The Life Of Me: |
Friday, November 30, 2001
Since I am in a better mood due to the geology are some quotes from the class:
"The only way to distinguish between a 1957 Buick and a Sherman Tank is that the Buick does not have a cannon on it...unless you are in Oklahoma" "Thank heaven for World War II." (he said this because that was when sonar and the magnetometer was invented) "The Romans took Cypress for the copper mines. Why copper? Because you use copper to make bronze and then use the bronze to make swords which are used to kill people and take more land." "This is a German for scale" (explanation of why there was some guy standing in the middle of the slide) "This asbestos is not bad for your health unless you breathe it in a lot...while smoking" (answer to the question "is that particular asbestos bad for your health") "The last thing you want when you're in a six foot three inch sphere is a guy saying 'Ugh...I feel like I am gonna puke'. Luckily I had a plastic bag to clamp over his head if he did." "Well you could pee in the bottle they had, but that was considered unfashionable" (answer to how did you pee when you are in a six foot three inch sphere under water)
How do you spell relief in college....with a 30 outta 37 on your geology midterm....ah, now thats a relief.
WEEKEND HURRY THE HELL UP!! Thursday, November 29, 2001
Man, I don't feel good....I am drained emotionally, too many confusing and conflicting feelings right now.
yeah the angry life sucks, dont live it
I don't and I never will. Wednesday, November 28, 2001
oh, poor james.. cheer up..... please? *puppydog eyes*
Well since you put it that way...with the puppydog eyes, I have no choice, but to cheer up for the most part. I am going to be a lil angry for some time though. You know what makes me angry...being is a vicious cycle. The only way out is to laugh, it is good that I do that a lot or I would be one angry person.
FUCK!!!!!! math dont look good......SHIT!!! It seriously does not look good at all....if only the professor would teach. DAMMIT!!!
sure sure no problem.. another aspect of the vicious cycle it tis..
from the exclusive and elite ANS1 website: Hey - And what if you ever have to kill a bear. Here is some data on 100 grams of simmered bear. Calories - 256.7 Protein - 32.7 g Fat - 13.3 g (wow, what a greasy animal) Cholesterol - 96.8 mg
Let it be known that from now on when I reply or when I write on someone elses blog that it will be in this color. However, due to a surplus of laziness, I will not go back and change the old pumkin font to this color....thanks steph for the colors.
Lets see what did James do today......well I got up at about 7:00, cuz I fell passed out on the couch and forgot to go the urge to urinate overwhelmed me and forced me to get outta my comfy spot on the couch. When I got up I lifted up my left leg only to find that it was completly dead. It had been hanging over the arm rest of the couch....boy am I glad I did not just jump up off the couch or else I would have fallen down...only to be laughed at by certain mean people *coughSTEPHcough*....esh I gotta take care of that cough, it just springs up some because of my dead leg I had to endure the pain of urination till I could at least move my toes then I got up and proceeded to the potty. Heh, who knew that the need to pee could make up such a long blog. After that I laid back down on the couch, tried to find my comfortable postion that I had....but could not succeed so I just laid there in a half comatose state till around 7:30/7:40 in the morn...steph awoke to go to class, I knew it was cold outside so I offered her one of my jackets, but being a stubborn girl she said no, I asked repeatedly only to be shot down several more times (this was not the first time I have been shot down...nor will it be the last). When she left I changed into my "pj's" otherwise known as my boxers and a junk shirt and went to bed...but once again I could not fall again I laid in the half comatose sleep only to be awaken by marcus'/my alarm to get was 8, but we dont get outta bed till 8:40, we feel that we have more power and freedom when we hit that snooze button 4 marcus hit the snooze, once, ten min. later again...and so on. I decided to be a "rebel" today and take a shower at 8:30 instead of after class...and so I did. Marcus and I left to go to class, and it was freaking cold outside....even though my sweatshirt and my insulation, so I knew steph had to have been freezing since she is so much thinner than I. After quickly dismissing that it was her loss, we rode and swerved to miss the idiots crossing the street...damn I wish I had an air horn, blare it in their ear as I ride by showing them their i.q. after class we went back to our place and paid the stupid phone bill. I decided to burn the linkin park cd that I promised steph....but since I am part chinese I could not let the rest of the cd go to waste, so I put on about ten misc. tracks like billy joel, no doubt, Hole, and I put on a few red hot chilli pepper songs since she cant find her cd....I was hoping it would hold her over till she found hers. Steph and I talked online after that and she admitted that she should have taken the jacket....YAY!! VICTORY FOR JAMES. After that is was time for lunch at the DC...our weekly lunch with elanie and steph...marcus could not go this time cuz he has to write 2 essays which are due today. At the DC there was those dangerous ham and cheese pockets with the flaky crust....very dangerous, you dont want to breathe around them, cuz if you do you might choke and die on the flaky goodness or evilness if you will (and you better...yeah steph I am talking to you). It took a while for elaine's chicken sandwhich to get cooked so steph and I had to wait for her....I did not mind, I had yummy fries to tide me over. When we got to the table we talked and I absorbed insults in stereo, dispensed a little, but since I was double teamed I had not a chance. I went back to stephs place after to make sure the cd worked since I did not test it before I gave it to her, all seemed well with the cd, after that we talked for a lil in the tv lounge, but had to depart due to class time for steph. I rode back to my place and did some more reasearch for my essay and did my laundry...I hate doing the laundry. After laundry I typed up my essay, which is due today (ah...procrastination, its the only way to go)...dont worry mom and dad I was not rushed and took my time. At about 7ish steph came back over here to my place...she really loves her dorm, cant you tell? We went to late night at the DC since steph decided to take a nap on the comfy chairs we have....heh I fall asleep on them all the time. They had cookies and really salty fries....but that is not all I ate so dont worry. When we got back we had a civilized conversation with carni chris, rory, alex, pirate chris, steph, and myself. It was really civilized (warning: the previous statement may have contained sarcasm). At about one in the morn everyone dispersed....I played some CS while steph turned into a nerd with her "studying". I always make sure my guests have something to do before I go off and do what I want so it was okay for me to play a lil know since I am such a NICE GUY and all. Boy this was a long am I sleepy...g'morn. Tuesday, November 27, 2001
thanks for telling me after i make myself look like an ass.....
