The Life Of Me: |
Wednesday, October 31, 2001
Tamo just tried to burn the place down. His bowl of noodles that he put into the mircowave burst into flames. Luckily Chris saw it. After quickly deciding what to do; we unplugged the microwave and took it outside onto the patio where Tamo and Chris opened it up unleashing the smoke that was contained within. Needless to say the noodles were toast, it was quite interesting. When I looked over at the microwave all I saw was orange inside. The flames were huge, but luckily the flames and smoke were contained within the mircowave or else there would have been major problems. Oh well I better get back to reading. Tuesday, October 30, 2001
Free rootbeer floats in the our Commons, mmmm....they were good. I went to lunch with Steph, Elanie, and Hiro, today. It was the weekly lunch, everytime on tuesday. Marcus could not make it this time, he had to do some stuff for track. It was raining when I got up this morning, but luckily it stopped before I went over to go to lunch. Right now Tamo is having fun with his computer, apparently it is not all. So even Chris' computer is better than Tamo's cuz at least Chris' computer runs. I got my hands on a copy of counter strike, maybe I will get into it, but I dont think so. I am watching the Laker game right now, they are up by 10...excellent. Oh well, I better get back to reading...heh yeah right. I will probably put it off for another hour/hour and a half. Man am I a college student or what.
It finally rained, I am happy now. I think that when I am ruler of the world that weather men who make a wrong predictions will be sent to the prison country of Madagascar. Monday, October 29, 2001
Tamo just came home and said his math class is too easy. He then went as far as to say that math is fun, and he likes it. I was horrified, so what I did was profess my hatred for math by going out on to the patio and yelling "HEY EVERYONE, MATH SUCKS!". Because I have such a loud voice which was amplified by the surrounding buildings, it was quite loud. I dont know why I am typing a blog for this, maybe it is becasue I am bored, but that is a different story.
Well today was the average monday, boring as hell. I woke up at about ten, took a shower, then went to class. The stupid class was full cuz i think that people are starting to scout for next quarter. That means I have to leave a little bit earlier than usual if I want to get a seat. After class I went over to Dutton Hall to pay for my housing since there was some sort of screw up with the bank and UC Davis. The I finished up on my math homework, ugh I hate math. I forced myself to go to math class, but it ended a few minutes early when about 80 percent of the class started packing up and leaving (I was part of the 80 percent). I guess I was not the only one that wanted to get outta there before it started to rain. I almost felt sorry for the teacher, but then I remembered that I hate that bitch. Now I am sitting here waiting for the rain which still has not come; I guess that can be a good thing, but when I hear rain today I WANT RAIN DAMMIT!!! Sunday, October 28, 2001
Well back at my place, and it is time to go to the intercontinental breakfast, but we cant cuz one of us is asleep. And i know it is not me. When we got back into my apartment we talked for about 5 minutes, while I was checking on my downloads. However, when I was not looking Steph sat down on the couch and laid down......uh oh, big mistake, now she is asleep and we cant make it to the breakfast. I would wake her up, but that sucks, I would not want to be woken up. I am kinda glad, becasue I did not want to fall asleep while eating breakfast, cuz i am freaken tired. In fact I am falling asleep while I am typing this blog. Me go sleepy now, forget breakfast, it is all about lunch or dinner now.
