Yesterday I got a graduation card from my third grade teacher from Bella Vista. She said she was at the graduation (her husband was the announcer) and she saw me graduate; wow it thought to myself, she actually remembered me.
On a totally separate note yesterday and continuing into today was quite boring. I have to fill out all of those thank you cards and get them sent out. I also have to do a bunch of stuff for Davis, I have to check out the classes and register for them, did you know it takes two days for them to register just your name, password, and stuff like that just so you can register for your classes. Oh well, I gotta go, do some other stuff now; Take it easy, and if it is easy, take it twice. posted by Congofeet at 3:38 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2001
I had my graduation party today, and it was pretty cool (sorry to my friends, but it was a family occasion). I finally got to talk to my cousins in person, which I have not done in a while. There was a butt load of pictures, hugs, and hand shakes; but that was fine. I got some graduation money, but all of that is going to my UCD fund to buy crap, like my new computer.
Yesterday was fun as I did nothing but kick back the whole day. The neighbors actually congregated and we talked for a while. In the end about half of all the family members ended up in the pool for a late night swim (I was not one of them, but my brothers were). We ended up staying out, talking by the pool until about 11:30 PM, it was a blast. I was shocked that the old people in the neighborhood did not call the cops on us. (Those bastard old people, take away my baseballs, but that is another story.) posted by Congofeet at 9:54 PM
Friday, June 22, 2001
I have not been home in a week, man does that suck. I had to go to those ethnic nights for Kim (my government teacher), they were pretty good. I kinda sucked though that they were so close to graduation.
I graduated from high school yesterday, it made me feel good when my english teacher announced James Alexander Krause, with highest honors. I also felt special when I got that Golden State Diploma, since only 22 people out of 600 got it.
I am looking foreward to summer some what. I am tired of hearing this "James is so lazy" BULL S**T. It is really beginning to piss me off. I keep on telling everyone that if I lived closer to school I would get a job, but it does not seem to penetrate the thick skulls of many, including my parents. I mean who does not enjoy some spending money. So I am going to get a job this summer, all in the name of college.
I am already looking foreward to college, so I can get out of my house and explore things on my own. The only problem is that my mom as well as my grandma's are not willing to admit that I have grown up. Oh well, maybe they will realize it when I am not there anymore. My brothers are also beginning to annoy me in an ever increasing increment that would drive most people to insanity by now.
Oh well, I am being bitched at in stereo now, (something I get to avoid in college, thank god) and I gotta go. posted by Congofeet at 10:03 PM
Friday, June 15, 2001
Today was a typical closing day of school, you do not do anything in class; so I was bored out of my mind. One thing about the end of school that I do not like is the signing of the yearbooks; I never know what to write, and then by the time I remember what I should have said it is too late because I have already written something stupid. I am still on the quest of having all the people I know sign thier mug shots, so if you know me and have not signed your mug, tell me.
On a totally separate note: THE LOS ANGELES LAKERS KICK MAJOR BUTT (and the 76ers suck, but we knew that all along) posted by Congofeet at 10:24 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2001
Dreaa didn't do shit today. That really pissed me off. She's always procrastinating people for not doing work, and then she doesn't do SHIT. I'm so pissed at that hypocrate. posted by Big Papa at 9:30 PM
I went to the Dodger game yesterday, and it was very sweet. Mike invited me sixth period to go with him, Kyle, his sister, and his cousin. I was cool because we sat right next to the right field foul pole and were able to insult Ruben Sierra and all of the Ranger relief pitchers coming out of the bullpen. It was especially fun since the Dodgers won, which usually does not happen when I go to a game.
Today was yet another boring day that sucked the big chorizo. We are not doing anything in any class anymore, not that I would do work if it presented itself. However, on the upside I got to argue my court case (Texas v. Johnson). Miguel and I had argumentive ownage, in fact we were the only two people that really talked (Dreaa did not say shit). I believe we were able to answer all of the justices questions without delay, we even were able to get the justices quiet for a minute or so; it is usually the justices that do that. Miguel and I established the clear and present danger doctrine, and then Betsy (the opposing side) proceeded to agree with it in her argument, which proves the flag burning law constitutional. I love to argue, especially a good argument with educated people. I hope we win, this one is for the United States flag on its day, flag day. posted by Congofeet at 8:16 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
Although I did not get to tear into the people that much during the trial today I still had fun. It was great knowing that the other people had to shut the hell up when you asked a question. I was shocked because Karin actually took, or tried to take, control of the court room. The stupid Kim tried to get in on it by speaking on the behalf of Vincent (Wade) and he tried to get us to prosecute Roe harder. I know what side he is on, it is unfortunate that his attempts to sway the court are going to fall on deaf ears because Roe already has 4 out of 7 of the votes.