Anytime Rory
haha, i knew that you guys, come on im not that dumb. but i dont even see the my profile button thing...... ain't my fault dag nabbit.
you gotta go to your blog and click on team and then click on my profile in the top right corner and fill in your info :]
you know, i noticed that on your blog it doesn't say posted by me, it doesnt say anybody. I'm a little hurt but I'll be fine, don't worry about me. (sniffle sniffle)
It's okay rory *hands him a tissue* all will be fine if you make some fine tuning with your profile as steph recommended above.
yes, pants would be.. hey, nice dog :]
Thanks :] Someone helped me with it, but then again they were helped by is a vicious cycle. No I am not talking about the pants....I was talking about the picture Monday, November 26, 2001
pants would be good
Man, it is getting harder and harder to get outta bed in the morning...even though it is technically the afternoon, but it is morning to me. Geez I hate school...well not school, but tests and homework...if all school was listening and not homework or tests it would be great.... uh oh, better start getting ready for class.... maybe I should put some pants on... Sunday, November 25, 2001
Well I did not do too much today...alright I hardly did anything, but that is the best part about college....doing nothing. Lets see at about ten my mom called, woke me up. Thats coo though, we talked for a bit then bid farewell. Then at around 11ish she called back again....with the comment of "are you still asleep?" (motherly nagging tone). Of course I was, then we talked for a bit, and then bid farewell. After that I went in brushed my teeth and went piddle...only to go back to bed. In fact I woke up about 7 hours ago. It feels as if I have been awake forever though...I dont know why. At about 5 chris decided to go grocery shopping. Since we take turns buying soda for the room (of course I buy most of the time, since I drink it most of the time)....however chris said he felt like buying enough soda for the rest of the year. After trying to convince him that he did not have to do that he told me to shut up and lets go. So all four of us went over to safeway (four of us being Tamo, Marcus, Chris and I). We got two shopping carts and proceeded directly to the soda aisle. Chris told us to get every type of soda the we could...except diet and caffeine free. So we did.... all soda known to man is contained within our apartment. Well except the diet and caffeine free....and 7 up and Sprite, those should not be classified as soda, they are more of bubbly flavored water. After filling the carts with soda...approx. 31 twelve packs we proceeded to the junk food aisles. We gathered all chips we liked pringles, ruffles, lays, cheetos, and several more. Then chris had to get his frozen burritos, so he bought some of those...they only had one 12 pack, he was dissappointed, so he went to the canned food aisle and picked up some spaghettios, I think 6 cans, I could be wrong. Then we went to the juice aisle, and gathered all juices known to man.....grapefruit, grape, apple, orange...and so on. Then we walked the store with our heaping carts with people looking at us and laughing. We found the cookie aisle and picked up some cookies....frosted oatmeal, chips ahoy (all three kinds, chewy, peanut butter, and chunky), nutter butters and some chips deluxe. After that we decided we needed some PB & J, so we picked some up. Grape and Strawberry Jelly and some extra chunky nut well as some bread. Oh yeah in the frozen food aisle we picked up some waffles for our NEW TOASTER (well it is marcus' old one, but it is new to us) as well as pizza (that is not for the toaster). Well that is about all I can remember that Chris paid for. We crusied over to the registers guessing what the price was going to $330 (not exactly of course). Then came out marcus' safeway card.....chris saved about 50 bucks thanks to that. We cruised over to marcus' car now...with three shopping carts, two was just too little....and proceeded to load his trunk. Well we fit all the soda in, but the other groceries did not so we had to ride home with them. Marcus' car almost bottomed out, it was quite comical. When we got to our apartment we took all the groceries up no prob...but then came the soda. Thanks to chris and I we were able to get all of it in about two trips. chris carried 6 twice and I carried 7 twice, marcus and tamo had it easy. When we got all of it back up to the apartment, we had to put it all somewhere, so cleaning insued....yes thats right cleaning. we cleared out some cabinets and filled our linen closet with soda and our kitchen cabinets with chips and stuff like that. After that we finally hung up our car door. Thats right our car door is now suspended about five feet off the ground on the wall....the bike hooks came in handy after all. Wow this is a long blog for just one day.... heh, I am glad I dont have to read this thing. Oh, by the way we did thank Chris, several times...dont think we are all selfish pigs here.
hahaha so you beat me by two hundred words.. you're still mean.. make that 154 words.
How do those two things relate....I'm always. And how am I mean....I am the nicest person named James Krause that you know. lies. I NEVER lie....well maybe a little.... a little? how about a lot?... now?.... how about now? no?... now? Saturday, November 24, 2001
I hope that you like to read long blogs…cuz this is going to be one of them. Stephs blog ain’t gonna have anything on this one. Lets see, where to start….well on Wednesday night Steph, Marcus, Keri, and I went to Hunan for dinner, it was about fifteen minutes before closing so the waiter told us to hurry up and make our order before the cook went home. We speedily made our orders and ate. When we got home we decided to make some cookies….luckily there were still those premade ones that steph bought so she sliced those up and we baked them. They were a little over baked, but I didn’t really care…they were still good. After that I am not too sure what we did….I think I played some counter strike while steph watched some television. I had to get in my fill since I was going to be away for a while. After that steph did some drawings on my computer. At about fiveish steph went home so she could pack…..when she left I decided to try and put some pictures on my blog…but they were unsuccessful, *shrug* steph said she will help me with them later (thanks steph) since I am totally helpless. At about 6:30 I think I went to bed. I had to wake up at 9: 30 so I was a lil drowsy in the morn…but that was cool. I actually stayed up for the whole trip to marcus’ house, chris on the other hand went off to sleep. The area around here is so different, they are big cities but they look different….I dunno how to explain it….so I wont even bother. When I got to marcus’ place I greeted the family, including their dog smoky. After that chris and I proceeded to fall asleep on their comfy couches in front of their big screen. I awoke to the smell of food….and then we ate. Marc said grace…which felt kinda weird cuz I have not been around that kinda stuff, but I went along. The dinner was good…turkey, carrots, mashed taters, gravy, cole slaw….I had a couple plates. After dinner I called home for a thankgiving day greeting and I got to talk to everyone that was there at the time. After that we played with the dog…then chris and I proceeded to fall asleep on the couch again….hey they were comfortable. I was awaken to the sound of someone saying “Chocolate Pie”. The pie was good, it was just jello pudding in a graham cracker crust, but good nonetheless. It also had a layer of whipped cream about an inch thick…so all was good. After that we decided to go to bed since we were going to wake up early to go to best buy the next day…the busiest shopping day of the year…. boy was that a mistake. We awoke at about 6:30 in the morn and got to best buy at around 7:15…. 