Hey look at me I am finally over at Steph's place instead of her being over at mine. We are planning on staying up to go get breakfast over at the DC. Only 45 more minutes. hehe. However because of that stupid daylight savings thing we are actually staying up a hour more than we are used to. Right now it is 6:30, but our bodies are saying 7:30. So technically we are going to beat "pirate" Chis, since he stayed up till 8:30.....ah nevermind. This is just aimless babble, that is going nowhere fast. That brisk morning walk did wake me up however, so I think I should be good for a couple more hours. We were at my place when suddenly Steph says, you want to go to my place, I want to change, cuz she felt "icky" (i think she said that in her blog.) Stupid ergonomic keyboard with its key arrangement. Oh well, it is almost time to go back to my place for some breakfast.....excellent. Oh yeah, I am finally catching up to Chris and his downloads. I think I downloaded about 100 songs today (or was it yesterday). I am up to 230 now. That is a butt load of songs. Dont worry dad, they dont take up that much room on the computer. In fact Tamo has over 90 hours of music on his computer. That is more than a butt load thats a.....well I dont know exactly what it is, but it is an enourmous amount. Hahaha, steph is trying to set her clock, it is quite funny. She had to go all the way around to get to the time that she wanted. Ok, now for sure it is time to go....I think....yeah it is time.
Well I have really nothing to report today, Steph, basically said it all; along with other stuff in her blog. I would have to say I agree with her. Being here for so long this has grown to be home... as it should be, and I imagine I will miss it at the end of the year. But on to lighter things....beating chris in downloading. It is unfortunate that Chris has reached the capacity on his computer, and yet i still proceed. Muhahahaha. Saturday, October 27, 2001
Well about 12 hrs have passed since I had to take that stupid math test. Ugh.....dont even get me started again. After some Hunan and a few movies I am a bit better. Steph and I went out and after Hunan we went to Blockbuster to get memberships for ourselves. It was a triuphant moment in my life, for some strange reason. I am not feeling the least bit tired now, I had too many hours of sleep. I wanted to rest up for my tests, but now I have a buncha extra sleep and energy, I usually get about 4-7 hrs of sleep a day, yesterday I got about 14 hrs of sleep. Oh well, i guess the downloads on my comp will increase. Steph has to watch a movie for one of her classes, her TA assigns the stupidest movies; which was a key reason in getting the membership. We watched a couple non required movies today, Natural Born Killers and Vertigo. Both were pretty sucktacular movies. I hope my Windows XP gets here soon, I am looking forward to having it. Back to downloading.... Friday, October 26, 2001
Damn bastard calculus teacher, cant talk, cant teach, cant give instructions for his own damn test. That bastard told us that we only had 7 problems on our damn mid-term, it turns out that what he meant, i guess, was that there was seven sections with five problems each. Then that idiot.....ugh. I am too pissed to write right now. DAMN HIM.
Just finished taking my Geology final, it was not too bad, I could have been more prepared, but then again when are you fully prepared for a test. There is always that one question that you have no clue about. And this test was not out of the ordinary. I was sitting there and like.....hey I dont remember him talking about this, or reading about it for that matter. Oh well, cant win them all.
Well today, after staying up to the wee morning hours with Steph, I went to a concert with Elaine. It was some russian guy's. One was playing the violin and the other was the piano. (heh, he was a pianist). The music was great, I actually like that kinda music for some odd reason. I felt kinda outta place because I was wearing my Slipknot T-shirt, which is kinda on the other end of the spectrum of music. But after an hour of that Elaine and I parted (she said she had to do laundry), and I came back to my place where I tried to study for my mid term later today, but only found myself falling asleep. So rather than fight the sandman, I gave in. I took a shower and headed off to bed, this was at about 3 in the afternoon. When I awoke at about 7 I began to actually study *shutter* and read (I cant believe it). I took some breaks so I would not go insane. Breaks consisted of watching the DBZ episode of the day, and some less educational reading like EGM, Nintendo Power, and Sports Illustrated. So what I have gathered from today is that I know 95% of my geology, the Lakers rule, and Nintendo has some sweet graphics on the Gamecube. (Thanks DAD for sending up the cd-rom). Oh well, I am probably going to be heading off to bed, I need my rest for that stupid midterm. Thursday, October 25, 2001
*shrug* don't mention it. are you startin to wonder what you'd get if you were the one millionth visitor? heh heh heh.. besides, it's nothin compared to what you (and your parents!!) have done for me.. *inaudible murmuring while rubbing cheek against watchamacallit* (and yes james, while it's still wrapped.)
