to pee...but instead I just laid back down and fell asleep...about fifteen minutes later the need to urinate woke me from my slumber once I finally got outta bed at around 7:40 to go it felt good *relieved face*. I brushed my teeth and went out to see my mom, dad and bros. hugs and merry christmas' ensued....well it was a hug and a kiss for my mom :]...anyway we were still in cleaning mode so we clean a little while my dad put in some of those pilsbury grands cinamon rolls....mmmmm...I had a couple, I could have eaten more, but I wanted to save room for the CHRISTMAS feast. After that we pulled down the sheet that blocks our sight from the family room to the living room...or is it the living room from the family room...ah, I can never tell the difference between the names of the rooms. Anyway we went out to our stocking that were filled with care by "Santa". Heh, I got this little bear, he is sooo freaken soft...softer than the one I have at school already...I know what you're that possible, oh it is...Well after stockings we got to the meat of the a concise summary, I got a dreamcast :] thank you "Santa". Due to this fact I dont think I am going to be buying that Gamecube that I wanted...instead I am going to save my money and milk the dreamcast for a few months...I should be able to do it, as long as I can find the games that I want. Right now all I have is bomberman and alone in the bros got a dreamcast too and they have crazy taxi 2, fatal fury, and sonic. I want to get a few more games...maybe some KoF (King of Fighters), other SNK games, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and maybe even Powerstone 2. I am not too sure yet, whatever grabs my attention. I also got some other stuff from "Santa"...I finally got my copy of Mein Kampf...I hope I will have time to read it...OH YEAH...I also got the greatest movie on earth in DVD form...yes I know I already have it on VHS...but it is the greatest movie on I dont need to explain any further...I think I will make this the James test...If you know what movie I am talking about then you know me fairly well....if you dont, you still gotta lot to learn. I also got this sweet pair of boxers...They have my favorite non-chocolate candy printed all over them....hey look its another James you know the candy?Anyway on to the CHRISTMAS feast. (the following misspellings are done for comedic purposes) We had in-cha-la-da's, ta-cui-toes, rye-se, gua-ca-mole-aye (made from stephs mom's avocados...thanks again :] ) and that basically rounds it out. The food was all excellent as always with my mommy....I think I have gained back all the weight I have lost :(, oh well. I did not even drink any eggnog...I better get some before my bros finish it all off...non-alcoholic eggnog of course (dont worry). I am starting to ramble I guess I will end the Tuesday, December 25, 2001
that looks like work... and coordination.. cut back on eggnog buddy :]
what eggnog...*hiccup*? I aint be no drinking no eggnog....*hiccup* me....ok well maybe a lil *hiccup* but at least it looks festive...*hiccup* arms flailing, mug in hand? Well.....yes *hangs head in shame*
Monday, December 24, 2001
Well today was a good started off at about 9:30 ish...I got up, got dressed and we were off to lunch with my uncle. I would say the name of the resturant, but I dont know how to spell, eh. Anyway you cook your own food at this place...its great eatin. After that we went to best buy :] However I have grown disgusted with best buy...yeah thats right, down right know why? I'll tell you why...EVERYTIME I GO I SPEND SOME MORE MONEY....everytime, even when I know I should not. We went and I bought a couple cds, the new sevendust (animosity) and the new Rob Zombie...have not really listened to them so it will have to wait. After that we went to Macys because my mom had to return some stuff. That took a now it was about 2:30 so we headed off to my grandma's house. We stayed there for about ten minutes then my dad and I left. We going to look for a big ribbon to go on a bike that my mom and dad were giving to one of my cousins. We were looking at the 99 cent store (by schurr) and we found nothing. There was a guy there that was emptying the safe...about half of his body was in the safe, and as I walked by I laughed thinking to myself "I could slam that door on that guy a couple times, take the money and run...." I told my dad why I was laughing, then he laughed because he was thinking the same thing. After that we took the short walk down the way to Circut City...Its fun to look around at electronics. I was looking for pokemon puzzle league, that games fun, but it is still fifty bucks, the cheapest I have seen it for was forty, and thats even expensive for an old N64 game. After that we walked down to Savon (is that spelled right? We found the bow and went home. Oh yeah I forgot on the way to the 99 cent store and stuff I got to stop by at "Game Stuff" to see charlie and my friends again. The reason why I call it "Game Stuff" is because the offical name is Game X now...stupid owner. Anyway we talked for a bit then were on our way to well...the 99 cent store, I dont need to tell you what happens from there, cuz I have already. Well at my grandmas house I had to b.b.q. some chicken....I am always the person who is bbq' After that we ate and everyone but immediate family left and we unwrapped the gifts...we oooed and aweed as everyone opened their gifts, then we packed up and proceeded home. 2 more x-mas' to go. One for just my family and one for the whole krause/chagolla should be fun, it always is. Well, I better be going, I have to take a shower and get to bed. "Santa" does not come unless everyone in the house is asleep...except for my mom and dad for some reason...goodnight everyone.... Sunday, December 23, 2001
Just in the time...