15 minutes after it had opened. (word count: 500) It was packed….I have never seen that many people in a Best Buy at one time. It was horrible. Then line went from the cash registers all the way back to the televisions, though the games section and was starting to wind through the cd section. Marcus, Chris and I decided not to wait in line so we found the stuff that we wanted to buy and we hid it in one of the cd aisle outta site. Marcus’ dad however made all of his purchases in about a five minute span. He walked in after us, got his palm pilot that he wanted as well as a 25 inch tv….and spilt. We could not figure out how he did it all so fast. I remember looking for some of the cd’s that I wanted and he was at the register already making his purchases. I was really tempted to buy a Dreamcast, they were only 50 bucks, but I have to save my money. It was hard peeling myself away but I did it. *pats himself on back* After we abandoned Best Buy we went over to Crispy Cream where chris treated us to doughnuts. They were good as always. We had to walk back to marcus’ place, it was not that far, but Chris ate a couple doughnuts on the way back…we found it quite funny. We got back to Marcus’ place and partook in the goodness that is doughnuts. After that we went over to Cal State Hayward, it had a nice view of the bay area, but all we did was look over the edge and try and spit in this guys facemask. Don’t worry no one was wearing it…at the time at least. After that we went back to marcus’ car, but we picked up something that is quite entertaining on the way there….it was one of those lights that are on top of those barricades…you know one of those yellow flashy lights. Of course we picked it up…we thought it would go good with the car door that we have. After that we cruised by best buy again in hopes that the crowd would have dispersed by then…but there was still a major crowd. When we got back to marcus’ place chris and I took a little nap…well actually we fell asleep till dinner time. For dinner we had ham and some other thankgiving day leftovers. It was good eating. After dinner the guys got to do the dishes….yes that’s right we did the dishes. However close to the end of the job we got in a towel whipping fight. Heh, I am an expert in whipping people with towels, in fact I woke up marcus’ dad when I hit chris in the ass…he just turned around and laughed at chris who was grabbing his ass in pain. He thought it would not hurt though levis, but he found out otherwise. It was about 8:30 at night then so we decided (word count: 1000) to cruise over to Best Buy again to see if the crowd had thinned down, and luckily it had so we walked in and found the stuff that we hid in the Gospel section and proceeded to the register. I was telling marcus that whenever I am at Best Buy I always pick the line with the person that has something wrong with their stuff. Well, it was like any other time, marcus open box purchase needed to have a paper filled out for it…so I guess it was like any other trip to best buy. Of course I did not take out enough money for my purchases. I withdrew forty, but I spent forty three dollars…..stupid tax. I bought a Tool boxed set…it has a dvd and music cd, I also bought the non-point cd I wanted. We went back to marcus’ place and I watched the Laker game…they won by like 16 points, but it was not even that close. After that we watched the Mummy Returns…it was pretty good. After that I partook in some more of that chocolate pie. After that Chris, Keith (marcus’ younger brother), and I had a conversation about the possibilities of dying if the earth just suddenly stopped rotating. It was quite interesting….it also morphed into some other conversations. After that we went to bed because we had to wake up early to go home. We could have gone home with marcus tomorrow, but I kinda felt outta place in their home. Everything was so proper….saying grace before eating, playing piano after dinner etc. I imagine I will feel more comfortable when I get to know the family a bit better, but till then I decided to leave today, for home…or what is home now. Anyways we got up in the morning and marcus’ dad made us breakfast. It was pancakes they were pretty good. I only ate three of them….but marcus and his bro at a ton. I know his brother had like nine at least. After breakfast we left in a flurry of goodbyes and thank you’s. It started to rain as soon as we stepped out the door, luckily we made it to the car just in time cuz it started to pour once we got in the car. Marcus’ aunt took us home, she was real nice about it and we talked most of the way home. When we got back to our place we thanked marcus’ aunt and walked up the stairs to our apartment hoping that we remembered to turn everything off as well as hoping there would not be any weird smells. It felt good to be home. Chris and I rock, paper, scissored to see who would have the luxury of taking a shower first….he won…oh well. That brings me pretty much up to current. Right now I am feeling hungry so I think I will partake in some Sapporo ichban (if that is how you spell it). I think I will also watch that Tool movie that I bought….yes, I think that is what I am going to do…excellent. (word count: 1,519) Friday, November 23, 2001
too bad your computer can't go with you, Happy Thanksgiving. Thursday, November 22, 2001
ahh....that was refreshing 3 hour nap...HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! I actually have to shut off my computer for four is going to feel lonely and cold. It's ok old friend I will be back soon.
doorknob? Tuesday, November 20, 2001
I HATE studying....yeah!
but you say he's just a friend, and you say he's just a friend.. oh baybee you..
EW! That song sucks almost as much as the yankees....ALMOST. I know some girls that suck more *evil grin* ...alley cat? I am somewhat disturbed, yet intrigued. Alley cat, thats me...well maybe a fat alley cat, that needs to use a skateboard to get around...but an alley cat nonetheless. haha.. ew. art thou eternally an irate felidae? Nah, I will stick with the irate Orcinus orca why not a docile Trichechus manatus latirostris? they don't even need skateboards. Although docile, they don't look very irate....even if they were I dont think they could do much killing....half the fun of being an irate Orcinus orca is the killing. that's what you think >:] After some very minimal thinking, I feel that the guy who wrote this is paranoid and probably thinks the FBI is after him. If manatees are so vicious how can a bunch of them be kept in the same tank? I dont think manatees go around mauling things for no reason....but an irate killer whale on the other hand.... I'd rather be a doggy with a good owner and a pool.. or terrorpanda *evil grin* ooo.. or a whale shark! Irate killer whale.....they are angry, they kill, and they do "other" stuff for fun....thats the life for me. why not dolphins? they do it on porpoise. if not, well, they otter! hahahaha I'm lame :]'re just jealous. Although jealous of your lame puns I still will stick with the killer whale. They kill things on porpoise becasue they mufasa than most aminals in the ocean. you're lion! and a cheetah! haha you said aminals.. That was done on porpoise....and I ain't lion.
If you want to read what happened this weekend click here then here ....I am far too lazy to type what happened during the weekend on a monday...well tuesday now.