Me go nappy now, hehe Wednesday, October 24, 2001
DC food so good, cant move, too stuffed.
Well now that I have a little free time I get to type on my blog. Lets see, what did i do yesterday.....I had lunch with Elaine, Steph and Marcus. We could not find any seats in the silo (damn those single peeps who take a whole table). We had to sit outside in the wind, and believe me it is gusty up here. After that Marcus and I attempted to work on our essays that are due today....heh. That did not happen. I decided to take a nap at about 2 in the afternoon, only to find that i could only sleep in 5 minute intervals. I knew I had to get up at about 3 cuz steph was coming over so we could go to the bookstore and use our 25% off coupons. I purchased this nice navy blue one and a couple scantrons for about 30 bucks. After that we came back to my place and watched the SNL skits, mentioned in stephs blog. They are sooo funny. I dont really remember what we did after that. We went to the DC with Lisa and Leslie, I dont know how I always get outnumbered by girls, we ate; then there is another void where I cant remember what I was doing, it was probably trying to work on my essay. But at around 2 in the morning, knowing that we had to get rid of the eggs in our fridge, Steph decides to make scrambled eggs. Chis made some eggs too, trying to kill everyone in the kitchen in the process with splattering oil. The pop that erupted from his pan was huge, the biggest I have seen, it got all over our cabinets and his arm cuz he was holding the pot for some reason. Oh yeah, some where in between the DC and eggs Marcus and I were messing around and my arm got slammed in the door of our room. It was not a sissy slam either, Marcus hit the door with all his might, luckily my foot was in the door, so my arm did not break. That would have been a good one. I think the bone is bruised, cuz it still hurts like hell when peeps bump into it or when i try and pick up something heavy with my right arm. Oh well, his left arm got jacked up also from when he tried to donate blood. To make a long story short the nurse snagged the tube with the needle that was in his arm with her hand causing the needle to do a very sharp, painful 90 degree turn. So we both have gimpy arms now; his left, my right. Oh well, better get back to reading (what James reading) cuz I have a couple mid terms on Friday....ugh.
don't worry about it james; I had bear :]
So sleepy, finally done with reading/essay/studying. For now at least. Me go bed now. I feel kinda guilty sleeping in my bed while Steph is taking her "nap" on the couch. I am will expand upon this blog when I get up later today. Till then I bid you farewell.
Hi! Mrs. Chan thanks for visiting my site. Dont worry your daughter is no problem at all. None of my roommates have a problem with her either. Thanks again. Monday, October 22, 2001
Well i went over to Shields Library today, it was entertaining for about and hour, then I got bored outta my mind. Marcus has to stay there three hours a week for track, I feel sorry for him. I went with him to do some research for an essay that I have to do. I found some good stuff, but I still need to do more research before I can type a coherent essay on cloning and its effect on the gene pool (I made up that topic, so dont think it was assigned to me). We needed to find an environmental issue, and I think cloning and the thinning of the gene pool qualifies. We still need to do more disection on our car door, so it will be light enough to hang on the wall, but it is coming along well. I bought a zippo-esque lighter for 4 dollars at Rite Aid. Dont worry, I have not taken up smoking, I just enjoy the flame, I dunno if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but at least I am not smoking. Ugh, gotta get back to doing my reasearch, so i gotta go. I hope the internet will stay working, cuz it has been pissing me off lately.
that's a long one james >:]
FREUDIAN SLIP? no, purely intentional. I see, however I have nothing witty to say to that statement
Well my last blog got cut short cuz of technical difficulties. Then to top it off I could not even sign back on to finish it. Then to make things worse I have forgotten what I was going to type, with the exception that we are planning to hang the car door off of our wall. It should be sweet.