Sorry no blog today because I basically did nothing today...also because of below...I have never seen that message before.
WARNING:This server will be offline for maintenance, starting at 10:20 PM (Pacific time). You will then be sent to another Blogger server, but you may need to log in again. And be sure to save any posts-in-progress.
Well lets see what did James do today....well I helped my brother mow yards, which took a couple hours. I am not too sure what I did after, the next thing I remember is going over to sears with my dad to pick up some more rca cables to hook our digital cable up to our new tv. After that we walked the mall, my dad was looking for something for my mom...well more stuff for her. Anyway we stopped by at sam goody I had five bucks left on this gift card that I have had for like 4 months. So I went in and got a cd cleaner, I need one. It only set me back five bucks in cash money so it was all good. After that we went to this game place, it was really crowded there, as most of the mall, so I could not really buy anything do to my lack of patience, and my hatred of being in a small area with people I dont know and dont care to know. After we left we went to spencers...a great place to shop if I dont say so myself. A lot of the stuff was like 50% off, so I could not resist. I bought one of those things that has the faucet pouring contiuosly into a was half off and only 15 dollars. Since I have wanted one of those for a while I could not resist, so I made an impulse purchase and bought it. I will bring it back up to davis with me...excellent. We left, my dad was happy since he found something for my mom, I will not say what it is just in case she manages to read my blog before x-mas. When we got home we ate and began cleaning for x-mas...ew work. Anyway, we finished hooking up the television and stereo, so we are good to go now. Man I miss Davis...who woulda thunk that when I got home I would miss my other home....sheesh. Saturday, December 22, 2001
I wonder if brian still smells like baby caca..
well there is only one way to find out....and I ain't sniffin him. Steph? You wanna take a sniff of his scent? does he care to know carni chris? haha, you know what....I was gonna mention carni chris in my comment, but could not figure out a way to include his name....get outta my brain dammit :] it's mighty cramped in here. not enough leg room if you ask me heh heh j/k why you so mean steph...why? I thought we were friends...and all you can do is poke fun at me...I know you say you were "just kidding", but I know that you really meant it... :(
Wow, three new cd reviews that I posted today. Damn I am bored....