Today (well yesterday now) I woke up....took a shower, then went to geology class...steph attempted to cook breakfast in time for her to eat and get to class...heh did not, oh well. When I got back from geology I took a little nap...well a two hour nap, I could have studied, but I was really tired and I figured that it would be better if I could stay up during the midterm, than know everything and fall asleep. So after my nap I reviewed for about an hour, I was really getting stressed out because I know I have to do good on this test....This test went a bit smoother than the last one...notice I did not type any harsh words about the class and the teacher. Why you ask? Cuz I actually knew what I was doing for most of the test...and I got a good laugh because of the guy next to me. As we got closer to the end of class his breathing through his nose got louder and faster....then he started cussing at the test, not outloud, but loud enough so that I can hear him. I also got to laugh at the instructions on the test....since our math teacher cannot seem to spell correctly. He spells equations "equitions". One might think that this was an accident...which is understandable, I make mistakes all the time, but this spelling error was repeated about 5 times thoughout the test. After that I went and mailed some stuff out...check to EGM and Wells Fargo. Then I called my mom to discuss some mail that I received....heh, just when we thought all of our troubles were taken care of. Anyway after that I called Steph to see where she wanted to eat....I gave her an extra hour of sleep...since I am such a nice guy. So I woke her up with a phone call at about 6 o'crock. She had the whole conversation in the comfort of her bed and admitted to crushing the legs of is unfortuate however that panda cannot yell cuz he has no mouth....she said that it was not her problem. We decided on her DC so I rode over there and we was really crowded at her DC, and as usual something was dropped; this time it was a couple cups. After we ate we went back and talked for a while in her tv lounge...alright so it was a long while, but lots of fun. At about 11:30 steph was gettin hungry so we decided to head over to the DC again for late night. It was unfortunate that her roommate locked her out while she slept...steph knocked, but no response. So being such the nice guy that I am, I jumped though her window and unlocked the door. We originally did not know her roommate was asleep in there, but because I landed as softly as a cat I did not wake her roommate, but we flicked on the light in the room and discovered she was in there. But I knew all along, becasue of my catlike instincts. (stop laughing....yeah I am talking to you). At late night they had some fries and reject nuggets, that had been in the frier too long, I still at them. I also had a burger, and a peanut cookie, it was good. Heh, when we placed the orders for the burgers steph put her name as Shteph...the guy stuggled to read sounded as if he was deflating or something. He was like shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...shhhhhhhhhhhh, after some laughing steph admitted to it being her burger. After late night it was about I decided to head home, but steph and I conversed outside while I sat on my bike for about another hour. After that I decided I needed to leave...well not really, I had to really force myself to go. And that brings me to now, stupid nap....keep me awake. Aw...and cant be mad at you nap..they are so much fun. Monday, November 19, 2001
so.. how about that hygiene? Sunday, November 18, 2001
"Others appreciate your good sense of humor"
-Fortune Cookie REALLY? Who woulda thunk? Saturday, November 17, 2001
only one?
yeah, just one.
Well today started off as a normal friday....woke up at 11, thought about getting up...falling back to sleep....waking up at 11:30....go and take a shower then head off to class. Todays lecture in geology was fairly interesting it was about earthquakes...and as my mom and dad know I love learning about earthquakes. After class I rode home, weaving in and out of traffic...damn some people ride their bikes slow. Then when there is a group of slow people...ugh, don't even get me started. I wish I had some sort of air horn on my bike, maybe I would scare the crap out of slow riders as I flew by them...heh heh that would be great *evil grin* Anyway I made it back home then Steph and Jenn came by for lunch...we went over to the DC....(man I have a lot of meals left). After that we came by and Jenn left...I am not too sure what I did from there till dinner...I was prolly (purposely done) talking with Steph, talking with carni chris and steph, or talking with steph, carni chris, tamo, and david. Oh yeah Steph also took a nap...I scanned some money for carni chris (no this is not illegal I only scanned one side). We also did some shopping...I had to buy a little bag of flour, some vanilla, and cinnamon for the breakfast later today....heh steph still doubts me, but I dont mind.After that I dont really remember what took I fast forward to eating dinner with Steph at is a good place to eat some chinese food since I cant get it home cooked anymore (man I sure miss my mom and grandmas cooking). Oh well Hunan will do for is not too expensive, about 5 bucks for a plate of beef fried rice....mmmm...beef fried rice. After hunan we walked over to Blockbuster and rented The Ladies Man....yeeh. We came back home after that and steph listened to the John Pinnette cd I have...he is a very hilarious comedian. I played some cs for a 47 and 16....a good days work. I had to quit at 12 because to prove that I am not addicted to that cursed game I am not going to play for the whole weekend.....possibly. Anyway I am going to get my haircut this weekend...don't want to look like a freak when I go over to marcus' place.
On a separate shteph how 'bout them evil plots....have you ever wanted to reveal an evil plot to a good friend?.....I have, how about you. Also some person named Shycobill visited my site...I wonder who this could be....just kidding, I know who it is...please dont make your plot and "eviler". Friday, November 16, 2001
"then what does that say about yours in me?"
(you done laughing yet? sicko...) NOPE now? NOPE....still laughing how about now? NAH...still funny....but I am slowly containing myself....for the most part....okay somewhat...alright not at all....fine I am still laughing my arse off... if you laugh your arse off, how can you sit? you will forever be forced to stand. doesn't sound too fun. refresh. your turn. Forever forced to stand....I can't have that now....I am too lazy to be standing forever. Couldn't I sit on the spot that my arse has vacated. (your turn) if your arse has vacated, then you wouldn't be able to sit. lack of natural and portable cushioning. Couldn't I just strap a pillow to the vacated wouldn't be natural but it would be portable...well somewhat. no >:] Why not? :] *shrug* Excellent....James 1, Shteph some large number
Lets see what did I do today (yesterday)....well I went to class, then came home. Played a little Counter Strike....then chatted online. Then I went over to stephs place and we went to lunch at her DC. She actually remembered to bring her DC mug...I was stunned. It seems like everytime I go over to her DC something gets a tray, a plate, a tray with plates, the container that holds all the cereal...stuff like that. Today was no different as someone dropped a plate....the people in the DC clapped, if I was the guy I would have taken a bow, I am not too sure what he did since I did not see him drop the plates, but I did hear them. Oh yeah, there was this guy at the DC with an Adidas jacket that said something like was quite funny. After we finished eating we stayed at the DC for a while.....we had to digest, and steph and to "get her keys out of her pocket" (translation....put a baked good in her pocket). After that we went back to her room....she made up a new screen name...and we messed with Rory's brain for a little bit. She is still sticking with her orginal one though. After that I went home...played some more Counter Strike (I was not too bad today....I think at one time I was 26 and 12 or something like that). I am NOT addicted to Counter Strike for all of those that are wondering this.....I can quit anytime I want. Marcus' girlfriend came over, so he cooked for sauce chicken, it smelled good so I decided to partake in some (dont worry he made enough for everyone). I made some rice as well as some fried eggs. The meal was very tasty. After dinner I decided to look through the many sales on food...I am goign to have to partake in most of them. 24 cans of soda for $5....excellent. I also made the spontaneous decision to make breakfast....steph said she will supervise, I guess she under estimates my cooking talent, I learned from the mom. So I think I can pull of this lil breakfast. I need to do some minor shopping for ingredients...that should be no problem. Thursday, November 15, 2001
I am subscribing to EGM....Yay!!!!
haha givin your rumen a lil tickle?