Well I could not get online last night so, this is why I am writing my blog right now. Yesterday was fun, and more or less contructive. Steph came by at about 12 and we tried looking for the address of any of the bike shops in the area. However I stumbled upon Breast Building in the phone book, so we decided to cut out all the Eye-Lary-us phrase we could find. Believe me there were a few. Martial Massage, rubber soap, and this advertisement that says LABOR NOW! to name a few. After that we headed off to Hunan, a chinese resturant. I had beef chow fun and steph had the beef fried rice, we spilt our plates so we could both partake in the full spectrum that is chinese food. It was good, and after letting the food digest we headed off to the bike place where we found our fenders (13.90, thanks mom and dad). We headed back and steph fell asleep on the couch at around....well i dont remember the time exactly, but when she did we (marcus, chris and I) thought it would be quite funny if when she woke up she was in the hallway out side our apartment. So we stealthfully lifted her and the couch off the ground, but she woke up about mid flight and the plan was foiled. Then being the spontaneous guys we are we decided to do a little rearranging in our living room, cuz Marcus' aunt is getting new furniture and she wants to get rid or her couch that has a pull out queen size bed. So we are making room for that beast. However now we need a longer s-video cord to hook the tv to my comp. So we went down to rite aid only to find that they close at 7 and it was 7:05. The whole trip was not a bust, however, as we found a car door on the way, and decided to take that back to our apartment. It is quite funny seeing that thing just sitting in the middle of our apartment. Sunday, October 21, 2001
My cousin Bryan complimented me on my adapting to the college life by staying up till, well, late (or was it early) last night (or was it the night before last). Eeegad I can never go to sleep when I want to. My IM is off, and I have bid farewell to Steph online so I can get some sleep, but yet I do not go. I stay here and type. Ok, I am ready for bed now. g'nite or is it g'morn.
Well today was a very unproductive day. I did not do anything that was remotely constructive. This was mainly due to the fact that I did not wake up till late in the afternoon. How late you ask? We will just say several hours past the 12 o'clock hour. I dont think I have ever slept in that much before. The only thing that we did today (yesterday now) was play video games. Thats right Steph even joined in the fiasco. Although we did not play Smash Brothers, she did help increase the scores in James Bond of other people. She did manage to get better as we played as she was able to get more kills. What really was frustrating was in Goldeneye she decided to use Oddjob, and for those who know Bond, they know that this SOB is freaken short. Steph would just walk around and blast people in the knee caps. But fun was had by all, including Tamo and his friend David. Yes that is right Tamo actually came out of his room, stopped playing Counter Strike, and played some good ol' Nintendo. It was unfortunate for the rest however, that his CS abilities came in handy in James Bond. I managed to win a couple, but only by one point, and with the help of lady luck.
Tomorrow (which is actually today) I am hoping to get my hands on some fenders for my bike, cuz it is supposed to rain here in about one week, supposedly. You can never be too sure with the weather, but I am going to need them anyway. Saturday, October 20, 2001
well once again i am staying up late, really late. there is no problem with that this time though cuz i dont have class the next day. we finished watching so many freaken movies. Wallace and Gromit in Close shave, Monty Python and the Holly Grail, Samurai X, and finally Boondock Saints. That is a lot of watching. All but Samurai X was downloaded off of the internet onto my comp. Dont forget about the game six points of global warming. that is a game that me and steph invented. eveything can be assciated with global warming with in six steps. You could probably even link Kevin Bacon to it. Steph is downloading a buncha other music stuffs onto my comp now. We have animal house now, yes. We went to the bon fire rally here today, it sucked the big one cuz all i could see was the fire that was going on, but i could not see what was going on, on the field. We have a good football team, well at least the school does, not our flag football team, which i mentioned in the previous blog. I think that is about it, now me go sleepy. Thursday, October 18, 2001
Well today was an okay kinda day. I did not really do anything. I just finished a whole box of mac and cheese, it was good, well at least to me. A couple of girls did not think of it as highly as I did however. We played our first game of IM football today. Boy did we suck, or was it that the other team was really good. It might have been a combination both. But in the end, it was their really big score to our really small score. I also did my laundry today. Yes, this is the best point of the week, cuz it is the longest point till when i have to do laundry again. I also burned a copy of a Green Day cd (Dookie), I have been meaning to buy it, but i have not gotten around to it, so I just borrowed Marcus' and made a "back up copy". Lets see, what else happened today, oh yeah, Steph came by to use my printer since hers is defective (well at least the cartrigde). She gave me a bag of popcorn as a payment, but she did not need to do that. I am now the electronics pimp since I let other peeps use my electronics for their own pleasure. Oh well, time to do some work, for a little while, a very little while. J/k mom and dad. I do my work, most of the time. haha, I crack myself up.