Well today I woke up at about 10/10:30 a.m., a tad early for my tastes but we were supposed to go as a family to see Harry Potter, so I didn't mind. The movie started around 12:40, so I decided to lay in bed till about 11:45, then get up and change to go out...So I just laid there thinking....about everything in general and nothing in particular, I like doing that...we eventually got going to the movie at about 12, dropped off some toys at the fire station, and we were off to the movies. We went to the theater that is on the UCR campus...I had my UCD hat on, I kinda felt outta place...but oh well. Harry Potter was an okay movie, my brothers and dad were really the ones that wanted to see it since they have read the books. After the movie we went out to dinner/lunch....dinch? lunner? eh, what ever you want to call it, it was at about 3:30/4. It was pretty good Italian resturant...I had some lasagna, ravioli, and was all good. I think the orgy was better though, mainly because it had more meat on it. After that we went to go to sears so my mom could get five dollars off on something, I am not too sure what it was, but whatever. My mom and dad also noticed that the new tv they just bought was on sale, and since sears has the price guarantee they felt they could get some money back. My dad was kinda paranoid about the idea though since they had already saved like $600 on the tv, but they went over and got an additional $150 off. So in total they saved almost $1000 dollars between the new tv and new dvd player...pretty good, no?After that we went to circut city, ahh, circut city...not as good as best buy but it will do. I went in and looked around in the gaming section first of course, I knew I would not buy anything, but I wanted to evaluate how much money I would probably spend when I purchase my Gamecube. I acutally held a Gamecube in my hands *wipes tear from eye* that was the first time I have ever seen one and touched on in person. I was pleased to see that controllers only cost $20. I was thinking they were gonna be $30. So I think about $400 should be enough to buy the system ($200), Smash Bros Melee ($50), another game ($50), and 3 controllers ($60). But anyway thats not the reason why I was at circut city...I was looking for new headphones, nice full ear ones, since my KOSS ones let me down. I found some nice panasonic ones for $30, they were on sale, so I made my purchase and we left. That about wraps up my whole I am shleepy, I better catch up before I might go to bed soon....nah. Friday, December 21, 2001
Well lets see what did I do today (yesterday if you wanna be technical)...I had a case of I.A. (induced awakening) that was brought upon me by my dad....but it was soooo cold outside of the blankets I did not want to get out of I didn't I remained in bed, and eventually fell back to sleep....I got about another hour of sleep until the I.A. hit was still cold outside of my covers, so I stayed in dad turned on the heater which warmed the house, so I got out of bed...I got to look at the best buy and circut city adds...ahhhh beautiful best buy and to a lesser extent circut dad said we might go on saturday :] but that means I will most likely spend money... :\ eh...oh well, its best buy and I love going there...hmm money, that reminds me I gotta pay off those stupid bills...I'll do it right after this blog...anyway Steven came over today..we played some good ol' warcraft and some nintendo...I beat him and my bros in Smash Brothers (sorry steph, I used items) and in James Bond, the World is Not Enough...but he beat me in the Golden, 2 outta 3 aint bad. He ate dinner over here, we had spaghetti with meatballs, and some garlic bread....good stuff. Oh yeah I also had some of my grandma's tofu soup, that is good stuff, nothing but tofu, egg, and ground pork...nothing nasty. When steven left we got to work on the tv's. we had to reconnect the 36 inch out in the living room with the old dvd player and the stereo...this was because this was originally out in the family room. Then we had to hook up the new big screen to our bose surround sound and new dvd player, it sounds complicated but it was not that difficult (ha, did not use hard). We will slowly be desending into christmas cleaning mode most likely saturday and my first chritmas is on monday...then on tuesday the big chritmas will hit....I cant wait...oh well better get to writting those checks before I forget. Wednesday, December 19, 2001
Finally get back to a computer after being away for a couple days...I was at my grandmas house wrapping gifts and wallet is a little fatter after the trip there so I guess it was worth it. I kinda wish I was back at Davis....its a tad boring here, and I have to listen to some sort of authority...I also have my computer up at davis...ah computer and high speed connection how I miss thee...dont get me wrong I am glad I am home its just that these past couple days have been a tad boring...oh well it should get better now that I have most of the work done. I finally got to see steven today when I got home, it was fun...we just talked for a while, we have not done that in a while...we will probably hang out tomorrow. It will be more entertaining than all that time I spent at my grandmothers place...her freaken cable was out (most likely cuz she did not pay the bill) so for two days I had to wrap gifts with no real entertainment. The only good thing that came out of the couple days was that I got to go to the Northwoods, its a great steak place...I was in heaven....mmmm....steak, and baked potato, good stuff. Heh, I had to baby sit my aunts newborn baby for an hour...all by myself with this freaken kid...luckily the baby was almost as lazy as I and could be easily rocked back to sleep with the pushing of my foot...what?! I had to relax and kick back so I rocked the cradle with my foot, if there is a better way to do it I would like to know the answer...oh well, I think I am going to go play some warcraft...have not played that in a very long time. Tuesday, December 18, 2001
heh your 15lbs probably osmosified itself over to me :D.. wait wrong face.. :( there we go.