On a separate note I got my yearbook finally, or as old people call it, the annual. I am hoping to get all the peeps I know to sign it since it is my last year. posted by Congofeet at 11:25 PM
Monday, June 11, 2001
I can't wait until tomorrow, I get to tear into people during the court case since I am a Justice. Justice Krause, now that has a nice ring to it. I have already prepared some of my questions and statements and hope that Karin will allow Miguel and I to tear into the people. The only downside to being a justice is that I have to dress up, which sucks, but you win some you lose some. posted by Congofeet at 10:39 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD posted by Congofeet at 10:35 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2001
Today was a boring day, that seemed to pass by slowly. I had to go mow the freaken yard when it was 100 degrees outside so I could watch the Lakers game, it was worth it. The Lakers are going to win in five like I expected. Tomorrow is my dads birthday, then the next day is my mom and dads 19th wedding anniversary, damn that is a long time to stay together. I hope that I am able to go the distance when I get married some day. I dont want to end up like 50% of marriges today, which end in divorce.
Graduation is just around the corner and I am looking forward to it. I hope I make it in to NHS, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. However all of the exceptionally smart have already been admitted so my hopes remain high to get that bib. (I know it is a shawl, but I like to call it a bib.) posted by Congofeet at 8:24 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2001
Yes I like marching band music Mike, but only for the precussion. I love the sound of those big ass drums that shake the ground, they are sweet. posted by Congofeet at 8:33 PM
Today was a pretty good day. I went out shopping for a new computer to take with me to Davis. Although I am still a little bit tired from stupid Grad Nite which was not even worth going to. If I had another chance I would not go, I would probably just go out with friends. If you really want to see how bad Grad Night was just check my reviews section and hopefully you will get an impression of how craptacular it really was. posted by Congofeet at 8:32 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2001
James, you love marching band music? posted by Big Papa at 9:20 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2001
I did not come home yesterday becasue I went to go see my brother play his sax at Macy. The beginning strings sucked big time, most of the kids were not timed right and some were off key. The marching band sounded great, not as good as Schurr of course, but I love marching band music.
Today I did not do much of anything, it was quite boring. I managed to get my hands on a rubix cube, but I could not solve it. I could only get one side, stupid cube. I think I may have to go out and purchase one of those things, they are addictive in a frustrating way. Oh well I got to get going to bed, grad nite is tomorrow and I need my sleep so I wont pass out on the boat. LEIGHTER posted by Congofeet at 11:44 PM
Monday, June 04, 2001
I wrote a journal yesterday, but it appears as if it did not get published; oh well cant win them all. Since I dont feel like revisiting that horrible Sunday I will talk about the horrible Monday.
Due to some unfortunate circumstances on Sunday I was not able to find any of my tests or homework for Blankenhorns portfolio, perhaps they were accidently thrown away, who is to say, but anyways becasue of this I figured that today would be especially miserable. I proved myself to be correct. One thing that went unexpectedly bad was my physics homework, I was going to do it this morning, but to my horror I forgot to write down the assignment, STUPID MONDAYS. Why can't school end any sooner, this stupid senioritis is really setting in now and I can barely get myself to lift a pencil or pen to do homework. Damn what is going on with me, my laziness has increased by 100%, and that is reallllllllly lazy. I am glad this is a four day week, I dont know if I can survive a full one. I bid you, the reader, farewell, and always remember take it easy, and if it is easy take it twice. posted by Congofeet at 10:13 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2001
I cant find any of the tests for Blankenhorns portfolio and I have not done any of the homework for it. Oh well, it appears as if senioritis has set in full force now. I am going to see if he has any of my tests tomorrow. I will have to turn it in late. Oh well, at least I did the Brief for Kim. It was not that hard because i really hate flag burners. I also sent out all of those invitations for my graduation and filled out some of the papers for Davis. I am glad monday is a late start I will get to put in some extra sleep. I like sleep. I bid you farewell, until next time, and always remember take it easy and if it is easy take it twice. posted by Congofeet at 8:22 PM
Hey James, did you put that counter in all by youerself? Good job. posted by Big Papa at 8:17 AM
Saturday, June 02, 2001
What an exciting Saturday, I spent most of the day looking for past tests to put in my portfolio for Blankenhorn, but I cant find any of them. Ohhhh, I am so screwed. I am going to have to turn it in late, hopefully he does not dock off too many points. I also have to do that brief for Kim, oh well, it gives me something to do tomorrow along with mowing the yard, sending out invitations to my grad party, and filling out crud for Davis. posted by Congofeet at 11:17 PM
Friday, June 01, 2001
Today was just an average Friday; it was a boring as watching paint dry. I have a butt load of homework this weekend, stupid Blankenhorn with his stupid portfolios. Then I have to do the court brief for Kim, I know that is going to be a pain in the butt. On top of all this I have to send out all my invitations to my graduation and see about money for UC Davis. Then I will have to help out in the backyard with the sprinkler system since we are putting in more grass. What a weekend, I will be glad to get thought it without having to kill some one. posted by Congofeet at 11:48 PM