I just finished watching American History X, which i downloaded off of Morpheus, it is a high quality movie. Very powerful to say the least. If you have not seen it yet I highly suggest that you do so soon. I also picked up tickets to go to the FUEL concert. They are playing here, in Freeborn Hall (To mom and dad: it is where you went to go to that parent meeting thing), on the 31st of this month. I am not a huge fan of thier music, but it gives me something to do, and it is worth it since the place is not that big and the tickets for students are only $25. Marcus, Leslie, and I are going, if anyone else in UCD wants to tag along that is koo, just get your own ticket, hehe. Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Dont you just hate when you cut yourself while shaving, oooohhhhh the humanity.
haha I figured out how to tinker with the bold and italics >:] heh sorry, I'm hungry.
oh... I see... hey.. posted by on...? :( what's with the italics? kooky.
this font coloring thing is quite interesting
oh yeah! THANKS JAMES! heh heh :]
blog blog blog blog thunk thunk thunk thunk... (as if you were singin that infamous sports tune.. I'll sing it for you later maybe.) hmm.. I forgot what I was gonna type.. Tuesday, October 16, 2001
well after a small fiasco with steph and her blog, i managed to gain power and some what took over her blog. muahahahaha. *evil grin* however in the order of fairness i gave her access to my blog, so that means my powers are some what restricted. Oh well. you can expect me to make some posts on her blog, only cuz i need to use my powers, i mean since i have the power why not use it.
As you can tell by the statement below steph has already hit my blog, a link to her blog is in there. And in the name of laziness i am not going to make a link in this blog since she put one in the previous blog. Monday, October 15, 2001
well i am feeling really drained from the past few days, especially yesterday (or was it today). I only got about 4 hrs of sleep, so i am heading off to bed right after this blog. Last night/ this morning was really fun, steph and i had a lot of laughs then fell asleep on the couch and the chair (i had the chair, which is quite comfortable i might add.) we were awaken to the bombastic speech of one of tamo's friends, it was kinda irritating, cuz i could hear him even when he was outside of our door and in the other room with the door closed. When we awoke we just sat there for about an hour then classes were to be attended. After that steph came back over with Jenn, after deciding where to eat Jenn left cuz she was not hungry. We went to terriayki express again, it was good, and just as express as last time. And that was about my day. I did not do anything constructive unless you count the homework and reading that I did. Oh well, sleepy time now.
after nine hours and 45 min the movie is finally done. no the movie is not that long, although it may seem that way.