osmosified? Is that a what do you weigh now, 35 pounds. :] nope, 3500lbs. heh heh sorry, we are not talking about the weight of one of my boots, you must be mistaken. nah, I checked. really? maybe.. what's it to ya? *shrug* I was just kinda curious. me too really? ralph, you're alive!... yup! iono Monday, December 17, 2001
Well did not do much today, just laid around and did lots of favorite....although it was kinda boring. I hooked the nintendo up to the new big screen, but it was sadly not what I was hoping for. The screen was all pixely, maybe I will try it again except with a/v cables next time. Before we started to play nintendo we had to clean up the place a little, so we finished up with the unpacking of the christmas stuffs then hauled the boxes back outside. I am not too sure what else I did was just a lazy I went outside to get the mail today and it reminded me of home...well my other home cuz it kinda smelled of cow outside for some reason. hmm, other than that I just watched some tv on the new tele. I also went next door and visited with the neighbors, we talked for a bit...but I still did not get to see steven, he was at a friends house watching monday night football. I will try and get a hold of him tomorrow. Ah, tomorrow, I get to wake up at 4 in the morning to go to my grandma's place and wrap gifts. Heh everyone I talk to around here keeps telling me that I have lost weight, I was really skeptical of what they were saying, and I kept denying it, but when I was finished talking to the neighbors I went inside and found that I had lost 15 pounds since the last time I weighed myself...heh, I was shocked...I will probably gain it all back though thanks to my moms good cooking. I hope I can keep it off though, maybe get down to an okay weight for a person my height. Maybe somewhere around 170-180 by the end of the school year...that would be great. heh freshmen 15 my butt, I have lost 15 not gained....stupid tales of terror. Oh well, thats how boring my day was, talking about how much weight I have lost in my blog...thats lame. Oh well better go take a shower and get ready for bed....I have to wake up early tomorrow. Eh, I know I wont be in bet till about 12...but thats just my nature. Sunday, December 16, 2001
Ah so much to say, so lazy to type....well lets see where to start....I guess I will start saturday when I awoke in the morn, it was a nice day even though someone kept me up into the wee morning hours with the arguments below as well as on her page. (Just kidding steph you did not keep me up, please dont shun me...) I woke up to the sounds of gun fire, it was of course marcus playing counter strike, eh I did not mind, I just rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up for good at around 12 and started getting ready for the day. I got dressed and finished up my packing that I had been putting off. Then I went online and chatted a bit, then was off to take my final for environmental sciences. On the way there marcus mistakingly made a right turn colliding with the font wheel of my bike turning it all the way to the right causing me to flip off of my bike. The following is a reenactment of my stream of thinking (censored for the parents who read this): Uh oh, he is coming over...quick push the brake, dammit we are hitting, shoot the wheel is turning all the way, uh oh...losing balance *begins to fall off of bike* Dag nabbit!! My sunglasses are going to fall off, say that ground is coming rather quickly, better brace myself....*hits ground*. (This is the end of the reenactment) Well when marcus realized what he had done, he turned around apoligizing...some what, and due to censorship I cannot include what was said in that conversation....too hard to censor. But the basic gist of the story is that he thought that he had a different class and turned, unfortunatly we have the same class and he made a wrong turn. When we finally made it to class (a tad early to ensure good seat-age) we picked up our essays. I used my essay to clean up the blood and pus that was oozing from my leg....maybe I will scan it when I get back and post it...that would be kinda cool. The test itself was not bad at all, with the exception of the intermittent stings of pain that shot though my leg. I finished in about an hour and went back to my place to change into some new pants...since the ones that I was wearing was a bit dirty due to my unexpected collision with the ground. After jokingly yelling at marcus while I changed...I went to check if steph was online so we could make arrangements on how we were going to meet for lunch...she was not online, so I called her dorm....three times but nobody I disgruntledly hung up the phone because I could not get reach anyone, but when I hung up steph called almost at that exact moment that I hung up. She said that her mom wanted to see the car door that we hung on our wall, and I was cool with that so they (steph and her parents) came over...steph partook in some zestie fries to her mothers disapproval. Stephs mom gave everyone in the apartment cd holders, but she gave me a cd/cd player made me feel special (in "special" voice of course) and some avocados, I said thank you and we were off to Hunan. When we got