I was jealous of stephs quotes from her I wrote down some quotes from mine today:
"When your diet lacks calories you have less calories for things like a brain" (reasoning for why chickens are so dumb) "They have those little things that they use to weld those little things to those little things." (discription of what a microchip manufacturer does)
In my environmental sciences class the topic of discussion was to get into groups and make our own town. And here are some of the specs. of our lovely town.
Town Name: Stonesville Location: Central Florida, but we plan on taking over the rest of the country Population: 1000 non-smokers (you will see why that is important later) Language: A series of clicks and pops (I made up our language....can you tell) Government: Socialist Type of Money: None; we work off of the barter system, no money, just trade. Main Export: Hemp and Hemp products (possibly for smoking....we dont tell people how to use our product) Means of Travel: Horse drawn carriages and walking Misc. stuff: Only horses and parrots will be allowed on our soil...all other animals will be killed and eaten. Thats about all I can remember for now...if I can think of any more specifcations that our city had I will be sure to post them. This is the kind of town when you let me take over the group. Wednesday, November 14, 2001
Well today was a kinda crud day at the begining....I slept though half of my geology class, ugh I dont want to miss that class....I actually like the topic. One might think..."oh it is okay for James to accidently sleep though his class once".....heh, think again. If it was an early class I might not have been so frustrated....the class is a 12 o'clock class. Oh well, once is not that is more a personal thing I have for missing that class, kinda like when I write "you" in my essays DAMN that pisses me off. Well when I woke up at about 12:30 I took a shower....looked in the mirror and said "damn I need a freaken hair cut". Then I walked out and finished my math homework and discussion reading. Man I procrastinate....those who think you are going to change from High school to college are frightfully wrong. I am still the big procratinator here....but I know I am not alone, I have seen every single one of my roommates work on that late night essay. Anyway I went to maf...ugh did I mention math sucks, if not allow me to do it again....MATH SUCKS. The teacher does not teach, so I have to leach off other peeps to help me, or teach myself from the examples in the book. It may not be done the way that he wants it, but I get the job done. After my math class....dreadful math class...I headed off to my discussion for environmental sciences. This was the best environmental science discussion that I have ever had...and probably ever will have. It was soooooo funny....I was laughing my ass off so much that I was tearing. I am going to type a separate blog in dedication of the hilarious time I had. After discussion Marcus and I met up with steph...we rode back to our place and dropped off our stuff then it was off to the DC for some medival food. I was reading about it for about a week and was really looking forward to it....however it was a bust. The "turkey" leg was more of some sort of leather which I could not cut into with the cheap "knifes" that the DC provides....and I did not want to pick it up cuz the thing got your hands all marcus so politly demonstrated when he tried to wipe his hands only to have napkin particles attached to his hand. There was some tatos and meat which was good, but it still was not redeeming enough to salvage the meal. After that I decided to partake in some of the "medival pre-packaged" ice cream (which could be found in the vicinity of the medival strobe light). I picked up and ice cream bar...looked on the outside of the package to see this picture of an icecream bar covered with delicious nuts (no innuendos....whatsoever.) When I opened the package (still no innuendos) there was an ice cream bar with very little nut coverage (still none). I was dissapointed all over again....then I took a bite out of it and it tasted like syrup.....I still ate it all, but was angered. After dinner we went back to my place...steph had to go back to her place we went....I came back to my place and was coerced into playing some Counter I am not addicted, I have not played in about a week. Then we watched some Dragon Ball Z.....IT WAS A FREAKEN OLD EPISODE.....I was pissed. For movie night we watched some Three Amigo's, a high quality movie. And that brings me to right this I have been typing long blogs for two days in a row....what is going on. ![]() does he look wild to you? nah.. you know what's better than big farts? walkies.. or teleportation.. but if we teleported, there would be no time for talking :\ LOOK AT THAT WILD BEAST, HE IS LIKE THAT RABBIT IN THE HOLY GRAIL, HE MAY LOOK ADORABLE IN THE PICTURE, BUT DONT MESS WITH HIM IN PERSON. very true. heh heh you should know :] brownie has that effect too.. but I suppose he's retiring. he's old.
Well today (yesterday) was a better day than I was expecting...I dont usually expect much from a tuesday, except having fun annoying elaine at lunch...which I did. After lunch with Marcus, elaine, and steph I went home. I actually did my stupid I hate doing that. Marcus did his too, but he had some difficulties with the washing machine. We are not too sure what happened. he put his money in, chose the setting and closed the lid, but for some reason the freaken washer did not start. It was unfortuate for him that he did not notice this till all of the other laundry was almost done. So he had to wait double the amount of time. I always have problems with the dryers here and my pants. The stupid dryers dry to a sub satisfactory level, but it leaves the pants just dry enough that you dont want to pay another fifty cents to get them completely dry. Ugh that pisses me off. So I had to air dry all of my pants for the rest of the day. I did some reading for my discussion that I am supposed to have today....damn that is some boring stuff. I also have some math homework that is due....yes I have started on it (and no steph, it is more than my name, date, and assignment...I did a couple problems..hehe). Man I hate math so much...I am glad it will all be over with by the end of this year. At about....well I am not too sure of the time....but steph IMed me and asked if I wanted to go out to dinner. I said I would have to fit her into my schedule of doing nothing and sleeping.....luckily I was able to find a time spot...right in between the doing nothing and the sleeping. After several minutes of planning and tossing out of ideas we decided to go to woodstocks (a pizza place). Of course we partook in that of the orgy. But this time we got it a little cheaper than normal....we had the power of the coupon....well actually it was more of a card, but you get the idea. We walked there and back....I enjoy walking cuz we get to talk more....and that is fun....When we got back to stephs place I had to take a breather....well actually my stomach had to settle. We talked there for a while while she hugged a wild beast....well actually it was pretty tame....okay so it was a stuffed panda. (Man this is a pretty long blog for me). I had to much as I did not want to, cuz I knew what was awaiting at my place....homework....ew. But I used lots of willpower and was able to ride back and get to work. As of this moment I have finished most of the homework I needed to I hate homework. This blog was a welcome break from the monotony of homework.....ugh better get back to work. Tuesday, November 13, 2001
I'd still want to be a medium/large dog with a good owner, and with other restrictions that I can't think of right now.