well i am still awke after all this time. steph just finished wtih her blog, which was incoherent, and i plan to make mine worse since i am sitting 6 feet from my monitor. So basically i cannot see what i am typing, i just hope for the best. You know what? this is the fourth day in a row that i have stayed up this late. *Beep**Beep* goes my watch indicating that the time is now 5.Stupid advertisemnts just popping up otta no where. Uh oh i am thinking of what to write, but if i do then this wont me incoherent babble so i cant stop typing now. Damnation, stupid advertisemnts. this couch is much more betterer than my hard seat that i have to sit next to the computer. pibb, i can really go for one of those right now. need caffince. I am not going to edit this blog so all misspelllings will remain for comedic purposses. Hey, you know what the pirate movie was rated.......RRRRRR. hahaha. that is what the a drunk guy told me a couple weeks ago. stupid advertisements poppiing up again. q i have thrown in a a what, maybe. huh jigga wha i got mail heehe yes incoherent babble for me who he. the lights on mty bike work fine the red blinking light is just a seizure waiting to happen. Boy is this movie boring some guy with face melting breaking stuff while fightsing. this guy is going crazy he ... damn advertisements.what the hell is that guy doing. put that down. dont take that off. watch your head. you know hwat i want..... a zippo lighter. i was looking online and found some coo looking ones with a bloody bull skull and a skull head, i have not decided whcih one i am oging to get, but if it was up to steph it would be the bull one. itch on hand, must scratch....aaahhhhhh. that is the stuff. the tv is looking clearerly now ...ah suffix addition email just gotten yes. is fun. gmamar bad hurt brain. what who go now. no buffet here, we dry clean now. i do your jacket be done friday, you cause trouble. hahaha that is the funniest cd i have ever heard. weeeee down the slide into the dragon mouth spinning shut up woman. I finally played some warcraft with steven, i beat him. hehe bon of a sitch ii cant move, too lazy. my hat stinks i need to warsh it soon, it is offending my delicate nasil passages. even when i am wearing it. mand this is a long blog, i think it is longest blog i have done, adn the most incoherent with the most errors grammatcially and spelling. oh well. that one that i talk about nature was pretty weird i thought since i asked a question and answered it at the same time. hey look there is my blog on tv....hellow little blog. well it is not little any more this is quite the heavy weight of blog. i better publish this thing just in case my comp decides to putll a fast one on me. okay ity is published so now i dont have to worry bout my compu scrwing me up. ywan. steph seconds that notion. man this tv is blurd all the words look the same, now you did it i cant see anyting. heyb in coherent babbel is good much more gooder than writing much more seseabliy onomonopia which rhymes with cha cha cha chia. blalb blah blah. hey mom i hope you are having fun reading this or to anyone else that is readin this. eh what ever. here is the rubber band that i tried to shoot marcus with. it is now around my havnd making it incredilbly hard to typr. me stope what did i just type i forgot. oh well, me stop typing now i dont watn to make myself look more the fuool, cuz i pity the foo that does not phone home. Sunday, October 14, 2001
Well after a while of thinking, i could not find anything to wtite since i did not do anything all day. However, steph, brought up a good point, saying that i finally hooked up the lights to my bike. I also did some homewerk. I spent eight hours on my math (well actually it was more like half an hour if you add up the time i actually worked on it.) Steph is still over right now working on her movie thing that she has to do. (it is a freaken lot of work for her, she has to write down every time the camera angles switch) She is actually talking right now, and i dont blame her cuz the work that she is doing is really tedious. i dont feel like typing anymore sooooo i wont. cya
It appears as if i am getting one day behind on my blogs. Oh well, whatcha gonna do. Yesterday was fun, steph and elaine came over, I tried to hook up elaines fenders, but her damn parts were metric and i only had that adjustable wrench and my U.S. wrenches. So i woke Chris up (mind you that this was at about 2:30) and he said he would do it no prob. So Chris and I hooked up the fenders, he put on the back one, I put on the front. After that or actually partially during that time a few peeps (including steph) were upstairs watching History of the World, another high quality movie. As a thank you, elaine baked us cookies in our kitchen. (thanks elaine) They were great, and she made them all from memory which was even more impressive. She said that when she felt like baking she would come over here and bake, and none of the guys had a prob with that as long as she made enough for us to have some too (hehe). We also watched office space yesterday. It was pretty funny, but i dont think it was as funny as some people made it out to be.