to Hunan the service was not too spectacular, we had to flag down a person just to get a table...we sat down and made our orders...steph said that she could make fun of me and I would not know, so that is what her and her mom did the most of the time there. I just ate....believe me I have no problem with that...eating is good. After we were done we boxed up all the leftovers and steph kept trying to give me 35 cents, but I kept giving it back after a few exchanges I stuck it in her pocket, then she stuck it in mine, then I put it in her hood where she could not reach...when we got into the car she grabbed the change and put in with the food and handed me the bag...she said that her parents insisted that I take it...I did not want it but just figured I will give marcus a good meal. When we got back to my place I said my thank you's and good byes and they were off and so was I. I went upstairs and finished up my packing...after that steph called to see when our placement tests were, I told her, then we talked on the phone for a little...okay so it was for about half an hour, I dont know how our talks go for so long, they seem so short...anyway elaine tried to call in that time, but the phone was elaine called steph and left a message on her voice mail and so on...well to make a long story short elaine called me and told me that the guy that was supposed to give us the ride to the airport had not called her yet....she was freaking out and rambling on and on....after calming her down somewhat I told her we cant talk for too long just in case he was trying to get though...after a series of phone calls elaine was able to talk the roommate of the guy to giving us a after all that we were on our way no problems. We got to Sac. Airport at about 7:15 pm, checked our luggage and then we were off to the terminal with about an hour to spare. Elanie ordered a pizza and she forced me to eat half of it...I was still full from Hunan. Heh, there was some guy at the airport that was checking elaine was funny as hell, it would have been funnier except the guy was freaking pissing me off. He knew one of the people that elanie knew so he felt free to talk...I felt like reaching over and choking that stupid S.O.B. everytime he spoke....for all those that know me well, yes he was one of those people that I hate as soon as I see them. (Hey steph, that guy from my dc that we hate so much....he was there on the same flight...yes it sucks to be me) Well we got on the plane far from that guy (both of them), we took off no prob...the flight was kinda bumpy and my right ear would not pop, and about half way though the flight I could barely hear anything out of it, and to make things worse it was throbbing. Elaine and I talked most of the way...mostly about "stuff" that I will not go in depth about, to keep my life somewhat private still. The pilot was hilarious on the plane...he said that smoking is prohibited on the plane at all times...and if you were caught you would be put on the wing where your in flight movie would be gone with the was lame, but since I am lame I laughed. When he was giving instructions on how to put the oxygen mask on one of his steps was to stop screaming, once again I laughed. The freaken flight attendant was hard of hearing...when he asked what I wanted to drink I said Dr. Pepper of course, and he was like..."Coke?" I had to repeat myself like 3 times before I could get my point accross. When we landed I was kinda getting excited to see my family, but I am not really one to jump up and down and prance. When we went downstairs there was a crowd of people waiting for thier kids, it was kinda touching. I saw my mom, dad, and bros close to the back of the I weaved and met them with hugs. After that we went to go pick up my luggage and then we went home. On the way home everyone was trying to talk to me at the same time, I was overwhelmed with stories, but I did not mind, it was just kinda hard to absorb them all at once. When we got home we unloaded the van. We had to move some furniture so our new tv could fit dad said it was a 36 inch flat screen tv...heh, to my surprise when I got up this morning it was a 57 inch high definition flat screen tv...I was shocked. My dad finally fulfilled one of his have a high definition big screen tv. I also found out that they got a new $300 dvd player. They got it all for real cheap too, they said they could not resist....hey I am not complaining...could you imagine nintendo on that thing *begins to drool* it would be beautiful. I helped set up the christmas tree today seemed as if everything was back to normal, until I walked back into my old room, and realized, I am not home for good. On the plus side my mom did bake some cookies this weekend..mmmm...cookies, I am eating one as I type, they are great. thats about all that I have done up to this point. Tomorrow I might try to stealthly hook the nintendo up to the new big screen....hehe...I also have to finish setting up for should be a fun day. I have not met up with my neighbor steven yet, I might go over tomorrow and see if he is home...boy this is a long blog...I think I have made up for not typing in it for a while....well except for the conversations that steph and I had on them, it is pretty lengthy and will probably only make sense to us, but oh well, have fun reading them in confusion....oh, by the way this blog is in no way a competition for rory and steph, I am NOT typing it in competition and I am not being sarcastic...I just had a lot to say...besides my mom was starting to complain that I had not been typing in my blog so I wanted to quench her thirst...ok I gotta go take a shower now. I just counter strike till Jan. 4th, I hope I can endure....I should be able to, since I am not an addict. and no steph, I am not lying....well maybe a little. Saturday, December 15, 2001