I will stick with the disgruntled killer that would be sweet.
haha, funny brain teaser! almost confused me there for a second. d;o)
This post was originally under stephs name....but I posted it. It is a long story.....just know it was me who posted this.
I was gonna update my site with the normal stuff....but tripod is giving me attitude. As proof that I was going to update my site here are the normal things that I would update on my site: Fact of the Week: The hippopotamus has skin an inch and a half thick, so solid that most bullets cannot go through. Quote of the Week: "If I could be any animal, I would want to be a disgruntled killer whale." -James A. Krause Brain Teaser of the week: John's mother had four children. The first was April, the second was May, the third was June. What was the name of her fourth child? Darwin Award: Bowling Green, Ohio student Robert Ricketts, 19, had his head bloodied when he was struck by a Conrail train. He told police he was trying to see how close to the moving train he could place his head without getting hit.
got a 79% on my environmental sci. class.....dammit, missed the B- by a tad.....oh well, now that I know what to expect from tests I hope to do better on every test. Monday, November 12, 2001
answer to the brain teaser of the week:.. I know it but I won't tell. how ya doin congofeet?
Great despite being a lazy bum, severly needing a hair cut, and just realizing I need to do laundry.
McGwire is retiring......*wipes away a tear*. All of my favorite old school baseball players have retired...well except for maddux. But all of the players that were around when I first got into baseball are gone....Gwyn, Ripken, Canseco, Nolan Ryan, there are several others. But that requires thinking and I am not up for that. Um....kung pao beef, that was good.
Well all I did today was lots of rained so we were kinda confined to the indoors. I dont think I did anything constructive today...well except work a little on this scheme I have. Tripod has rendered me helpless....I cant update my site...well as of right now. Boy was today a boring day...Heh one of the workers here was blowing the sidewalk while it was raining...he kept it up for about a half an hour, then some other worker joined him with a broom. I am not too sure what they think they were accomplishing....maybe drying the sidewalk, but it was raining so it was kind of a never ending job...well at least till it stops raining. The power was flickering was not enough to shut everything was just more of an annoyance. Man I am hungry... Sunday, November 11, 2001
Lets see, what did I do today.....well after falling asleep on the couch in our living room I woke up at about 7 in the morn.....heh, that is way to freaken early. So i changed into some pj's and went to my actual bed. (damn c button on stephs comp...i am at her place right now. to illustrate how her c button works i am going to allow it to do what it does best from this point on) I fell asleep till about 11:30...a more reasonable time to wake up. I took a shower while steph typed her blog...after that we deccided to go to MccDonalds whicch was postponed to today by the rain. It took us a while to find the placce beccause we ccould only remember what street to go straight down...but we did not remember which direcction to turn. We went left only to find that we should have turned right...and that if we did turn right it would have been in plain sight. Oh well....when arrived at Mcdonalds we had MCcnuggets and I had some fries....steph insisted that she ate her half of the twenty piecce, but i dont think so. After we left MccDonalds we headed over to Baskin Robbins for some icce ccream....2 quarts for 6 bucks...a good deal. The ride back was a pain and a half....stupid freaken wind....we were going at a ccrawl. We were relived to get bacck to my placce...we stood out on the balccony and talked for a was nicce and cool outside and an all around good placce to rest. After we talked for a while steph felt the urge to go to the gap....supposedly they had sales...but everything seemed to be still expensive when we arrived there. Before we went to the GAP we cruised over to Borders....we looked at some books that were expensive as well as some ccd's that were also expensive....well most of them were. After that we walked downtown and went to blocckbuster. Steph piccked up a ccouple movies...trafficc and the usual suspeccts...i think....i know trafficc for sure. On the way bacck steph said she felt "iccky" so we went bacck to her placce whicch is where I am sitting now. Man am I hungry...we will probably go bacck to my placce and have some Tombstone Oh well...time to ccheck best buy.ccom....i am going through withdrawls...i have not been to best buy in so long *wipes away a tear* Marccus said we ccan go when I go over to his placce for thanksgiving....exccellent.
I do not cheat.. I.. "improvise." I make it more interesting. the game'll last longer won't it? ah, just cuz you can't find any words.. cheater.. *devilish smile*
Well today (yesterday) was a pretty lazy day....when is it not, especially on a weekend.....this glorious three day weekend *excellent*. Well I woke up around 10:30....egad 10:30...that is so freaken early. Anyway....we did not really do anything for about an hour. then we started to cook our breakfast (for lunch). We had tater tots, sausages, eggs, and french toast. It was only steph, marcus and I so there was lots to eat...which is good. After breakfast we watched Monsters Inc. It was a pretty good movie...well as disney moives go. Lets see....after that I burned all of the movies that I have downloaded onto was a big job since I had so many movies. I think it was about 12-14 gigs worth. It was a timely job but it was well worth computer now has more room on it now. I had to defrag it there was some nasty gaps in there. I took a break from burning the cd's and went with steph to this toy store....I forgot what it was called Alphabet something or other. She found some stuff and used her 15% off coupon. When we left the store it began to our excursion to McDonalds was kinda postponed till maybe later today if it is not rainning. It is really empty here in our suite right now...Tamo went home and Chris went to LA with some friends. It is only Marcus and I here now. Oh well. I was just saying how weird it is not having Chris stumble in at four in the morning. Oh well....Saturday Night Live is back on...gotta go watch. Saturday, November 10, 2001
I think it is about time for another incoherent blog. Lets see what did i do today. hmmmm....I went to my geology class, only about half the class was there. After that I came back to my place...chris and I took out the trash that had been building up for the past couple weeks....maybe even longer. It was like a trash heap in the kitchen. I hafta break wind. Anyway steph came over and we did our breakfast shopping. We went to dinner at teriyaki was express as usual. Um....after that rory came over and we watched was good, although the movie was hard to follow since the dubbing was going so fast. We watched about five episodes of the series which was a lot better since the sub titles were readable. After that everything is a blur.....I fell asleep sometime between then and now. Steph and I were doing some word searches online....she is a cheater....mix up the words after I find it. Hopefully we will make it to Mcdonalds today, I have not had that in a while. Man....I cant remember anything I did today...oh well...maybe I will remember some more stuff later.