On a totally separate note, do you know how hard it is to ride your bike against the wind. Man is it tiring. A couple days ago it was freaken windy (if you are from nothern california replace "freaken" with "hella", i think it will make more sense to you). I believe it was 30 mph with gusts up to 35-40. I had to go against that all the way home, my legs were tired to say the least. Saturday, October 13, 2001
I forgot to post in my blog yesterday (or before i went to bed) so i will do it now. Yesterday was an okay day, with geology and math (math stinks, sry just had to get that out). After math I came home to find out that Steph could not get her movie that we were planning on watching for her class, so she is unfortunate enough to have to come back again later. She came over anyway to eat at my DC with Jenn. I actually stayed up till 5:30 this morning. I was pretty tired, but luckily I had that real good deep sleep, and i am now feeling extra awake, well till later at least. Oh well, i gotta go, do something.....that is educational....maybe. Friday, October 12, 2001
you know what, this blog session is going totally crazy.
Dang my slow internet connection, my last blog did not publish, looks like i am going to have to retype the whole bloomin thing. Thursday, October 11, 2001
Today was a good day, since i only had to deal with one class....hehe. I also got to talk to Steph about skoo and stuff, it was interesting to say the least. She, Marcus, and I went out to lucnh at this mexican resturant, it was good, but i forgot to get meat in my works burrito (drats), it was still good, but it could have been much better. After that we went to Radio Shack and bought some stuff to hook my computer up to my tv and to my stereo. It is sweet.. I know have the floors biggest monitor, 27 inches. Yeah I know it is not clear, but still, it is 27 inches. In fact i am typing this blog while looking at my television, and at the same time listening to my stero play music i have downloaded online. Also there has been some sort of weird side effect to hooking up the stereo, the tv, the vcr, the nintendo, and computer together. I now get sound out of all 6 speakers at once. It is kinda weird hearing nintendo come out of the computer, but oh well.
On a separte note the last blog that i did was kinda a stream of thoughts pouring from my brain. If you can understand what i am trying to say, more power to you, if you cant dont worry, you are probably not the only one.
A very interesting point was brought up today in my environmental sciences class. The question that ran though my head over and over was "why are things that humans build considered unnatural?". I could not find the answer to this question in my head. I thought about it for several hours, and it was not just any thinking it was deep thinking. I could not justify a single answer in my head. I mean if a pack of monkeys built a city that would be considered natural; so why not things that humans build. Why is the rain forest natural, while cities like Los Angeles, New York, and such considered to be unnatural. This is a giant circle in my head. I now feel inside that structures that are built by any organism should be considered natural. From the termite mound made of dirt to the giant buildings made of steel and concrete. All is natural, just some more complex than others. I am at comfort with this answer, and can now lay this question in my mind to rest......for now.
Well today was a pretty good day despite having a couple classes and discussion. We watched Spaceballs today; wednesday is going to be our weekly movie day. After that we played some nintendo 64. Then we all dispersed. Other than that the day was kinda boring, I did some homework, then I read some, then I took a nap. Oh well, I gotta go to bed, morning class tomorrow. g'nite Monday, October 08, 2001
Boring day, I hate, mondays, snore. I feel sleepy, I am going to bed. g'nite Sunday, October 07, 2001
Today was an interesting day. I woke up at about 12:30 which i found weird since elaine was supposed to wake me up at 11, but that does not matter, I like sleep anyway. She said that she miscalculated her time, (who doesn't). Anyway she came over with Steph to pick up her paper. We went to Rite Aid cuz Elaine needed some envelopes. However her and Steph got into browsing for cards, so I got a chance to wander around. I was looking for some Mr. Pibb at a half way decent price, since things are so expensive up here, but I could not find any. As I was walking back to the isle where Steph and Elaine were still looking at cards I found the most recent Billboard mag which has Slipknot on the cover. I opened it up to see how many stars thier most recent album got, I was surprised to find that it got 4 stars (out of 5). I knew it was a good album, but I did not think that the magazines would agree. Well anyways I put the mag back after reading the review and walked down the mini electronics aisle (mind you steph and elaine are still looking at the cards). I saw this mini black and white tv (five inch) for sale. It was 35 bucks, so I began reminising about my old black and white tv that I had when I was a little congofeet and decided to purchase it. I could not pass it up, 35 bucks common, would you? I did not think so. Well I got to go prepare for class tomorrow, ugh. Oh well, I guess I am here to learn too.