![]() feed me.. *ahmp* Friday, December 14, 2001
dooobie dooobie doo
scooby doo can doo doo but Jimmy Carter is smarter in what sense of the word? dont nothing me young lady okay um...thats a very disturbing image, and frankly it frightens me to see it. okay you know what, I am not going to respond anymore, since you are so mean and only copying and pasting.....its a good thing that I am NICER than you! barth ahp *ruffles feathers* ahp! *beans* pikachu! oh.. I miss pikachu.. well you are the one that abandoned him, so you should miss him you took him away from me :*( no I did not, he is still here if you want to see him :] really? :D yup, you can see him anytime you want :] wait, we're talkin about pikachu right? yeah...what did you think we were talking about? pikachu of course. I was talking about pikachu the whole time, why would you think otherwise? uh.. I wasn't..*ahem*.. yeah.. lies. me? lie? never!.. you're so mean james :( aw....poor steph, but the truth does hurt. who says I mind? *looks around* not me? perfect. whats perfect? not me :*( is anyone?....well excluding me of course, since I am perfect if not very close to it *sigh*... I'm ugly... when will the hurting stop james? I thought we were friends.. We are friends and you are not ugly. friends wouldn't be so mean.. why are you so mean? *sniff.. sniffle* I am not mean, you are the one who makes fun of my problems such as my addiction and GAS. why wont you stop with the hurting steph, after all the good things I have done for you. :*( blasphemy. at least you weren't called ugly.. *sigh* Who called you ugly? Nobody calls my friend ugly. Don't worry steph you are not ugly :] :] yay! steph is happy so I am happy does that mean you're gay? hey, they're synonymous.. NO.... I AM NOT GAY!! why are you calling me names again.....when will the hurting stop steph....when? :*( so you're not happy like you said you were? *gasp* you lied to me? oh.. :( I would never lie to you steph, you are my if only you would stop making fun of me. :( such false accusations hurt you know... I would since I am always being falsly accused. :( so you're withholding information from me? I would never hold back any information from a great friend like you. so tell me.. what positions? any position that you are comfortable is fine with me. um.. what are you talking about? you are the one that started with the positions, so what were you talking about? okay hey, dont step around the question, I am sure everyone wants to know the answer. well, being advisor seems nice. I am not only a client I am the president. crisis nearly averted. it was. okay you are just jealous. *shun* please dont shun me sorry :(
*ahmp* *munch munch* *gulp* tooooooooooooo late.
um....dont make me come over there...I will! barth thats it I am putting on my shoes and coming over!! okay I will do it dont think that I am bluffing, cuz I am not....I will come over there right now. okay I will do it dont think that I am bluffing, cuz I am not....I will come over there right now. okay I will.... alright ok maybe I wont, so you called my bluff, you and your "brain" *brain pulsates like the highly intelligent itchies from simpsons* excellent. ew.....can I touch it, it sounds pretty cool. sorry, I'd have to charge you. shiny nickel? ooooo a nickel! okay :] EXCELLENT!!! now for tax... dang, there is always a catch... I'm athletically challenged. Dont worry you dont need your hands to catch what I am going to give you. what? what is it? say what? say wuuuuuhh... My cold of course, you silly goose oh sthtop.. *doing that weird hand thing* BWS (broken wrist syndrome)? E.G.A.D.? well.. I know you have G.A.S.(general adaption syndrome) I do....*hangs head in shame* why are you so mean steph...I thought we were friends :*( well, you call me the debo so I might as well live up to it.. calling me names :*(* well I call you steph, thats a name. I would never say such things as calling you the debo, though. Thats something that you would do to me to hurt my feelings....:*( lies. I was referred to as the debo today at dinner. Who called you the debo? Nobody calls my friend the debo. Dont worry steph you are not the debo. :] ] :) whats that? I dont get it. I'm non-polled. I would hope so, that sounds painful it's not. really? yup ok okay sounds good we didn't start the fire.. it was always burning since the world's been turning.. I have dainty feet me too I know okay fine, sounds good. okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay barth ahp! :]
Uh steph, you are too hyper, calm down.....breathe, breathe....NO! put that chocolate bar down....steph....