I found nasty with a j in the middle.....excellent. Thursday, November 08, 2001
Well I finally have registered for my classes. I am kinda bummed that I did not get all the classes that I wanted. I wanted an English class...but the ones that appealed to me were filled. I also wanted to take physics...but that was taken. So I was forced to take History of the U.S. (17A) from the colonial times to the Civil War....I get GE credit for it, but it is not the same. On the plus side I do not have to wake up any earlier than 11 am....well that is for now. And I do not have any class on thursday....I am not too sure how that worked out, it was not planned at all. It just kinda happened. I have no clue what I am going to take my second pass now...oh well, I guess I will have to wait and see.
ok lets get this straight, my camping skills only exist when you excellent players all gang up on me. its not like i can run in and blow away EVERYBODY. it always ends up 2 or 3 all against me, so therefore, i gotta sit back and wait for them to come to me. sheesh, all i wanna do is win, whats wrong with that?
(this blog has been edited for my amusement...original word may have been newbies) -James
calm down, boys. you just gotta get yourselves the new and improved KIRRO-AMATIC 5001 *neon lights shining in advertisement* it kirro good.
hahaha, oh yeah....well i have the killamatic 5001+ *neon lights that say "THE PLUS MEANS BETTER" shines, as beautiful women caress the product....but dies, cuz well it is the killamatic 5001+.*
Well I am actually not feeling tired at all right now. I have been tired for the last few days earlier than usual, but I guess I have returned to normal....well normal for me anyway. Lets see....what did I do today.....well I went to class, but left math about ten minutes early after getting fed up with the teachers incompetence. He could not remember a math formula and had to ask for assistance in coming up with the formula. I bought the metallica posters...they were pricy, but they are worth it. After my boring ass discussion marcus and I raced home....literally. We were weaving though traffic at a high rate of speed, it was great. After that I went over to stephs to go eat at the DC. The main reason I went over was to borrow her class scheduling thingy majigger (that is a highly technical term.) After we ate at her DC (they had breakfast for dinner...stupid sausages, making me gaseous) I went back to her dorm and we talked for a bit. THE KILLOMATIC 5000....heh I will take two. (inside joke). Anyway, I got back to my place for movie night, which is every wednesday night....but that is probably going to have to change with the new classes. We watched the Generals Daughter, it was a high quality fact I am glad i rented it, which is very different from natural born that movie sucked almost as much as the Yankees....and that is a lot. After that I played some CS...or tried to. Today was kinda an off day for me as Rory so lovingly mentioned below. Heh....I will take care of him later. *evil grin/contemplating revenge*
to whomever reads this sucker, if you get drafted into the army with james, pray........ pray that you arent by his side. d;o)
Well if I am having a bad shooting day you dont want to be by my side. Sorry Rory, we cant all be as good as your camper techniques in CS.
you write way too much man...way to much Wednesday, November 07, 2001
Beautiful Metallica posters.....*wipes away a tear of happiness*. Heh, I dont think I am going to be buying much stuff for the next couple weeks, I spent my personal allowance already buying the two beautiful Metallica posters. One is a blacklight one, excellent. The other is my favorite metallica CD.....Master of even has Cliff on it (for all the non-Metallica people out there he was the first Metallica bassist until he died in a bus accident.) If you will excuse me I am going to go look some more at the metallica posters....then head of to discussion.
Well today was a pretty kick back day. I took another mid-term today, eh.....I am feeling indifferent about it...that can be a good thing and a bad thing. After class I went out to lunch with Elaine and Marcus, it was supposed to include Steph, but bad planning on my part (sorry steph) kinda dropped her outta the picture...heh...I kinda wished I had a cell phone then. I filled out a form for CALPIRG and some survey. I got a sticker from CALPIRG and a free t-shirt for the survey. When I went to Carls Jr. the guy taking my order pissed me off. It was one of those moments when I was thinking I dont like this guy. It was just his demeanor, the way he looked, the way he talked....the fact that we were breathing the same air that pissed me off about him. I wanted to reach over the counter and slap him. He thought he was so efficient.....he forgot to give me my soda....damn he is an idiot. Then when I asked for it he kinda gave me a look then walked over to it and handed it to me....without a professional know the ones you get when a waiter or something makes a mistake with your meal. What a jackass. After that Marcus and I went home and played some CS. Marcus is really into that game....I am, but not half as bad as he is. I did some laundry, and some homework *nasty*. I thought about getting a haircut, but well I am lazy. I am definitely going to get one before I go over to Marcus' house for Thanksgiving. NO SCHOOL MONDAY......SWEET! I had to get that out...boy am I sleepy...I think I will go to bed soon. Tuesday, November 06, 2001
I just got my essay back for enviornmental science.....DAMMIT....I did the greatest sin in writing.....I put a YOU in the essay. DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN.....I do not tolerate such a stupid mistake......DAMMIT. I was taught better than that....PIECE OF CRAP....ugh FRUSTRATION. Monday, November 05, 2001
I woke up too freaken early today. Marcus' alarm clock woke me from my slumber at about 7 in the morn (it does not usually wake me). When he finally woke up (about 7:30, he enjoys hitting the snooze button....repeatedly) and went to the bathroom I dozed off again till about 9. I woke up cuz it was sooo freaken hot in our room. I had the AC on, but it was at 73 degrees, we usually have it at 70/71, but since steph had to sleep on the comfy chairs in the living room w/ no blanket (we dont have any, well until i get my free gift from sports illustrated). I dont want to freeze her so I turn up the temp on the AC, but marcus left his comp. running which heated up the room. Man was I baking, even with the covers off. I was going to turn the AC down to 70 then toss my blanket on steph since i was not using it, but she was awake also. We decided to go get some was pretty good. I had some eggs, tater tots (they were very good), and bacon....along with my intake of Dr. Slice and chocolate milk (coincidently that is what I always have to drink at the DC, with variance between Pibb and Slice.) We came back to the room and she typed up a blog...after we saw dancing bush. It was quite funny. Oh well, better get going on my homework *shiver goes down spine*.