well today was a great day. It was not boring at all, well some of it was. But this morning I was awaken by a phone call at 12 in the afternoon, well to be precise it was 11:59, one minute before my alarm went off. But anyway it was a call from Steph to see if I wanted to go out to lunch with the schurr high peep, well most of them. We went to this resturant....I dont even remember what kinda food it was, it was interesting and the food okay. Steph, Elaine, and Jen came back to my place and we watched dumb and dumber (which coincidently I am watching right now.) Anyways it was fun. We rearranged the living room so that I can hook up the stereo to the tv and the nintendo. The sound in here is sweet now. I am going to watch Starship Troopers soon so I can test the full potential of the new setup. Elaine forgot her paper that she bought from the bookstore at my place so she is going to be forced to come back here. Oh well, back to dumb and dumber. Saturday, October 06, 2001
Nothing really happened today.... in fact today was a boring day. I played some pool , went to class, and that is about it. Today was a plain, boring day. Well, technically it was yesterday, but since i am still up to me it is today. I think tomorrow, or is it later today, will be better because i am supposed to be doing something more entertaining, but then again, anything is more entertaining than doing nothing. Thursday, October 04, 2001
Yeah, my Sports Illustrated came to the right place. Just when I thought this day could not get any better (*wipes away a tear of joy*)
Today was a high point in my week. I am sure it can get better, but as of this moment in time, this is the best day of the week. I am sure you are wondering "Why is this such a great day for James"; and I respond. I passed that stupid placement test for my math class. Not only did i pass it, i blew it outta the water. I am open to take any math class that this school gives (well except the 21AH which is an honors class, but I can take 21A however that is just crazy.) Ugh, so happy... i wish i could celebrate some how...maybe i will make a chocolate shake... that sounds good. But i have right now i have to go restock our Mr. Pibb, we only have 20 cans left. So i will be forced to go out and make that purchase. mmmmmm.... Mr Pibb. Tuesday, October 02, 2001
Today set a record for being the crapiest day of the of my college life so far. It is kind of a long story so I wont really explain what went on. But just know it does revolve around school and my damn classes that I was taking and the classes that I still am taking. I cant really explain it in words... it needs to be explained over the phone or in person. There was no bright points to the day today, it was all sucky and I hope I never experience a day like this again. Monday, October 01, 2001
Today was soooooooooooooooooo boring. I have never been this bored of school in a while. However I am very glad that I do not have to put up with several hours of class as in high school. None of my classes really appealed to me today. My biology class was boring, but that can be overlooked since it was the first day of that class. My chemistry just repeated a buncha stuff that I still remember from when I took it in 10th grade (or maybe it was becasue I actually read the chapter I was supposed to read....what the hell was I thinking.) My math class, with the teacher I cant really understand was horrible. Not only was I bored I was also sleepy cuz I did not sleep well the night before. He was gabbing about stuff I already knew.....go figure me know math; thats unpossible. Not only was I dosing off, but I was also scribbling in my note book becasue I was dosing off. You know, when you are writing and you fall asleep and you pen shoots accross the know...dont give me that "you are crazy look". Anyway... tomorrow should be better. I only have one 50 min. class in the morning; so that gives me the whole day to screw around and look for that stupid mud flap thingy that goes on my bike. Now that I know where the bike barn is.
The highlight of the day was when I got to eat lunch with Elaine and my roommate Marcus. It was a nice break from the harsh reality of skoo. We ate at Carls Jr. which has highly inflated prices....they are a freaken monopoly. They are cornering the market; but since I am a student I get a 10% discount....yes! James 1 everyone else 0 (I know other students get the same discounts....but that is not the point). Oh well I gotta get going to bed. I hafta wake up at 7am. |