barth.. flailing fists of fury... mm-hey. hatchi matchi.
I still say poor bear. ![]() aw....poor bear. Dont worry this is bears evil twin brother, and no those are NOT my cigs. ![]() I always knew something good would come out of reading the fortunes in fortune cookies. ![]() *wink wink* THIS WAS POSTED BY STEPH, I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THIS, SEE LOOK AT THE NAME UP ABOVE ![]() *fling fling*... poor bear... Thursday, December 13, 2001
Egad Saturday is almost here already....I still gotta pack.....and I have to study for my stupid finals...I hope I do well on them both so I have the chance to get an A in both the classes. It would make me feel a lot better since I am having some troubles with my math class, stupid teacher. If I can get an A in two of the three classes it would somewhat cancel out the math grade *sigh*... cant wait till I get home, 48 more hours and I will be on my way home. Then x mas is just around the corner and I get to see the whole family...excellent. hmmm.....maybe it is time to study a bit more, damn I hate tests. Wednesday, December 12, 2001
Elaines away message due to my screen name: dreaming of HoTtMunKEYSEXx..zzZzZ..while attempting to study for linguistics. (I have changed the actual screen name to protect myself so dont try and IM me on this one. Luckily it still has the same effect. If you dont know what this actual screen name is dont be offended, only 3 people know it.) ![]() Tuesday, December 11, 2001
I second that face. how about this one?: ',:| hahaha, man I love that can I not second it. Monday, December 10, 2001
2 Hours of the worst feelings I have ever felt.....helpless misunderstanding of math and failure.....*sigh* dammit this is depressing. Friday, December 07, 2001
you know its good to hear you have a good relationship with family.....i go home and they tell me to stop coming. charish family Thursday, December 06, 2001
Wow, I feel kinda weird....I dunno why, maybe it is finals. I feel bored of school for some reason, maybe it isn't boredom, maybe I am just discouraged because of math. I feel like I did all that I could to try and pass the class although I did not understand the understand I mean that I did not understand him literally, he has an accent and does not really explain things well. Because of this I have to rely on teaching myself and the help of my suitemates. *sigh* I am going to have to take math over again which puts me behind one quarter on my personal goal to finish up all my math this year. I feel that I tried hard, but I cant help but think I could have tried harder....I am angry at myself and the teacher. On the plus side I am doing well in my other classes, but I feel that doing this bad in one class cancels everything out. I need something to restart my hopes of succeeding in school, I am feeling bummed. I mean I know I am not going to drop out or anything, but I just wish that college could be a little more exciting when I learn. I mean thats why I went to college....I dont mind learning. I hope next quarter will be a lot better than this one....this one is a drag, I never want to fail again. *sigh* cant wait to go home, maybe seeing my family again will help me out a bit, its one thing talking to them on the phone or online, but seeing them in person is priceless...boy I miss my family so much. Wednesday, December 05, 2001
wow, I have not typed an actual blog in a long time.....maybe later tonight. Monday, December 03, 2001
aw, me sorry.. >:] maybe.
aw....poor James
OUCH, bills hurt....Stupid Sports Illustrated....ah, I cant stay mad at you (hugs Sports Illustrated issue sitting on desk)
Well to tell you the truth I have not really wanted to type a blog lately...For some reason or another I have not been in the mood to type one. And here I am still not really wanting to type a blog. So in the name of laziness I am just going to link my blog to stephs, since she pretty much says it all in hers....she makes fun of my addiction. :*(
for everything typed on the 30th: I second that. |