Well today (yesterday) steph and I woke up at a more reasonable time, around noon. After lounging around for about and hour/hour and a half we decided to make our trip to KFC. The 1.7 miles did not seem that far on the way there. The only part that was a pain in the ass was biking over a freeway overpass, it was all uphill. Steph and I regreted our trip back becuse we would be full, and still have to bike back over the hill. When we got to KFC there was a girl that works there teaching a some new guy how to operate the cash register. The only reason I mention this is because we were underchaged.....way undercharged. If I calculated correctly we got something like 60% off. We had a lot of food left over, heh damn stomachs tricking us into thinking we were more hungry than we acutally were; oh well. We got back to my place at about 4 and sat around for a while, we needed, well at least I needed, a breather. That bike ride killed me and my ass on the way back. For some reason the bike ride back from KFC hurt my ass more than a normal bike ride. At about five Steph, Marcus, and I walked downtown, we were kinda wandering around. We did not buy anything, we did look at magazines. At the very end of our excursion we stopped by at Blockbuster, I picked up The Generals Daughter, all three of us had not seen it yet so it seemed like an excellent choice. (Anything has to be better than natural born killers, that movie was STANKY!) We all walked back, but as soon as we sat down Steph and I decided to do a little shopping at the area market. We were going to pick up some more frozen pizza's that they had on sale, but they were all out (dag nabbit). We were wandering the store and Steph came accross some cake mix that was on sale, so she bought some along with some 99 cent baking trays (well actually they were 33 cents each, but they came in a three pack) and eggs (they were buy one get one free, we have 36 eggs now). Since there are so many eggs now we will be forced to have our breakfast soon. When we got back Steph dove right into making the cake, she decided to cut the batch into three since we do not really have any big mixing bowls and since she bought 3 trays. This experiment did not turn out too well, I will let her explain it because I am getting sleepy. After that we finished off our chicken and tato wedges, with some help from Marcus. After that I played some Counter Strike, Marcus and I versus a couple guys accross the hall....we whooped them seriously we won.....I am not kidding, we did.....fine, fine think whatever you want, i know the truth. While I was blasting away Steph watched her favorite movie Do the Right Thing for her class. She rented that movie twice since she liked it so much (j/k steph...plz dont hit me). But she got it over with. Oh yeah somewhere in between when we got back from the movie and Counter Strike the Yankees lost the world series. Yaaaaaaaay!! I loved every moment of it, I dont like either team, but I hate the Yankees. One of the guys that lives accross the hall is a big Yankee fan, he was always braggin how the Yankees were going to take the world series like nothing....heh, marcus and I rubbed it in his face so badly. Rivera (pitcher for Yankees) is unhittable, thats a good one, he sucks. He lost the world series for the Yanks, what a looooooooser. Oh well, me sleepy, and I need to get up early (eleven) to get to class tomorrow. Wow, this college life is really hard work with this getting up early stuff. Sunday, November 04, 2001
Well at about ten o'clock this morn (well technically it was yesterday morn) steph and I woke up with plans to go to the farmers market and then go see the raptors. She called Jenn, but she was sleepy so we decided to go to see the raptors another day since they both close at the same time. Well, ten thirty came we had not moved....eleven....eleven became painfully obvious that we were not going to make it to the famers we decided to go do some shopping...well it was glove/mitten shopping for steph, but since i had nothing better to do I tagged along. She found some gloves that reminded her of a bear. *shrug* They were too since the market was right next to where we were we decided to go browsing for our "continental breakfast". We were seeing how much it would cost us, since we cant seem to make it to the one in the DC. (Missed it by five minutes, piss me off, oh well) After that we went over to rite aid...steph found a pair of gloves there for 6 dollars, she also bought one of those Starbucks coffee's. When we got back steph finished off her coffee and went back to her dorm to take a shower. When she left I took a little power nap...well actually I fell asleep in front of my comp. When she got back we waited for Jenn and her roommate. Tamo tagged along also, since he was looking for a place to eat. We all cruised down to Hunan for some good chinese food. Beef fried rice and pan fried chow mein.....mmmmm. Steph and I split ours so we can get the best of both worlds. When the bill came there was a big hassle with how much everyone owed. I think I got ripped a couple bucks, but oh well, I was just glad to pay the damn bill. It was funny...Tamo and I just threw in 10 bucks each even though we did not owe that much....while the girls on the other hand had to figure out how much they owed. I just thought it was funny. We came back...steph tried to do some picture work on my comp....but it kinda did not work as mentioned in her blog. After and during that I had to play some smash bros. since some peeps were doing a little trash talking....after I whooped them up and shut them up all was well. And now I am here typing this blog....well i guess that brings you to the current so I will bid thee farewell. Oh yeah steph is cleaning up around here, I kinda feel bad about it....I helped with the dishes. She actually brings some order to this place.....THANKS STEPH Friday, November 02, 2001
Today I overheard someone saying "...if you steal it from me, I will just have to steal it back." How is it possible to steal something back. Just because they steal something from you does not make it theirs, so that means it is still yours. Because of this you can only take it back, not steal it back. heh, i dont know why I was thinking this...guess I was bored.
"knifes"? That is how the people in the DC spell it. Just becuase we are in college now, does not mean the people that work here are. Hmm...lets see.....what did I do today. Well last night steph and I were talking and we were reminded of the KFC coupons we saw in the paper the other day. After some contemplation, we decided to find the closest KFC. It is about 2 miles away (1.7 to be exact). We were going to ride there today on our bikes, but plans sorta got complicated so we just decided to postpone the trip to Sunday when we have more time if we happened to get side tracked. So instead I went over to her DC for lunch....she brought Jenn and we all had lunch. Her DC did not have any trays (yet another reason why I think our DC is better j/k). We were looking to get some ice cream, cookies and cream, (mmmmm.....cookies and cream) but then some of the workers there drained out all of the icecream, then poured some water as well as some apple juice like substance into the machine. We were horrified....we wanted icecream. Oh well. After that I went over to stephs place....we talked for a while then we got hungry again. So we thought about making our own pizza, not from scratch or anything....just get some Boboli crust and some cheese and stuff like that. But when we got to the market, we found that it would turn out to be quite pricy. So we just bought some premade pizza's. Tony's piazza to be exact. 3 for $6. In fact they are in the oven as I type. Heh, pizza is done gotta go. Thursday, November 01, 2001
Well I just made it back from the "Fuel" concert. The reason why I put Fuel in quotations is because it was not really thier concert. They sucked the big one. The only thing that saved the concert was the two opening bands, Saliva and Breaking Point. They are actual hard rock bands that play hard rock, not some little prissy rock band that tries to make thier music heavier than it really is. The lead singer for fuel kept on trying to get a mosh pit going, but you cant mosh to Fuel, but he tried his hardest. The other two bands had "moshable" music. Heh, when the crowd was chanting Fuel to get them to do the encore (I was not chanting, I wanted to go home) the idiots in the crowd made the word fuel into two syllables. They were saying Few-uel, at least I thought it was funny. The concert was brought to you by nescafe, so the coffee was free flowing at the concert. I had a few (4) cups. So needless to say I am awake right now. I bought Breaking Points cd, they really impressed me. All in all the concert was ok, it would have been better closed by a band like Disturbed or something like that. Any band that was an actual hard rock band would have been better. Then there was some peeps that were freaken annoying....but I wont really ramble about that, I can tell you about it if you ask, but it is too much to type and I know I would ramble. |